//================================================================================================= // // Jolt Debug Renderer Implementation // //================================================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #ifdef JPH_DEBUG_RENDERER #include #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h" #include "materialsystem/imesh.h" #include "vjolt_debugrender.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // Slart: Not sure if this is still relevant, // it's the amount of time a debugoverlay element should stay on-screen #define ONE_SINGLE_FRAME 0.0f #define JOLT_VERTEX_BUFFER_NAME "Jolt Debug Renderer Vertices" #define JOLT_INDEX_BUFFER_NAME "Jolt Debug Renderer Indices" static ConVar vjolt_debugrender( "vjolt_debugrender", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY static ConVar vjolt_debugrender_picture_in_picture( "vjolt_debugrender_picture_in_picture", "1" ); static ConVar vjolt_debugrender_clear_rt( "vjolt_debugrender_clear_rt", "1" ); static ConVar vjolt_debugrender_clear_depth( "vjolt_debugrender_clear_depth", "1" ); static ConVar vjolt_debugrender_wireframe( "vjolt_debugrender_wireframe", "0" ); static ConVar vjolt_debugrender_color_mode( "vjolt_debugrender_color_mode", "instance", 0, "One of instance, shape_type, motion_type, sleep, island, material." ); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer() { DebugRenderer::Initialize(); } JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::~JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer() { } void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::DrawLine( const JPH::Float3& inFrom, const JPH::Float3& inTo, JPH::ColorArg inColor ) { Vector v1 = JoltToSource::Distance( inFrom ); Vector v2 = JoltToSource::Distance( inTo ); #ifdef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY GetDebugOverlay()->AddLineOverlay( v1, v2, inColor.r, inColor.g, inColor.b, true, ONE_SINGLE_FRAME ); #else GetDebugOverlay()->AddLineOverlay( v1, v2, inColor.r, inColor.g, inColor.b, inColor.a, true, 0.2f ); #endif } void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::DrawTriangle( JPH::Vec3Arg inV1, JPH::Vec3Arg inV2, JPH::Vec3Arg inV3, JPH::ColorArg inColor ) { //DrawTriangle_Internal( JPH::Float3( inV1.GetX(), inV1.GetY(), inV1.GetZ() ), JPH::Float3( inV2.GetX(), inV2.GetY(), inV2.GetZ() ), JPH::Float3( inV3.GetX(), inV3.GetY(), inV3.GetZ() ), inColor ); } JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::Batch JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::CreateTriangleBatch( const Triangle* inTriangles, int inTriangleCount ) { #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY const Vertex* inVertices = reinterpret_cast( inTriangles ); int inVertexCount = inTriangleCount * 3; CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); constexpr VertexFormat_t fmt = VERTEX_POSITION | VERTEX_NORMAL | VERTEX_COLOR | VERTEX_TEXCOORD_SIZE(0, 2); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->CreateStaticMesh( fmt, JOLT_VERTEX_BUFFER_NAME ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, inTriangleCount ); { for (int i = 0; i < inVertexCount; ++i) { meshBuilder.Position3f ( inVertices[i].mPosition.x * JoltToSource::Factor, inVertices[i].mPosition.y * JoltToSource::Factor, inVertices[i].mPosition.z * JoltToSource::Factor ); meshBuilder.Normal3f ( inVertices[i].mNormal.x, inVertices[i].mNormal.y, inVertices[i].mNormal.z ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f ( 0, inVertices[i].mUV.x, inVertices[i].mUV.y ); meshBuilder.Color4Packed( inVertices[i].mColor.mU32 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } } meshBuilder.End(); return new BatchImpl( pMesh ); #else return nullptr; #endif } JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::Batch JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::CreateTriangleBatch( const Vertex* inVertices, int inVertexCount, const uint32* inIndices, int inIndexCount ) { #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); constexpr VertexFormat_t fmt = VERTEX_POSITION | VERTEX_NORMAL | VERTEX_COLOR | VERTEX_TEXCOORD_SIZE(0, 2); IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->CreateStaticMesh( fmt, JOLT_VERTEX_BUFFER_NAME ); CMeshBuilder meshBuilder; meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, inVertexCount, inIndexCount ); { for (int i = 0; i < inVertexCount; ++i) { meshBuilder.Position3f ( inVertices[i].mPosition.x * JoltToSource::Factor, inVertices[i].mPosition.y * JoltToSource::Factor, inVertices[i].mPosition.z * JoltToSource::Factor ); meshBuilder.Normal3f ( inVertices[i].mNormal.x, inVertices[i].mNormal.y, inVertices[i].mNormal.z ); meshBuilder.TexCoord2f ( 0, inVertices[i].mUV.x, inVertices[i].mUV.y ); meshBuilder.Color4Packed( inVertices[i].mColor.mU32 ); meshBuilder.AdvanceVertex(); } for (int i = 0; i < inIndexCount; ++i) { meshBuilder.Index( static_cast( inIndices[i] ) ); meshBuilder.AdvanceIndex(); } } meshBuilder.End(); return new BatchImpl( pMesh ); #else return nullptr; #endif } #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY MaterialCullMode_t ConvertCullMode( JPH::DebugRenderer::ECullMode mode ) { switch (mode) { case JPH::DebugRenderer::ECullMode::CullFrontFace: return MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW; case JPH::DebugRenderer::ECullMode::CullBackFace: return MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW; default: // case JPH::DebugRenderer::ECullMode::Off: return MATERIAL_CULLMODE_NONE; } } #endif void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::DrawGeometry( JPH::Mat44Arg inModelMatrix, const JPH::AABox& inWorldSpaceBounds, float inLODScaleSq, JPH::ColorArg inModelColor, const GeometryRef& inGeometry, ECullMode inCullMode, ECastShadow inCastShadow, EDrawMode inDrawMode ) { #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY matrix3x4_t sourceMatrix = JoltToSource::Matrix( inModelMatrix ); const BatchImpl* batch = reinterpret_cast< const BatchImpl * >( inGeometry->mLODs[0].mTriangleBatch.GetPtr() ); color32 clearColor = { .r = 20, .g = 20, .b = 20, .a = 255 }; color32 modulateColor = JoltToSource::Color( inModelColor ).ToColor32(); bool bForceWireFrame = vjolt_debugrender_wireframe.GetInt() == 2; DebugOverlayMeshDesc_t desc = { .pMesh = batch->GetMesh(), .matTransform = sourceMatrix, .flDuration = -1.0f, .bIgnoreZ = false, .bWireframe = inDrawMode == EDrawMode::Wireframe || bForceWireFrame, .bClearRT = vjolt_debugrender_clear_rt.GetBool(), .bClearDepth = vjolt_debugrender_clear_depth.GetBool(), .colClearColor = clearColor, .colModulateColor = modulateColor, .eCullMode = ConvertCullMode( inCullMode ), .bPip = vjolt_debugrender_picture_in_picture.GetBool() }; GetDebugOverlay()->DrawMesh( desc ); #endif } void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::DrawText3D( JPH::Vec3Arg inPosition, const std::string_view &inString, JPH::ColorArg inColor, float inHeight ) { // Josh: // Doing a copy of 1024, the max size allowed by a debug overlay // because AddTextOverlayRGB takes in a c_str and a string view // is not necessarily null terminated. char text[1024]; V_strncpy( text, inString.data(), sizeof( text ) ); Vector origin = JoltToSource::Distance( inPosition ); GetDebugOverlay()->AddTextOverlayRGB( origin, 0, 0.5f, inColor.r, inColor.g, inColor.b, inColor.a, "%s", text ); } void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::DrawJoltTVText() { GetDebugOverlay()->AddScreenTextOverlay( 0.75f, 0.55f, 0.5f, 255, 0, 255, 255, "Live Jolt Reaction" ); // "Jolt TV" } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY static JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor GetColorMode() { const char *pszString = vjolt_debugrender_color_mode.GetString(); if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "instance" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::InstanceColor; else if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "shape_type" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::ShapeTypeColor; else if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "motion_type" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::MotionTypeColor; else if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "sleep" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::SleepColor; else if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "island" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::IslandColor; else if ( !V_stricmp( pszString, "material" ) ) return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::MaterialColor; Log_Msg( LOG_VJolt, "Unknown color mode: %s\n", pszString ); return JPH::BodyManager::EShapeColor::InstanceColor; } #endif void JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::RenderPhysicsSystem( JPH::PhysicsSystem &physicsSystem ) { if ( !GetDebugOverlay() || !vjolt_debugrender.GetBool()) return; #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY const bool wireframe = vjolt_debugrender_wireframe.GetBool(); JPH::BodyManager::DrawSettings drawSettings { .mDrawGetSupportFunction = false, ///< Draw the GetSupport() function, used for convex collision detection .mDrawSupportDirection = false, ///< When drawing the support function, also draw which direction mapped to a specific support point .mDrawGetSupportingFace = false, ///< Draw the faces that were found colliding during collision detection .mDrawShape = true, ///< Draw the shapes of all bodies .mDrawShapeWireframe = wireframe, ///< When mDrawShape is true and this is true, the shapes will be drawn in wireframe instead of solid. .mDrawShapeColor = GetColorMode(), ///< Coloring scheme to use for shapes .mDrawBoundingBox = false, ///< Draw a bounding box per body .mDrawCenterOfMassTransform = false, ///< Draw the center of mass for each body .mDrawWorldTransform = false, ///< Draw the world transform (which can be different than the center of mass) for each body .mDrawVelocity = false, ///< Draw the velocity vector for each body .mDrawMassAndInertia = false, ///< Draw the mass and inertia (as the box equivalent) for each body .mDrawSleepStats = false, ///< Draw stats regarding the sleeping algorithm of each body }; #else JPH::BodyManager::DrawSettings drawSettings { .mDrawGetSupportFunction = false, ///< Draw the GetSupport() function, used for convex collision detection .mDrawSupportDirection = false, ///< When drawing the support function, also draw which direction mapped to a specific support point .mDrawGetSupportingFace = false, ///< Draw the faces that were found colliding during collision detection .mDrawShape = false, ///< Draw the shapes of all bodies .mDrawShapeWireframe = false, ///< When mDrawShape is true and this is true, the shapes will be drawn in wireframe instead of solid. .mDrawBoundingBox = true, ///< Draw a bounding box per body .mDrawCenterOfMassTransform = false, ///< Draw the center of mass for each body .mDrawWorldTransform = false, ///< Draw the world transform (which can be different than the center of mass) for each body .mDrawVelocity = true, ///< Draw the velocity vector for each body .mDrawMassAndInertia = false, ///< Draw the mass and inertia (as the box equivalent) for each body .mDrawSleepStats = false, ///< Draw stats regarding the sleeping algorithm of each body }; #endif physicsSystem.DrawBodies( drawSettings, this ); #ifndef VJOLT_USE_PHYSICS_DEBUG_OVERLAY // :frog: if ( vjolt_debugrender_picture_in_picture.GetBool() ) DrawJoltTVText(); #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer &JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::GetInstance() { static JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer s_DebugRenderer; return s_DebugRenderer; } IVJoltDebugOverlay *JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::GetDebugOverlay() { return JoltPhysicsInterface::GetInstance().GetDebugOverlay(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // JPH_DEBUG_RENDERER