
56 lines
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#pragma once
#include "vjolt_object.h"
#include "vjolt_environment.h"
class JoltPhysicsShadowController final : public IPhysicsShadowController, public IJoltPhysicsController
JoltPhysicsShadowController( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject, bool allowTranslation, bool allowRotation );
~JoltPhysicsShadowController() override;
void Update( const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float timeOffset ) override;
void MaxSpeed( float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed ) override;
void StepUp( float height ) override;
void SetTeleportDistance( float teleportDistance ) override;
bool AllowsTranslation() override;
bool AllowsRotation() override;
void SetPhysicallyControlled( bool isPhysicallyControlled ) override;
bool IsPhysicallyControlled() override;
void GetLastImpulse( Vector *pOut ) override;
void UseShadowMaterial( bool bUseShadowMaterial ) override;
void ObjectMaterialChanged( int materialIndex ) override;
float GetTargetPosition( Vector *pPositionOut, QAngle *pAnglesOut ) override;
float GetTeleportDistance() override;
void GetMaxSpeed( float *pMaxSpeedOut, float *pMaxAngularSpeedOut ) override;
// IJoltPhysicsController
void OnPreSimulate( float flDeltaTime ) override;
JoltPhysicsObject *m_pObject = nullptr;
JPH::Vec3 m_targetPosition = JPH::Vec3::sZero(); // Where we want to be
JPH::Quat m_targetRotation = JPH::Quat::sIdentity(); // How we want to be
float m_secondsToArrival = 0; // When we want to be
float m_maxSpeed = 0.0f;
float m_maxDampSpeed = 0.0f;
float m_maxAngular = 0.0f;
float m_maxDampAngular = 0.0f;
float m_teleportDistance = 0.0f;
bool m_isPhysicallyControlled = false; // If true we're a bone follower on an NPC or something...
bool m_allowTranslation = false; // Should we translate?
bool m_allowRotation = false; // Should we rotate?
bool m_enabled = false;
uint16 m_savedMaterialIndex = 0;
uint16 m_savedCallbackFlags = 0;