
131 lines
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// The base physics DLL interface
#pragma once
// Whether to use the VPhysics debug overlay (legacy compatible) or the fully featured IVDebugOverlay
// In Desolation, IVDebugOverlay has new members that allow us to draw IMesh objects, without this
// debugoverlay rendering is incredibly inefficient (and may run the materialsystem mempool out of memory)
#if !defined( GAME_DESOLATION ) || defined( BUILD_FOR_EXTERNAL_GAME )
class IVPhysicsDebugOverlay;
using IVJoltDebugOverlay = IVPhysicsDebugOverlay;
class IVDebugOverlay;
using IVJoltDebugOverlay = IVDebugOverlay;
// Call this in stubbed functions to spew when they're hit
#define Log_Stub( Channel )
#define Log_Stub( Channel ) \
Log_Warning( Channel, "Stub: %s\n", __FUNCTION__ )
// So we can toggle assertions in this module at our discretion
#define VJoltAssert DevAssert
#define VJoltAssertMsg DevAssertMsg
#define VJoltAssert Assert
#define VJoltAssertMsg AssertMsg
DECLARE_LOGGING_CHANNEL( LOG_VJolt ); // For our vphysics_jolt code
DECLARE_LOGGING_CHANNEL( LOG_JoltInternal ); // For Jolt's traces/assertions. Do NOT use for our code.
class JoltPhysicsCollisionSet final : public IPhysicsCollisionSet
void EnableCollisions( int index0, int index1 ) override
m_Bits[ index0 ] |= 1u << index1;
m_Bits[ index1 ] |= 1u << index0;
void DisableCollisions( int index0, int index1 ) override
m_Bits[ index0 ] &= ~( 1u << index1 );
m_Bits[ index1 ] &= ~( 1u << index0 );
bool ShouldCollide( int index0, int index1 ) override
return !!( m_Bits[ index0 ] & ( 1u << index1 ) );
std::array< uint32, 32 > m_Bits = {};
class JoltPhysicsInterface final : public CTier1AppSystem<IPhysics>
using BaseClass = CTier1AppSystem<IPhysics>;
InitReturnVal_t Init() override;
void Shutdown() override;
void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) override;
IPhysicsEnvironment *CreateEnvironment() override;
void DestroyEnvironment( IPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment ) override;
IPhysicsEnvironment *GetActiveEnvironmentByIndex( int index ) override;
IPhysicsObjectPairHash *CreateObjectPairHash() override;
void DestroyObjectPairHash( IPhysicsObjectPairHash *pHash ) override;
IPhysicsCollisionSet *FindOrCreateCollisionSet( unsigned int id, int maxElementCount ) override;
IPhysicsCollisionSet *FindCollisionSet( unsigned int id ) override;
void DestroyAllCollisionSets() override;
static JoltPhysicsInterface &GetInstance() { return s_PhysicsInterface; }
JPH::TempAllocator *GetTempAllocator() { return m_pTempAllocator; }
JPH::JobSystem *GetJobSystem() { return m_pJobSystem; }
void SetDebugOverlay( IVJoltDebugOverlay *pOverlay ) { if ( m_pDebugOverlay != pOverlay ) m_pDebugOverlay = pOverlay; }
IVJoltDebugOverlay *GetDebugOverlay() { return m_pDebugOverlay; }
static void OnTrace( const char *fmt, ... );
static bool OnAssert( const char *inExpression, const char *inMessage, const char *inFile, uint inLine );
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, JoltPhysicsCollisionSet > m_CollisionSets;
// We need a temp allocator for temporary allocations during the physics update. We're
// pre-allocating 10 MB to avoid having to do allocations during the physics update.
// B.t.w. 10 MB is way too much for this example but it is a typical value you can use.
// If you don't want to pre-allocate you can also use TempAllocatorMalloc to fall back to
// malloc / free.
JPH::TempAllocator *m_pTempAllocator;
// We need a job system that will execute physics jobs on multiple threads. Typically
// you would implement the JobSystem interface yourself and let Jolt Physics run on top
// of your own job scheduler. JobSystemThreadPool is an example implementation.
JPH::JobSystem *m_pJobSystem;
// For debugging stuff in collide and such.
IVJoltDebugOverlay *m_pDebugOverlay = nullptr;
static JoltPhysicsInterface s_PhysicsInterface;