
1262 lines
38 KiB

// A physics object, implemented as a wrapper over JPH::Body
// Every tangible object in the game has one of these
#include "cbase.h"
#include "vjolt_collide.h"
#include "vjolt_surfaceprops.h"
#include "vjolt_friction.h"
#include "vjolt_environment.h"
#include "vjolt_layers.h"
#include "vjolt_controller_shadow.h"
#include "vjolt_object.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
JoltPhysicsObject::JoltPhysicsObject( JPH::Body *pBody, JoltPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, bool bStatic, int nMaterialIndex, const objectparams_t *pParams )
: m_pBody( pBody )
, m_pEnvironment( pEnvironment )
, m_pPhysicsSystem( pEnvironment->GetPhysicsSystem() )
, m_bStatic( bStatic )
, m_flCachedMass( pParams->mass )
, m_flCachedInvMass( m_flCachedMass ? 1.0f / m_flCachedMass : 0.0f )
, m_pGameData( pParams->pGameData )
, m_materialIndex( Max( nMaterialIndex, 0 ) ) // Sometimes we get passed -1.
, m_flVolume( pParams->volume )
// Josh:
// Assert that m_pGameData is the first element, some games
// decide to just read this directly by offsetting by the vtable size
// instead of calling GetGameData().
static_assert( offsetof( JoltPhysicsObject, m_pGameData ) == sizeof( void * ) );
// Set the body's userdata as ourselves
pBody->SetUserData( reinterpret_cast<uint64>( this ) );
if ( !m_pBody->IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
pMotionProperties->SetLinearDamping( pParams->damping );
pMotionProperties->SetAngularDamping( pParams->rotdamping );
JoltPhysicsObject::JoltPhysicsObject( JPH::Body *pBody, JoltPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, void *pGameData, JPH::StateRecorder &recorder )
: m_pBody( pBody )
, m_pEnvironment( pEnvironment )
, m_pPhysicsSystem( pEnvironment->GetPhysicsSystem() )
, m_pGameData( pGameData )
RestoreObjectState( recorder );
// Josh:
// Iterate over this in reverse as we could remove a listener from inside this callback
for ( int i = m_destroyedListeners.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
m_destroyedListeners[ i ]->OnJoltPhysicsObjectDestroyed( this );
m_pEnvironment->RemoveDirtyStaticBody( GetBodyID() );
JPH::BodyInterface& bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.DestroyBody( GetBodyID() );
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsStatic() const
// Whether this a static body to VPhysics and not
// to Jolt (static or motion disabled) itself.
return m_bStatic;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsAsleep() const
return !m_pBody->IsActive();
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsTrigger() const
return m_pBody->IsSensor();
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsFluid() const
return m_pFluidController != nullptr;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsHinged() const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return false;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsCollisionEnabled() const
return m_bCachedCollisionEnabled;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsGravityEnabled() const
if ( !m_pBody->IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
return pMotionProperties->GetGravityFactor() != 0.0f;
return false;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsDragEnabled() const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return false;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsMotionEnabled() const
return !m_bPinned;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsMoveable() const
return IsMotionEnabled() && !IsStatic();
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsAttachedToConstraint( bool bExternalOnly ) const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return false;
void JoltPhysicsObject::EnableCollisions( bool enable )
// Josh:
// When collisions are disabled, they disable for EVERYTHING, including against the world.
m_bCachedCollisionEnabled = enable;
void JoltPhysicsObject::EnableGravity( bool enable )
if ( !m_pBody->IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
pMotionProperties->SetGravityFactor( enable ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
void JoltPhysicsObject::EnableDrag( bool enable )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::EnableMotion( bool enable )
if ( IsStatic() )
const bool bPinned = !enable;
if ( m_bPinned == bPinned )
m_bPinned = bPinned;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetGameData( void *pGameData )
m_pGameData = pGameData;
void *JoltPhysicsObject::GetGameData() const
return m_pGameData;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetGameFlags( unsigned short userFlags )
m_gameFlags = userFlags;
unsigned short JoltPhysicsObject::GetGameFlags() const
return m_gameFlags;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetGameIndex( unsigned short gameIndex )
m_gameIndex = gameIndex;
unsigned short JoltPhysicsObject::GetGameIndex() const
return m_gameIndex;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetCallbackFlags( unsigned short callbackflags )
m_callbackFlags = callbackflags;
unsigned short JoltPhysicsObject::GetCallbackFlags() const
return m_callbackFlags;
void JoltPhysicsObject::Wake()
if ( !m_pBody->IsStatic() )
JPH::BodyInterface& bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.ActivateBody( m_pBody->GetID() );
// See other comments in UpdateLayer.
m_pEnvironment->AddDirtyStaticBody( m_pBody->GetID() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::Sleep()
if ( !m_pBody->IsStatic() )
JPH::BodyInterface& bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.DeactivateBody( m_pBody->GetID() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::RecheckCollisionFilter()
void JoltPhysicsObject::RecheckContactPoints( bool bSearchForNewContacts /*= false*/ )
JPH::BodyInterface& bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.InvalidateContactCache( GetBodyID() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetMass( float mass )
// To match regular VPhysics, allow 0 here but not at init.
mass = Clamp( mass, 0.0f, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS );
m_flCachedMass = mass;
m_flCachedInvMass = mass ? 1.0f / mass : 0.0f;
if ( !IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
// Mass is already in KG. IVP is weird.
// Josh: This is what we used to do and it was giving VERY whacky results
// when moving objects around after calling SetMass.
// pMotionProperties->SetInverseMass( m_flCachedInvMass );
// This method below seems to work properly because it deals with all of the inertia crap.
JPH::MassProperties massProperties = m_pBody->GetShape()->GetMassProperties();
massProperties.ScaleToMass( mass );
massProperties.mInertia( 3, 3 ) = 1.0f;
pMotionProperties->SetMassProperties( massProperties );
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetMass() const
return m_flCachedMass;
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetInvMass() const
return m_flCachedInvMass;
Vector JoltPhysicsObject::GetInertia() const
Vector inv = GetInvInertia();
return Vector( 1.0f / inv.x, 1.0f / inv.y, 1.0f / inv.z );
Vector JoltPhysicsObject::GetInvInertia() const
if ( IsStatic() )
return Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
//const JPH::Vec3 inertia = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties()->GetInverseInertiaDiagonal();
const JPH::Vec3 inertia = m_pBody->GetInverseInertia() * JPH::Vec3::sReplicate( 1.0f );
return Abs( JoltToSource::Unitless( inertia ) );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetInertia( const Vector &inertia )
// TODO(Josh): Does anything use this?
// and if so, does this specify the local diagonal or rotated diagonal?
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetDamping( const float *speed, const float *rot )
if ( IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
if ( speed )
pMotionProperties->SetLinearDamping( *speed );
if ( rot )
pMotionProperties->SetAngularDamping( *rot );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetDamping( float *speed, float *rot ) const
if ( IsStatic() )
JPH::MotionProperties* pMotionProperties = m_pBody->GetMotionProperties();
if ( speed )
*speed = pMotionProperties->GetLinearDamping();
if ( rot )
*rot = pMotionProperties->GetAngularDamping();
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetDragCoefficient( float *pDrag, float *pAngularDrag )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetBuoyancyRatio( float ratio )
m_flBuoyancyRatio = ratio;
int JoltPhysicsObject::GetMaterialIndex() const
return m_materialIndex;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetMaterialIndex( int materialIndex )
// Gotta clamp it, because we get -1 sometimes
materialIndex = Max( 0, materialIndex );
if ( m_materialIndex != materialIndex )
m_materialIndex = materialIndex;
unsigned int JoltPhysicsObject::GetContents() const
return m_contents;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetContents( unsigned int contents )
m_contents = contents;
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetSphereRadius() const
if ( m_pBody->GetShape()->GetSubType() != JPH::EShapeSubType::Sphere )
return 0.0f;
const JPH::SphereShape *pSphereShape = static_cast< const JPH::SphereShape * >( m_pBody->GetShape() );
return JoltToSource::Distance( pSphereShape->GetRadius() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetSphereRadius( float radius )
if ( m_pBody->GetShape()->GetSubType() != JPH::EShapeSubType::Sphere )
// Can't get this shape non-const... urg...
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetEnergy() const
// 1/2 * mv^2
const float flKineticEnergy = 0.5f * m_flCachedMass * m_pBody->GetLinearVelocity().LengthSq();
// TODO(Josh): We need to factor in inertia or something here to get this right.
// as this AngularVelocity is in rads/s...
// I guess it's a good enough approximation for now.
// Right now the equation is 1/2ww where we probably want 1/2wIw.
// Intertia in Jolt is weird... Not sure what's going on with its matrix thingy.
const float flAngularEnergy = 0.5f * m_flCachedMass * m_pBody->GetAngularVelocity().LengthSq();
return JoltToSource::Energy( flKineticEnergy + flAngularEnergy );
Vector JoltPhysicsObject::GetMassCenterLocalSpace() const
return JoltToSource::Distance( m_pBody->GetShape()->GetCenterOfMass() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetPosition( const Vector &worldPosition, const QAngle &angles, bool isTeleport )
JPH::Vec3 joltPosition = SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition );
JPH::Quat joltRotation = SourceToJolt::Angle( angles );
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.SetPositionAndRotation( m_pBody->GetID(), joltPosition, joltRotation, JPH::EActivation::DontActivate );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetPositionMatrix( const matrix3x4_t &matrix, bool isTeleport )
SetPosition( GetColumn( matrix, MatrixAxis::Origin ), ToQAngle( matrix ), isTeleport );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetPosition( Vector *worldPosition, QAngle *angles ) const
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::Vec3 joltPosition;
JPH::Quat joltRotation;
bodyInterface.GetPositionAndRotation( m_pBody->GetID(), joltPosition, joltRotation );
if ( worldPosition )
*worldPosition = JoltToSource::Distance( joltPosition );
if ( angles )
*angles = JoltToSource::Angle( joltRotation );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetPositionMatrix( matrix3x4_t *positionMatrix ) const
matrix3x4_t matrix;
SetIdentityMatrix( matrix );
AngleMatrix( JoltToSource::Angle( m_pBody->GetRotation() ), JoltToSource::Distance( m_pBody->GetPosition() ), matrix );
*positionMatrix = matrix;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity )
JPH::Vec3 joltLinearVelocity = velocity ? SourceToJolt::Distance( *velocity ) : JPH::Vec3{};
JPH::Vec3 joltAngularVelocity = angularVelocity ? SourceToJolt::AngularImpulse( *angularVelocity ) : JPH::Vec3{};
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
if ( velocity && angularVelocity )
bodyInterface.SetLinearAndAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), joltLinearVelocity, joltAngularVelocity );
else if ( velocity )
bodyInterface.SetLinearVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), joltLinearVelocity );
else if ( angularVelocity )
bodyInterface.SetAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), joltAngularVelocity );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetVelocityInstantaneous( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity )
SetVelocity( velocity, angularVelocity );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) const
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::Vec3 joltLinearVelocity;
JPH::Vec3 joltAngularVelocity;
bodyInterface.GetLinearAndAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), joltLinearVelocity, joltAngularVelocity );
if ( velocity )
*velocity = JoltToSource::Distance( joltLinearVelocity );
if ( angularVelocity )
*angularVelocity = JoltToSource::AngularImpulse( joltAngularVelocity );
void JoltPhysicsObject::AddVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity )
if ( !IsMoveable() )
// Do this longer method do set velocity and angular velocity
// in the same lock.
const JPH::BodyLockInterfaceNoLock &bodyLockInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::BodyLockWrite lock( bodyLockInterface, m_pBody->GetID() );
if ( lock.Succeeded() )
JPH::Body &body = lock.GetBody();
if ( velocity )
body.SetLinearVelocityClamped( body.GetLinearVelocity() + SourceToJolt::Distance( *velocity ) );
if ( angularVelocity )
body.SetAngularVelocityClamped( body.GetAngularVelocity() + SourceToJolt::AngularImpulse( *angularVelocity ) );
if ( !body.IsActive() && ( !body.GetLinearVelocity().IsNearZero() || !body.GetAngularVelocity().IsNearZero() ) )
m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock().ActivateBodies( &m_pBody->GetID(), 1 );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetVelocityAtPoint( const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *pVelocity ) const
VJoltAssert( pVelocity );
*pVelocity = JoltToSource::Distance( m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock().GetPointVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition ) ) );
void JoltPhysicsObject::GetImplicitVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
if ( velocity )
*velocity = vec3_origin;
if ( angularVelocity )
*angularVelocity = vec3_origin;
void JoltPhysicsObject::LocalToWorld( Vector *worldPosition, const Vector &localPosition ) const
matrix3x4_t matrix;
GetPositionMatrix( &matrix );
// Copy in case src == dest
VectorTransform( Vector( localPosition ), matrix, *worldPosition );
void JoltPhysicsObject::WorldToLocal( Vector *localPosition, const Vector &worldPosition ) const
matrix3x4_t matrix;
GetPositionMatrix( &matrix );
// Copy in case src == dest
VectorITransform( Vector( worldPosition ), matrix, *localPosition );
void JoltPhysicsObject::LocalToWorldVector( Vector *worldVector, const Vector &localVector ) const
matrix3x4_t matrix;
GetPositionMatrix( &matrix );
// Copy in case src == dest
VectorRotate( Vector( localVector ), matrix, *worldVector );
void JoltPhysicsObject::WorldToLocalVector( Vector *localVector, const Vector &worldVector ) const
matrix3x4_t matrix;
GetPositionMatrix( &matrix );
// Copy in case src == dest
VectorIRotate( Vector( worldVector ), matrix, *localVector );
void JoltPhysicsObject::ApplyForceCenter( const Vector &forceVector )
if ( !IsMoveable() )
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.AddImpulse( m_pBody->GetID(), SourceToJolt::Distance( forceVector ) );
void JoltPhysicsObject::ApplyForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition )
if ( !IsMoveable() )
JPH::Vec3 impulse = SourceToJolt::Distance( forceVector );
JPH::Vec3 point = SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition );
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.AddImpulse( m_pBody->GetID(), impulse, point );
void JoltPhysicsObject::ApplyTorqueCenter( const AngularImpulse &torque )
if ( !IsMoveable() )
// Do this longer method do set velocity and angular velocity
// in the same lock.
const JPH::BodyLockInterfaceNoLock &bodyLockInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::BodyLockWrite lock( bodyLockInterface, m_pBody->GetID() );
if ( lock.Succeeded() )
JPH::Body &body = lock.GetBody();
body.AddAngularImpulse( SourceToJolt::AngularImpulse( torque ) );
if ( !body.IsActive() && ( !body.GetAngularVelocity().IsNearZero() ) )
m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock().ActivateBodies( &m_pBody->GetID(), 1 );
void JoltPhysicsObject::CalculateForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerForce, AngularImpulse *centerTorque ) const
JPH::Vec3 pos = SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition );
JPH::Vec3 force = SourceToJolt::Distance( forceVector );
JPH::Vec3 com = pos - m_pBody->GetCenterOfMassPosition();
JPH::Vec3 cross = com.Cross( force );
if ( centerForce )
*centerForce = JoltToSource::Distance( force );
if ( centerTorque )
*centerTorque = JoltToSource::AngularImpulse( cross );
void JoltPhysicsObject::CalculateVelocityOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerVelocity, AngularImpulse *centerAngularVelocity ) const
// Convert force to SI units to multiply by mass for impulse.
JPH::Vec3 siForce = SourceToJolt::Distance( forceVector );
if ( centerVelocity )
*centerVelocity = JoltToSource::Distance( siForce * m_flCachedInvMass );
if ( centerAngularVelocity )
JPH::Vec3 siPosition = SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition );
// TODO(Josh): Check this math.
JPH::Vec3 siRelativePosition = siPosition - m_pBody->GetCenterOfMassPosition();
JPH::Vec3 cross = siRelativePosition.Cross( siForce );
cross = m_pBody->GetWorldTransform().Transposed3x3() * cross;
*centerAngularVelocity = JoltToSource::AngularImpulse( cross );
float JoltPhysicsObject::CalculateLinearDrag( const Vector &unitDirection ) const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return 0.0f;
float JoltPhysicsObject::CalculateAngularDrag( const Vector &objectSpaceRotationAxis ) const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return 0.0f;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::GetContactPoint( Vector *contactPoint, IPhysicsObject **contactObject ) const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return false;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetShadow( float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed, bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation )
if ( m_pShadowController )
m_pShadowController->MaxSpeed( maxSpeed, maxAngularSpeed );
#if 1
m_bShadowTemporarilyDisableGravity = false;
m_pShadowController = static_cast<JoltPhysicsShadowController *>( m_pEnvironment->CreateShadowController( this, allowPhysicsMovement, allowPhysicsRotation ) );
m_pShadowController->MaxSpeed( maxSpeed, maxAngularSpeed );
void JoltPhysicsObject::UpdateShadow( const Vector &targetPosition, const QAngle &targetAngles, bool tempDisableGravity, float timeOffset )
if ( m_pShadowController )
#if 1
if ( tempDisableGravity != m_bShadowTemporarilyDisableGravity )
m_bShadowTemporarilyDisableGravity = tempDisableGravity;
if ( !m_pShadowController || m_pShadowController->AllowsTranslation() )
EnableGravity( !m_bShadowTemporarilyDisableGravity );
m_pShadowController->Update( targetPosition, targetAngles, timeOffset );
int JoltPhysicsObject::GetShadowPosition( Vector *position, QAngle *angles ) const
// Josh:
// If func_door_rotating, func_tracktrains are moving slowly,
// check this function out...
// Interpolates to the next timestep
float flTimeStep = m_pEnvironment->GetSimulationTimestep();
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::Vec3 joltPosition, joltLinearVelocity, joltAngularVelocity;
JPH::Quat joltRotation;
bodyInterface.GetPositionAndRotation( m_pBody->GetID(), joltPosition, joltRotation );
bodyInterface.GetLinearAndAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), joltLinearVelocity, joltAngularVelocity );
if ( position )
*position = JoltToSource::Distance( joltPosition + ( joltLinearVelocity * flTimeStep ) );
if ( angles )
// From Jolt's AddRotationStep.
JPH::Vec3 joltAngularVelocityTimesDT = joltAngularVelocity * flTimeStep;
float len = joltAngularVelocityTimesDT.Length();
JPH::Quat newQuat = joltRotation;
if ( len > 1.0e-6f )
newQuat = ( JPH::Quat::sRotation( joltAngularVelocityTimesDT / len, len ) * joltRotation ).Normalized();
*angles = JoltToSource::Angle( newQuat );
return 1;
IPhysicsShadowController *JoltPhysicsObject::GetShadowController() const
return m_pShadowController;
void JoltPhysicsObject::RemoveShadowController()
if ( m_pShadowController )
m_pShadowController = nullptr;
static void ComputeController( JPH::Vec3 &vecCurrentVelocity, const JPH::Vec3 &vecDeltaPos, float flMaxSpeed, float flMaxDampSpeed, float flScaleDelta, float flDamping, JPH::Vec3 *pOutImpulse = nullptr )
float flCurrentSpeedSq = vecCurrentVelocity.LengthSq();
if ( flCurrentSpeedSq < 1e-6f )
vecCurrentVelocity = JPH::Vec3::sZero();
else if ( flMaxDampSpeed > 0 )
JPH::Vec3 vecAccelDampening = vecCurrentVelocity * -flDamping;
float flSpeed = sqrtf( flCurrentSpeedSq ) * fabsf( flDamping );
if ( flSpeed > flMaxDampSpeed )
flSpeed = flMaxDampSpeed / flSpeed;
vecAccelDampening *= flSpeed;
vecCurrentVelocity += vecAccelDampening;
JPH::Vec3 vecAcceleration = JPH::Vec3::sZero();
if ( flMaxSpeed > 0.0f )
vecAcceleration = vecDeltaPos * flScaleDelta;
float flSpeed = vecDeltaPos.Length() * flScaleDelta;
if ( flSpeed > flMaxSpeed )
flSpeed = flMaxSpeed / flSpeed;
vecAcceleration *= flSpeed;
vecCurrentVelocity += vecAcceleration;
if ( pOutImpulse )
*pOutImpulse = vecAcceleration;
// hlshadowcontrol_params_t but in Jolt space.
struct JoltShadowControlParams
JPH::Vec3 TargetPosition;
JPH::Quat TargetRotation;
JPH::Vec3 LastPosition;
JPH::Vec3 LastImpulse;
float MaxAngular;
float MaxDampAngular;
float MaxSpeed;
float MaxDampSpeed;
float DampFactor;
float TeleportDistance;
static float ComputeShadowController( JoltShadowControlParams &params, JPH::Vec3 &position, JPH::Quat &rotation, JPH::Vec3 &linearVelocity, JPH::Vec3& angularVelocity, float flSecondsToArrival, float flDeltaTime )
const float flFraction = flSecondsToArrival > 0.0f
? Min( flDeltaTime / flSecondsToArrival, 1.0f )
: 1.0f;
flSecondsToArrival = Max( flSecondsToArrival - flDeltaTime, 0.0f );
if ( flFraction <= 0.0f )
return flSecondsToArrival;
JPH::Vec3 deltaPosition = params.TargetPosition - position;
if ( params.TeleportDistance > 0.0f && deltaPosition.LengthSq() > Square( params.TeleportDistance ) )
position = params.TargetPosition;
rotation = params.TargetRotation;
deltaPosition = JPH::Vec3::sZero();
const float flInvDeltaTime = 1.0f / flDeltaTime;
const float flFractionTime = flFraction * flInvDeltaTime;
ComputeController( linearVelocity, deltaPosition, params.MaxSpeed, params.MaxDampSpeed, flFractionTime, params.DampFactor, &params.LastImpulse);
params.LastPosition = position + linearVelocity * flDeltaTime;
JPH::Quat deltaRotation = params.TargetRotation * rotation.Inversed();
JPH::Vec3 axis;
float angle;
deltaRotation.GetAxisAngle( axis, angle );
JPH::Vec3 deltaAngles = axis * angle;
ComputeController( angularVelocity, deltaAngles, params.MaxAngular, params.MaxDampAngular, flFractionTime, params.DampFactor );
return flSecondsToArrival;
float JoltPhysicsObject::ComputeShadowControl( const hlshadowcontrol_params_t &params, float flSecondsToArrival, float flDeltaTime )
JoltShadowControlParams joltParams =
.TargetPosition = SourceToJolt::Distance( params.targetPosition ),
.TargetRotation = SourceToJolt::Angle( params.targetRotation ),
.MaxAngular = SourceToJolt::Angle( params.maxAngular ),
.MaxDampAngular = SourceToJolt::Angle( params.maxDampAngular ),
.MaxSpeed = SourceToJolt::Distance( params.maxSpeed ),
.MaxDampSpeed = SourceToJolt::Distance( params.maxDampSpeed ),
.DampFactor = params.dampFactor,
.TeleportDistance = SourceToJolt::Distance( params.teleportDistance ),
JPH::BodyInterface& bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::Vec3 position;
JPH::Quat rotation;
bodyInterface.GetPositionAndRotation( m_pBody->GetID(), position, rotation );
JPH::Vec3 linearVelocity;
JPH::Vec3 angularVelocity;
bodyInterface.GetLinearAndAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), linearVelocity, angularVelocity );
JPH::Vec3 scratchPosition = position;
JPH::Quat scratchRotation = rotation;
JPH::Vec3 scratchLinearVelocity = linearVelocity;
JPH::Vec3 scratchAngularVelocity = angularVelocity;
float flNewSecondsToArrival =
ComputeShadowController( joltParams, scratchPosition, scratchRotation, scratchLinearVelocity, scratchAngularVelocity, flSecondsToArrival, flDeltaTime );
if ( scratchPosition != position || scratchRotation != rotation )
bodyInterface.SetPositionAndRotation( m_pBody->GetID(), scratchPosition, scratchRotation, JPH::EActivation::Activate );
if ( scratchLinearVelocity != linearVelocity || scratchAngularVelocity != angularVelocity )
bodyInterface.SetLinearAndAngularVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), scratchLinearVelocity, scratchAngularVelocity );
return flNewSecondsToArrival;
const CPhysCollide *JoltPhysicsObject::GetCollide() const
const CPhysCollide *pCollide = CPhysCollide::FromShape( m_pBody->GetShape() );
return pCollide;
const char *JoltPhysicsObject::GetName() const
// Slart: Jolt used to store debug names in JPH::Body, but it was removed. So now everybody's NoName.
return "NoName";
void JoltPhysicsObject::BecomeTrigger()
m_pBody->SetIsSensor( true );
void JoltPhysicsObject::RemoveTrigger()
if ( !IsTrigger() )
// Josh:
// All this logic below is to trigger ObjectLeaveTrigger
// when the trigger is deleted.
IPhysicsCollisionEvent *pEventListener = m_pEnvironment->GetContactListener()->GetGameListener();
if ( pEventListener && IsTrigger() )
class SourceTriggerCollector : public JPH::CollideShapeCollector
SourceTriggerCollector( JPH::PhysicsSystem *pPhysicsSystem, IPhysicsCollisionEvent *pGameListener, JoltPhysicsObject *pTrigger )
: m_pPhysicsSystem( pPhysicsSystem )
, m_pGameListener ( pGameListener )
, m_pTrigger ( pTrigger ) {}
void AddHit( const ResultType &inResult ) override
const JPH::BodyID inBodyID = inResult.mBodyID2;
JPH::BodyLockWrite lock( m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyLockInterface(), inBodyID );
JPH::Body &body = lock.GetBody();
JoltPhysicsObject *pObject = reinterpret_cast<JoltPhysicsObject *>( body.GetUserData() );
if ( !pObject )
m_pGameListener->ObjectLeaveTrigger( m_pTrigger, pObject );
JPH::PhysicsSystem *m_pPhysicsSystem;
IPhysicsCollisionEvent *m_pGameListener;
JoltPhysicsObject *m_pTrigger;
SourceTriggerCollector collector( m_pPhysicsSystem, pEventListener, this );
JPH::IgnoreSingleBodyFilter body_filter( GetBodyID() );
JPH::CollideShapeSettings collideSettings;
collideSettings.mActiveEdgeMode = JPH::EActiveEdgeMode::CollideWithAll;
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::Mat44 queryTransform = bodyInterface.GetCenterOfMassTransform( GetBodyID() );
const JPH::Shape *pShape = GetCollide()->ToShape();
pShape, JPH::Vec3::sReplicate( 1.0f ), queryTransform, collideSettings, JPH::Vec3::sZero(), collector,
JPH::SpecifiedBroadPhaseLayerFilter( BroadPhaseLayers::MOVING ), JPH::SpecifiedObjectLayerFilter( Layers::MOVING ), body_filter );
m_pBody->SetIsSensor( false );
void JoltPhysicsObject::BecomeHinged( int localAxis )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::RemoveHinged()
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *JoltPhysicsObject::CreateFrictionSnapshot()
return new JoltPhysicsFrictionSnapshot;
void JoltPhysicsObject::DestroyFrictionSnapshot( IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot )
delete pSnapshot;
void JoltPhysicsObject::OutputDebugInfo() const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetUseAlternateGravity( bool bSet )
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetCollisionHints( uint32 collisionHints )
m_collisionHints = collisionHints;
uint32 JoltPhysicsObject::GetCollisionHints() const
return m_collisionHints;
IPredictedPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsObject::GetPredictedInterface() const
Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt );
return nullptr;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SyncWith( IPhysicsObject *pOther )
if ( this->IsCollisionEnabled() != pOther->IsCollisionEnabled() )
EnableCollisions( pOther->IsCollisionEnabled() );
if ( this->IsGravityEnabled() != pOther->IsGravityEnabled() )
EnableGravity( pOther->IsGravityEnabled() );
if ( this->IsDragEnabled() != pOther->IsDragEnabled() )
EnableDrag(pOther->IsDragEnabled() );
if ( this->IsMotionEnabled() != pOther->IsMotionEnabled() )
EnableMotion(pOther->IsMotionEnabled() );
void JoltPhysicsObject::UpdateEnvironment( JoltPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment )
m_pEnvironment = pEnvironment;
m_pPhysicsSystem = pEnvironment->GetPhysicsSystem();
void JoltPhysicsObject::AddDestroyedListener( IJoltObjectDestroyedListener *pListener )
m_destroyedListeners.AddToTail( pListener );
void JoltPhysicsObject::RemoveDestroyedListener( IJoltObjectDestroyedListener *pListener )
m_destroyedListeners.FindAndRemove( pListener );
void JoltPhysicsObject::AddToPosition( JPH::Vec3Arg addPos )
const JPH::BodyLockInterfaceNoLock &bodyLockInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock();
JPH::BodyLockWrite lock( bodyLockInterface, m_pBody->GetID() );
if ( lock.Succeeded() )
JPH::Body &body = lock.GetBody();
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.SetPosition( m_pBody->GetID(), body.GetPosition() + addPos, JPH::EActivation::DontActivate );
void JoltPhysicsObject::SetPosition( const Vector &worldPosition )
JPH::Vec3 joltPosition = SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition );
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.SetPosition( m_pBody->GetID(), joltPosition, JPH::EActivation::DontActivate );
void JoltPhysicsObject::AddVelocity( const Vector &worldPosition )
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
bodyInterface.AddLinearVelocity( m_pBody->GetID(), SourceToJolt::Distance( worldPosition ) );
Vector JoltPhysicsObject::GetVelocity()
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
return JoltToSource::Distance( bodyInterface.GetLinearVelocity( m_pBody->GetID() ) );
void JoltPhysicsObject::CalculateBuoyancy()
if ( m_flVolume != 0.0f )
float flVolume = SourceToJolt::Volume( Max( m_flVolume, 5.0f ) );
float flDensity = m_flCachedMass / flVolume;
m_flBuoyancyRatio = flDensity / m_flMaterialDensity;
m_flBuoyancyRatio = 1.0f;
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetMaterialDensity() const
return m_flMaterialDensity;
float JoltPhysicsObject::GetBuoyancyRatio() const
return m_flBuoyancyRatio;
bool JoltPhysicsObject::IsControlledByGame() const
if ( m_pShadowController && !m_pShadowController->IsPhysicallyControlled() )
return true;
if ( m_callbackFlags & CALLBACK_IS_PLAYER_CONTROLLER )
return true;
return false;
void JoltPhysicsObject::SaveObjectState( JPH::StateRecorder &recorder )
m_pBody->SaveState( recorder );
// Josh: Do not write m_pGameData, as this is passed in, in UnserializeObjectFromBuffer.
//recorder.Write( m_pGameData );
recorder.Write( m_gameFlags );
recorder.Write( m_gameIndex );
recorder.Write( m_callbackFlags );
recorder.Write( m_bStatic );
recorder.Write( m_bPinned );
recorder.Write( m_materialIndex );
recorder.Write( m_contents );
recorder.Write( m_flCachedMass );
recorder.Write( m_flCachedInvMass );
recorder.Write( m_bCachedCollisionEnabled );
recorder.Write( m_flMaterialDensity );
recorder.Write( m_flBuoyancyRatio );
recorder.Write( m_flVolume );
recorder.Write( m_GameMaterial );
// Josh:
// In regular VPhysics, shadows are serialized but then forced to never be read.
// Lets just not bother serializing these.
void JoltPhysicsObject::RestoreObjectState( JPH::StateRecorder &recorder )
// Restore the body's state.
m_pBody->RestoreState( recorder );
// Set the body's userdata as ourselves
m_pBody->SetUserData( reinterpret_cast<uint64>( this ) );
// Josh: Do not read m_pGameData, as this is not serialized.
//recorder.Read( m_pGameData );
recorder.Read( m_gameFlags );
recorder.Read( m_gameIndex );
recorder.Read( m_callbackFlags );
recorder.Read( m_bStatic );
recorder.Read( m_bPinned );
recorder.Read( m_materialIndex );
recorder.Read( m_contents );
recorder.Read( m_flCachedMass );
recorder.Read( m_flCachedInvMass );
recorder.Read( m_bCachedCollisionEnabled );
recorder.Read( m_flMaterialDensity );
recorder.Read( m_flBuoyancyRatio );
recorder.Read( m_flVolume );
recorder.Read( m_GameMaterial );
// Recompute states.
void JoltPhysicsObject::UpdateMaterialProperties()
const surfacedata_t *pSurface = JoltPhysicsSurfaceProps::GetInstance().GetSurfaceData( m_materialIndex );
m_pBody->SetRestitution( pSurface->physics.elasticity );
m_pBody->SetFriction( pSurface->physics.friction );
m_flMaterialDensity = pSurface->physics.density;
m_GameMaterial = pSurface->game.material;
void JoltPhysicsObject::UpdateLayer()
JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_pPhysicsSystem->GetBodyInterfaceNoLock();
const bool bCollisionsEnabled = m_bCachedCollisionEnabled;
const bool bStatic = IsStatic();
const bool bPinned = m_bPinned;
const bool bDebris = m_collisionHints & COLLISION_HINT_DEBRIS;
const bool bStaticSolid = m_collisionHints & COLLISION_HINT_STATICSOLID;
// Update motion type if not made as a complete solid.
if ( !bStatic && !IsControlledByGame() )
bool bStaticMotionType = bStaticSolid || bPinned;
// If we are transfering to being static, and we were active
// add us to a list of bodies on the environment so we can be included in
// GetActiveObjects for the next step.
// This way the game can correctly update the transforms on the game side
// when move -> wake -> become pinned happens.
if ( bStaticMotionType && m_pBody->IsActive() )
m_pEnvironment->AddDirtyStaticBody( m_pBody->GetID() );
else if ( !bStaticMotionType )
m_pEnvironment->RemoveDirtyStaticBody( m_pBody->GetID() );
bodyInterface.SetMotionType( m_pBody->GetID(), bStaticMotionType ? JPH::EMotionType::Static : JPH::EMotionType::Dynamic, JPH::EActivation::Activate );
// Update layer
uint8 layer = Layers::MOVING;
if ( bDebris )
layer = Layers::DEBRIS;
if ( bStatic || bStaticSolid )
layer = Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD;
else if ( bPinned )
layer = Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT;
if ( !bCollisionsEnabled )
layer = Layers::NO_COLLIDE;
bodyInterface.SetObjectLayer( m_pBody->GetID(), layer );