//================================================================================================= // // Interface to a physics scene // Physics environments are implemented as discrete JPH::PhysicsSystems. // Portal and Portal 2 have two of these. // // Notes: // Josh: We always use BodyInterfaceNoLock and deal with unlocked bodies now. // Jolt starts to get very angry and asserts at us for doing that but we are never simulating // or having it do things while the bodies are technically unlocked -- but it doesn't matter. // We need to do this so we can assume the lock during the callbacks for collisions and stuff. // //================================================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "vjolt_callstack.h" #include "vjolt_collide.h" #include "vjolt_constraints.h" #include "vjolt_controller_fluid.h" #include "vjolt_controller_motion.h" #include "vjolt_controller_player.h" #include "vjolt_controller_shadow.h" #include "vjolt_controller_vehicle.h" #include "vjolt_debugrender.h" #include "vjolt_layers.h" #include "vjolt_object.h" #include "vjolt_state_recorder_file.h" #include "vjolt_environment.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the max amount of rigid bodies that you can add to the physics system. If you try to add more you'll get an error. static constexpr uint kMaxBodies = 16384; // This determines how many mutexes to allocate to protect rigid bodies from concurrent access. Set it to 0 for the default settings. static constexpr uint kNumBodyMutexes = 0; // This is the max amount of body pairs that can be queued at any time (the broad phase will detect overlapping // body pairs based on their bounding boxes and will insert them into a queue for the narrowphase). If you make this buffer // too small the queue will fill up and the broad phase jobs will start to do narrow phase work. This is slightly less efficient. static constexpr uint kMaxBodyPairs = kMaxBodies; // This is the maximum size of the contact constraint buffer. If more contacts (collisions between bodies) are detected than this // number then these contacts will be ignored and bodies will start interpenetrating / fall through the world. static constexpr uint kMaxContactConstraints = kMaxBodies; static ConVar vjolt_linearcast( "vjolt_linearcast", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Whether bodies will be created with linear cast motion quality (only takes effect after map restart)." ); static ConVar vjolt_initial_simulation( "vjolt_initial_simulation", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Whether to pre-settle physics objects on map load." ); static ConVar vjolt_substeps_collision( "vjolt_substeps_collision", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Number of collision steps to perform.", true, 0.0f, true, 4.0f ); static ConVar vjolt_substeps_integration( "vjolt_substeps_integration", "1", FCVAR_NONE, "Number of integration substeps to perform.", true, 0.0f, true, 4.0f ); static ConVar vjolt_baumgarte_factor( "vjolt_baumgarte_factor", "0.2", FCVAR_NONE, "Baumgarte stabilization factor (how much of the position error to 'fix' in 1 update). Changing this may help with constraint stability. Requires a map restart to change.", true, 0.0f, true, 1.0f ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class JoltObjectLayerPairFilter final : public JPH::ObjectLayerPairFilter { public: // Function that determines if two object layers can collide bool ShouldCollide( JPH::ObjectLayer inObject1, JPH::ObjectLayer inObject2 ) const override { switch ( inObject1 ) { // NO_COLLIDE collides with nothing. case Layers::NO_COLLIDE: return false; // NON_MOVING collides with moving objects and debris. case Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD: case Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT: return inObject2 == Layers::MOVING || inObject2 == Layers::DEBRIS; // MOVING collides with moving and non-moving objects. case Layers::MOVING: return inObject2 == Layers::MOVING || inObject2 == Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD || inObject2 == Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT; // DEBRIS only collides with non-moving objects. case Layers::DEBRIS: return inObject2 == Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD || inObject2 == Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT; default: VJoltAssert( false ); return false; } }; private: }; // BroadPhaseLayerInterface implementation // This defines a mapping between object and broadphase layers. class JoltBroadPhaseLayerInterface final : public JPH::BroadPhaseLayerInterface { public: JoltBroadPhaseLayerInterface() { // Create a mapping table from object to broad phase layer mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD] = BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_WORLD; mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT] = BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT; mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::MOVING] = BroadPhaseLayers::MOVING; mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::NO_COLLIDE] = BroadPhaseLayers::NO_COLLIDE; mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::DEBRIS] = BroadPhaseLayers::DEBRIS; } uint GetNumBroadPhaseLayers() const override { return Layers::NUM_LAYERS; } JPH::BroadPhaseLayer GetBroadPhaseLayer( JPH::ObjectLayer inLayer ) const override { VJoltAssert( inLayer < Layers::NUM_LAYERS ); return mObjectToBroadPhase[inLayer]; } #if defined( JPH_EXTERNAL_PROFILE ) || defined( JPH_PROFILE_ENABLED ) const char *GetBroadPhaseLayerName( JPH::BroadPhaseLayer inLayer ) const override { switch ( (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)inLayer ) { case (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_WORLD: return "NON_MOVING_WORLD"; case (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT: return "NON_MOVING_OBJECT"; case (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)BroadPhaseLayers::NO_COLLIDE: return "NO_COLLIDE"; case (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)BroadPhaseLayers::DEBRIS: return "DEBRIS"; case (JPH::BroadPhaseLayer::Type)BroadPhaseLayers::MOVING: return "MOVING"; default: VJoltAssert( false ); return "INVALID"; } } #endif private: JPH::BroadPhaseLayer mObjectToBroadPhase[Layers::NUM_LAYERS]; }; class JoltObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter final : public JPH::ObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter { public: // Function that determines if two broadphase layers can collide bool ShouldCollide( JPH::ObjectLayer inLayer1, JPH::BroadPhaseLayer inLayer2 ) const override { switch (inLayer1) { // NO_COLLIDE collides with nothing. case Layers::NO_COLLIDE: return false; // NON_MOVING collides with moving objects and debris. case Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD: case Layers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT: return inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::MOVING || inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::DEBRIS; // MOVING collides with moving and non-moving objects. case Layers::MOVING: return inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::MOVING || inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_WORLD || inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT; // DEBRIS only collides with non-moving objects. case Layers::DEBRIS: return inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_WORLD || inLayer2 == BroadPhaseLayers::NON_MOVING_OBJECT; default: VJoltAssert( false ); return false; } } private: }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static char s_szNextEnvironmentDumpPath[ MAX_PATH ]; static bool s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentClient = false; static bool s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentServer = false; CON_COMMAND( vjolt_environment_dump_client, "Dumps the next simulated environment to a .bin file" ) { s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentClient = true; V_strncpy( s_szNextEnvironmentDumpPath, args.Arg( 1 ), MAX_PATH ); } CON_COMMAND( vjolt_environment_dump_server, "Dumps the next simulated environment to a .bin file" ) { s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentServer = true; V_strncpy( s_szNextEnvironmentDumpPath, args.Arg( 1 ), MAX_PATH ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoltBroadPhaseLayerInterface JoltPhysicsEnvironment::s_BroadPhaseLayerInterface; JoltObjectVsBroadPhaseLayerFilter JoltPhysicsEnvironment::s_BroadPhaseFilter; JoltObjectLayerPairFilter JoltPhysicsEnvironment::s_LayerPairFilter; JoltPhysicsEnvironment::JoltPhysicsEnvironment() : m_ContactListener( m_PhysicsSystem ) { m_PerformanceParams.Defaults(); m_PhysicsSystem.Init( kMaxBodies, kNumBodyMutexes, kMaxBodyPairs, kMaxContactConstraints, s_BroadPhaseLayerInterface, s_BroadPhaseFilter, s_LayerPairFilter); { JPH::PhysicsSettings settings = m_PhysicsSystem.GetPhysicsSettings(); settings.mBaumgarte = vjolt_baumgarte_factor.GetFloat(); m_PhysicsSystem.SetPhysicsSettings( settings ); } // A body activation listener gets notified when bodies activate and go to sleep // Note that this is called from a job so whatever you do here needs to be thread safe. // Registering one is entirely optional. //m_PhysicsSystem.SetBodyActivationListener( &vars.bodyActivationListener ); // A contact listener gets notified when bodies (are about to) collide, and when they separate again. // Note that this is called from a job so whatever you do here needs to be thread safe. // Registering one is entirely optional. m_PhysicsSystem.SetContactListener( &m_ContactListener ); // Source clamps friction from 0 -> 1, so lets do that. m_PhysicsSystem.SetCombineFriction( []( const JPH::Body &inBody1, const JPH::SubShapeID &inSubShapeID1, const JPH::Body &inBody2, const JPH::SubShapeID &inSubShapeID2 ) -> float { return Clamp( inBody1.GetFriction() * inBody2.GetFriction(), 0.0f, 1.0f ); } ); // Jolt normally does max( x, y ) for resitution, but // Source's values expect them to be multiplied and clamped. m_PhysicsSystem.SetCombineRestitution( []( const JPH::Body &inBody1, const JPH::SubShapeID& inSubShapeID1, const JPH::Body &inBody2, const JPH::SubShapeID& inSubShapeID2 ) -> float { return Clamp( inBody1.GetRestitution() * inBody2.GetRestitution(), 0.0f, 1.0f ); } ); // Set our linear cast member m_bUseLinearCast = vjolt_linearcast.GetBool(); } JoltPhysicsEnvironment::~JoltPhysicsEnvironment() { // Clear any pending dead bodies. DeleteDeadObjects(); // Clear out all our bodies. m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodies( m_CachedBodies ); const int nCount = int ( m_CachedBodies.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { JPH::Body *pBody = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock().TryGetBody( m_CachedBodies[ i ] ); JoltPhysicsObject *pObject = reinterpret_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pBody->GetUserData() ); RemoveBodyAndDeleteObject( pObject ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetDebugOverlay( CreateInterfaceFn debugOverlayFactory ) { m_pDebugOverlay = nullptr; if ( debugOverlayFactory ) { m_pDebugOverlay = (IVJoltDebugOverlay *)debugOverlayFactory( VJOLT_DEBUG_OVERLAY_VERSION, nullptr ); JoltPhysicsInterface::GetInstance().SetDebugOverlay( m_pDebugOverlay ); } } IVPhysicsDebugOverlay *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetDebugOverlay() { // Slart: For some reason this is part of the vphysics interface, nothing ever uses it // outside of vphysics and we shouldn't either, we want to be able to pick between the // full debugoverlay or the vphysics one based on a compile-time parameter return nullptr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetGravity( const Vector &gravityVector ) { JPH::Vec3 gravity = SourceToJolt::Distance( gravityVector ); m_PhysicsSystem.SetGravity( gravity ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetGravity( Vector *pGravityVector ) const { VJoltAssert( pGravityVector ); *pGravityVector = JoltToSource::Distance( m_PhysicsSystem.GetGravity() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetAirDensity( float density ) { // Josh: This is linear damping there is also angular damping... // Slart: Maybe we should set both to this value m_flAirDensity = density; Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } float JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetAirDensity() const { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return m_flAirDensity; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static objectparams_t NormalizeObjectParams( objectparams_t* pParams ) { objectparams_t params = *pParams; params.mass = Clamp( pParams->mass, VPHYSICS_MIN_MASS, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); return params; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreatePolyObject( const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams ) { objectparams_t params = NormalizeObjectParams( pParams ); const JPH::Shape* pShape = pCollisionModel->ToShape(); if ( params.massCenterOverride ) { JPH::Vec3 massCenterOverride = SourceToJolt::Distance( *params.massCenterOverride ); pShape = CreateCOMOverrideShape( pShape, massCenterOverride ); } JPH::BodyCreationSettings settings( pShape, SourceToJolt::Distance( position ), SourceToJolt::Angle( angles ), JPH::EMotionType::Dynamic, Layers::MOVING ); settings.mMassPropertiesOverride.mMass = params.mass; //settings.mMassPropertiesOverride.mInertia = JPH::Mat44::sIdentity() * params.inertia; settings.mOverrideMassProperties = JPH::EOverrideMassProperties::CalculateInertia; // JPH::EOverrideMassProperties::MassAndInertiaProvided; if ( m_bUseLinearCast ) settings.mMotionQuality = JPH::EMotionQuality::LinearCast; JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); JPH::Body *pBody = bodyInterface.CreateBody( settings ); bodyInterface.AddBody( pBody->GetID(), JPH::EActivation::DontActivate ); return new JoltPhysicsObject( pBody, this, false, materialIndex, ¶ms ); } IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreatePolyObjectStatic( const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams ) { objectparams_t params = NormalizeObjectParams( pParams ); JPH::BodyCreationSettings settings( pCollisionModel->ToShape(), SourceToJolt::Distance( position ), SourceToJolt::Angle( angles ), JPH::EMotionType::Static, Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD ); JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); JPH::Body *pBody = bodyInterface.CreateBody( settings ); bodyInterface.AddBody( pBody->GetID(), JPH::EActivation::DontActivate ); return new JoltPhysicsObject( pBody, this, true, materialIndex, ¶ms ); } IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateSphereObject( float radius, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) { objectparams_t params = NormalizeObjectParams( pParams ); const JPH::Shape *pShape = new JPH::SphereShape( SourceToJolt::Distance( radius ) ); if ( params.massCenterOverride ) { JPH::Vec3 massCenterOverride = SourceToJolt::Distance( *params.massCenterOverride ); pShape = CreateCOMOverrideShape( pShape, massCenterOverride ); } JPH::EMotionType motionType = isStatic ? JPH::EMotionType::Static : JPH::EMotionType::Dynamic; JPH::ObjectLayer objectLayer = isStatic ? Layers::NON_MOVING_WORLD : Layers::MOVING; JPH::BodyCreationSettings settings( pShape, SourceToJolt::Distance( position ), SourceToJolt::Angle( angles ), motionType, objectLayer ); if ( !isStatic ) { if ( m_bUseLinearCast ) settings.mMotionQuality = JPH::EMotionQuality::LinearCast; settings.mMassPropertiesOverride.mMass = params.mass; //settings.mMassPropertiesOverride.mInertia = JPH::Mat44::sIdentity() * params.inertia; settings.mOverrideMassProperties = JPH::EOverrideMassProperties::CalculateInertia;//JPH::EOverrideMassProperties::MassAndInertiaProvided; } JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); JPH::Body *pBody = bodyInterface.CreateBody( settings ); bodyInterface.AddBody( pBody->GetID(), JPH::EActivation::DontActivate ); return new JoltPhysicsObject( pBody, this, isStatic, materialIndex, ¶ms ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) { if ( !pObject ) return; JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = static_cast( pObject ); if ( pJoltObject->GetCallbackFlags() & CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ) { // Object deleted twice. VJoltAssertMsg( 0, "Object deleted twice.\n" ); return; } pJoltObject->AddCallbackFlags( CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ); // If we are simulating or the delete queue is enabled, add it to the delete queue. // Otherwise, just delete it now. if ( m_bSimulating || m_bEnableDeleteQueue ) m_pDeadObjects.push_back( pJoltObject ); else RemoveBodyAndDeleteObject( pJoltObject ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsFluidController *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateFluidController( IPhysicsObject *pFluidObject, fluidparams_t *pParams ) { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = static_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pFluidObject ); JoltPhysicsFluidController *pFluidController = new JoltPhysicsFluidController( &m_PhysicsSystem, pJoltObject, pParams ); m_pPhysicsControllers.push_back( pFluidController ); return pFluidController; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyFluidController( IPhysicsFluidController *pFluidController ) { JoltPhysicsFluidController *pInternalFluidController = static_cast( pFluidController ); Erase( m_pPhysicsControllers, pInternalFluidController ); delete pInternalFluidController; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class JoltPhysicsSpring final : public IPhysicsSpring, public IJoltObjectDestroyedListener { public: JoltPhysicsSpring( JPH::PhysicsSystem *pPhysicsSystem, JoltPhysicsObject *pObjectStart, JoltPhysicsObject *pObjectEnd, springparams_t *pParams ); ~JoltPhysicsSpring() override; void GetEndpoints( Vector *worldPositionStart, Vector *worldPositionEnd ) override; void SetSpringConstant( float flSpringConstant ) override; void SetSpringDamping( float flSpringDamping ) override; void SetSpringLength( float flSpringLength ) override; IPhysicsObject *GetStartObject() override; IPhysicsObject *GetEndObject() override; void OnJoltPhysicsObjectDestroyed( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject ); private: JPH::PhysicsSystem *m_pPhysicsSystem = nullptr; JoltPhysicsObject *m_pObjectStart = nullptr; JoltPhysicsObject *m_pObjectEnd = nullptr; JPH::DistanceConstraint *m_pConstraint = nullptr; bool m_OnlyStretch = false; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoltPhysicsSpring::JoltPhysicsSpring( JPH::PhysicsSystem *pPhysicsSystem, JoltPhysicsObject *pObjectStart, JoltPhysicsObject *pObjectEnd, springparams_t *pParams ) : m_pPhysicsSystem( pPhysicsSystem ) , m_pObjectStart( pObjectStart ) , m_pObjectEnd( pObjectEnd ) , m_OnlyStretch( pParams->onlyStretch ) { JPH::Body *refBody = m_pObjectStart->GetBody(); JPH::Body *attBody = m_pObjectEnd->GetBody(); JPH::DistanceConstraintSettings settings; settings.mSpace = pParams->useLocalPositions ? JPH::EConstraintSpace::LocalToBodyCOM : JPH::EConstraintSpace::WorldSpace; settings.mPoint1 = SourceToJolt::Distance( pParams->startPosition ); settings.mPoint2 = SourceToJolt::Distance( pParams->endPosition ); settings.mMinDistance = m_OnlyStretch ? 0.0f : SourceToJolt::Distance( pParams->naturalLength ); settings.mMaxDistance = SourceToJolt::Distance( pParams->naturalLength ); settings.mFrequency = GetSpringFrequency( pParams->constant, m_pObjectStart, m_pObjectEnd ); // TODO(Josh): The damping values are normally fucking crazy like 5500 from Source... wtf is going on here. settings.mDamping = 0.0f; m_pConstraint = static_cast< JPH::DistanceConstraint * >( settings.Create( *refBody, *attBody ) ); m_pConstraint->SetEnabled( true ); m_pPhysicsSystem->AddConstraint( m_pConstraint ); m_pObjectStart->AddDestroyedListener( this ); m_pObjectEnd->AddDestroyedListener( this ); } JoltPhysicsSpring::~JoltPhysicsSpring() { if ( m_pObjectStart ) m_pObjectStart->RemoveDestroyedListener( this ); if ( m_pObjectEnd ) m_pObjectEnd->RemoveDestroyedListener( this ); m_pPhysicsSystem->RemoveConstraint( m_pConstraint ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsSpring::GetEndpoints( Vector *worldPositionStart, Vector *worldPositionEnd ) { // TODO(Josh): Implement this. Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); if ( worldPositionStart ) *worldPositionStart = vec3_origin; if ( worldPositionEnd ) *worldPositionEnd = vec3_origin; } void JoltPhysicsSpring::SetSpringConstant( float flSpringConstant ) { m_pObjectStart->Wake(); m_pObjectEnd->Wake(); m_pConstraint->SetFrequency( GetSpringFrequency( flSpringConstant, m_pObjectStart, m_pObjectEnd ) ); } void JoltPhysicsSpring::SetSpringDamping( float flSpringDamping ) { m_pObjectStart->Wake(); m_pObjectEnd->Wake(); //m_pConstraint->SetDamping( flSpringDamping ); } void JoltPhysicsSpring::SetSpringLength( float flSpringLength ) { m_pObjectStart->Wake(); m_pObjectEnd->Wake(); float flLength = SourceToJolt::Distance( flSpringLength ); m_pConstraint->SetDistance( m_OnlyStretch ? 0.0f : flLength, flLength ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsSpring::GetStartObject() { return m_pObjectStart; } IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsSpring::GetEndObject() { return m_pObjectEnd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsSpring::OnJoltPhysicsObjectDestroyed( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject ) { if ( pObject == m_pObjectStart ) m_pObjectStart = nullptr; if ( pObject == m_pObjectEnd ) m_pObjectEnd = nullptr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsSpring *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateSpring( IPhysicsObject *pObjectStart, IPhysicsObject *pObjectEnd, springparams_t *pParams ) { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObjectStart = static_cast< JoltPhysicsObject *>( pObjectStart ); JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObjectEnd = static_cast< JoltPhysicsObject *>( pObjectEnd ); return new JoltPhysicsSpring( &m_PhysicsSystem, pJoltObjectStart, pJoltObjectEnd, pParams ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroySpring( IPhysicsSpring *pSpring ) { JoltPhysicsSpring *pJoltSpring = static_cast< JoltPhysicsSpring * >( pSpring ); delete pJoltSpring; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateRagdollConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_ragdollparams_t &ragdoll ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseRagdoll( pGroup, ragdoll ); return pConstraint; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateHingeConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_hingeparams_t &hinge ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseHinge( pGroup, hinge ); return pConstraint; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateFixedConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_fixedparams_t &fixed ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseFixed( pGroup, fixed ); return pConstraint; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateSlidingConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_slidingparams_t &sliding ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseSliding( pGroup, sliding ); return pConstraint; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateBallsocketConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_ballsocketparams_t &ballsocket ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseBallsocket( pGroup, ballsocket ); return pConstraint; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreatePulleyConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_pulleyparams_t &pulley ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return nullptr; } IPhysicsConstraint *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateLengthConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_lengthparams_t &length ) { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pReferenceObject, pAttachedObject ); pConstraint->InitialiseLength( pGroup, length ); return pConstraint; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyConstraint( IPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint ) { if ( !pConstraint ) return; JoltPhysicsConstraint *pJoltConstraint = static_cast< JoltPhysicsConstraint * >( pConstraint ); if ( m_bWakeObjectsOnConstraintDeletion ) { IPhysicsObject *pObjectRef = pJoltConstraint->GetReferenceObject(); if ( pObjectRef ) pObjectRef->Wake(); IPhysicsObject *pObjectAtt = pJoltConstraint->GetAttachedObject(); if ( pObjectAtt ) pObjectAtt->Wake(); } // Suprisingly, the quick delete thing only affects whether we wake // constraints or not. // It does not affect whether it goes in the delete queue. if ( m_bSimulating ) { pJoltConstraint->Deactivate(); m_pDeadConstraints.push_back( pJoltConstraint ); } else { delete pJoltConstraint; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsConstraintGroup *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateConstraintGroup( const constraint_groupparams_t &groupParams ) { return new JoltPhysicsConstraintGroup; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyConstraintGroup( IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup ) { delete static_cast( pGroup ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsShadowController *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateShadowController( IPhysicsObject *pObject, bool allowTranslation, bool allowRotation ) { JoltPhysicsShadowController *pController = new JoltPhysicsShadowController( static_cast( pObject ), allowTranslation, allowRotation ); m_pPhysicsControllers.push_back( pController ); return pController; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyShadowController( IPhysicsShadowController *pShadowController ) { JoltPhysicsShadowController *pController = static_cast< JoltPhysicsShadowController * >( pShadowController ); Erase( m_pPhysicsControllers, pController ); delete pController; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsPlayerController *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreatePlayerController( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) { JoltPhysicsPlayerController *pController = new JoltPhysicsPlayerController( static_cast( pObject ) ); m_pPhysicsControllers.push_back( pController ); return pController; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyPlayerController( IPhysicsPlayerController *pPlayerController ) { JoltPhysicsPlayerController *pController = static_cast< JoltPhysicsPlayerController * >( pPlayerController ); Erase( m_pPhysicsControllers, pController ); delete pController; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsMotionController *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateMotionController( IMotionEvent *pHandler ) { JoltPhysicsMotionController *pController = new JoltPhysicsMotionController( pHandler ); m_pPhysicsControllers.push_back( pController ); return pController; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyMotionController( IPhysicsMotionController *pController ) { JoltPhysicsMotionController *pJoltController = static_cast< JoltPhysicsMotionController * >( pController ); Erase( m_pPhysicsControllers, pJoltController ); delete pJoltController; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPhysicsVehicleController *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CreateVehicleController( IPhysicsObject *pVehicleBodyObject, const vehicleparams_t ¶ms, unsigned int nVehicleType, IPhysicsGameTrace *pGameTrace ) { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltCarBodyObject = static_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pVehicleBodyObject ); JoltPhysicsVehicleController *pController = new JoltPhysicsVehicleController( this, &m_PhysicsSystem, pJoltCarBodyObject, params, nVehicleType, pGameTrace ); m_pPhysicsControllers.push_back( pController ); return pController; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyVehicleController( IPhysicsVehicleController *pVehicleController ) { JoltPhysicsVehicleController *pJoltController = static_cast( pVehicleController ); Erase( m_pPhysicsControllers, pJoltController ); delete pJoltController; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetCollisionSolver( IPhysicsCollisionSolver *pSolver ) { m_ContactListener.SetGameSolver( pSolver ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::Simulate( float deltaTime ) { // Handle pausing the game... if ( deltaTime == 0.0f ) return; // Grab our shared assets from the interface JPH::TempAllocator *tempAllocator = JoltPhysicsInterface::GetInstance().GetTempAllocator(); JPH::JobSystem *jobSystem = JoltPhysicsInterface::GetInstance().GetJobSystem(); // Clear any dead objects before running the simulation. DeleteDeadObjects(); HandleDebugDumpingEnvironment( VJOLT_RETURN_ADDRESS() ); m_bSimulating = true; // Funnily enough, VPhysics calls this BEFORE // doing the simulation... m_ContactListener.PostSimulationFrame(); // Run pre-simulation controllers for ( IJoltPhysicsController *pController : m_pPhysicsControllers ) pController->OnPreSimulate( deltaTime ); const int nIntegrationSubSteps = vjolt_substeps_integration.GetInt(); const int nCollisionSubSteps = vjolt_substeps_collision.GetInt(); // If we haven't already, optimize the broadphase, currently this can only happen once per-environment if ( !m_bOptimizedBroadPhase ) { m_PhysicsSystem.OptimizeBroadPhase(); m_bOptimizedBroadPhase = true; if ( vjolt_initial_simulation.GetBool() ) { // Do an initial simulation to settle objects down. static constexpr float InitialIterationTimescale = 1.0f / 60.0f; static constexpr int MaxInitialIterations = 1024; static constexpr int InitialSubSteps = 4; int nIterCount = 0; while ( m_PhysicsSystem.GetNumActiveBodies() && nIterCount < MaxInitialIterations ) { m_PhysicsSystem.Update( InitialIterationTimescale, 1, InitialSubSteps, tempAllocator, jobSystem ); nIterCount++; } } else { // Move things around! m_PhysicsSystem.Update( deltaTime, nCollisionSubSteps, nIntegrationSubSteps, tempAllocator, jobSystem ); } } else { // Move things around! m_PhysicsSystem.Update( deltaTime, nCollisionSubSteps, nIntegrationSubSteps, tempAllocator, jobSystem ); } m_ContactListener.FlushCallbacks(); // Run post-simulation controllers for ( IJoltPhysicsController *pController : m_pPhysicsControllers ) pController->OnPostSimulate( deltaTime ); m_bSimulating = false; // If the delete queue is disabled, we only added to it during the simulation // ie. callbacks etc. So flush that now. if ( !m_bEnableDeleteQueue ) DeleteDeadObjects(); #ifdef JPH_DEBUG_RENDERER JoltPhysicsDebugRenderer::GetInstance().RenderPhysicsSystem( m_PhysicsSystem ); #endif } bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::IsInSimulation() const { return m_bSimulating; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetSimulationTimestep() const { return m_flStepTime; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetSimulationTimestep( float timestep ) { m_flStepTime = timestep; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetSimulationTime() const { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return 0.0f; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::ResetSimulationClock() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } float JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetNextFrameTime() const { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return 0.0f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetCollisionEventHandler( IPhysicsCollisionEvent *pCollisionEvents ) { m_ContactListener.SetGameListener( pCollisionEvents ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetObjectEventHandler( IPhysicsObjectEvent *pObjectEvents ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetConstraintEventHandler( IPhysicsConstraintEvent *pConstraintEvents ) { m_pConstraintListener = pConstraintEvents; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetQuickDelete( bool bQuick ) { // Josh: // What a weird function, all this does is determine whether // to wake objects when the constraint gets deleted or not. m_bWakeObjectsOnConstraintDeletion = !bQuick; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetActiveObjectCount and GetActiveObjects are always called in pairs // and outside of the simulation. // // If there is a weird case where this is different (GMod lua on collision callbacks maybe?). // Uncomment the locking code below. int JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetActiveObjectCount() const { if ( !m_bActiveObjectCountFirst ) { m_PhysicsSystem.GetActiveBodies( m_CachedActiveBodies ); // Append any dirty static bodies we need the game side transforms // to be updated for. m_CachedActiveBodies.insert( m_CachedActiveBodies.end(), m_DirtyStaticBodies.begin(), m_DirtyStaticBodies.end() ); } else { // If this is the first call, then some objects may have become // asleep from the initial simulation have their visuals not match where they are. m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodies( m_CachedActiveBodies ); m_bActiveObjectCountFirst = false; } m_DirtyStaticBodies.clear(); return int( m_CachedActiveBodies.size() ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetActiveObjects( IPhysicsObject **pOutputObjectList ) const { const int nCount = int ( m_CachedActiveBodies.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { JPH::Body *pBody = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock().TryGetBody( m_CachedActiveBodies[ i ] ); pOutputObjectList[ i ] = reinterpret_cast( pBody->GetUserData() ); } } const IPhysicsObject **JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetObjectList( int *pOutputObjectCount ) const { m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodies( m_CachedBodies ); const int nCount = int ( m_CachedBodies.size() ); if ( pOutputObjectCount ) *pOutputObjectCount = nCount; m_CachedObjects.resize( nCount ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { JPH::Body *pBody = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyLockInterfaceNoLock().TryGetBody( m_CachedBodies[ i ] ); m_CachedObjects[ i ] = reinterpret_cast< IPhysicsObject * >( pBody->GetUserData() ); } return m_CachedObjects.data(); } bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::TransferObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject, IPhysicsEnvironment *pDestinationEnvironment ) { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = static_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pObject ); JoltPhysicsEnvironment *pJoltEnv = static_cast< JoltPhysicsEnvironment * >( pDestinationEnvironment ); JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); bodyInterface.RemoveBody( pJoltObject->GetBodyID() ); pJoltEnv->ObjectTransferHandOver( pJoltObject ); pJoltObject->UpdateEnvironment( pJoltEnv ); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::CleanupDeleteList() { DeleteDeadObjects(); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::EnableDeleteQueue( bool enable ) { m_bEnableDeleteQueue = enable; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class JoltStateRecorderSave final : public JPH::StateRecorder { public: JoltStateRecorderSave( ISave *pSave ) : m_pSave( pSave ) { } JoltStateRecorderSave( IRestore *pRestore ) : m_pRestore( pRestore ) { } void WriteBytes( const void* inData, size_t inNumBytes ) override { m_pSave->WriteData( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( inData ), int( inNumBytes ) ); } void ReadBytes( void* outData, size_t inNumBytes ) override { m_pRestore->ReadData( reinterpret_cast< char * >( outData ), int( inNumBytes ), 0 ); } bool IsEOF() const override { return false; } bool IsFailed() const override { return false; } private: union { ISave *m_pSave; IRestore *m_pRestore; }; }; bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::Save( const physsaveparams_t ¶ms ) { JoltStateRecorderSave recorder( params.pSave ); switch ( params.type ) { default: case PIID_UNKNOWN: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_UNKNOWN is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSOBJECT: { JoltPhysicsObject *pObject = reinterpret_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( params.pObject ); JPH::BodyCreationSettings bodyCreationSettings = pObject->GetBody()->GetBodyCreationSettings(); recorder.Write( reinterpret_cast( pObject ) ); bodyCreationSettings.SaveBinaryState( recorder ); pObject->SaveObjectState( recorder ); return true; } case PIID_IPHYSICSFLUIDCONTROLLER: // This just returns false in regular VPhysics. return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSSPRING: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSSPRING is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINTGROUP: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINTGROUP is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINT: { JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint = reinterpret_cast< JoltPhysicsConstraint * >( params.pObject ); JoltPhysicsObject *pRefObject = reinterpret_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pConstraint->GetReferenceObject() ); JoltPhysicsObject *pAttObject = reinterpret_cast< JoltPhysicsObject * >( pConstraint->GetAttachedObject() ); recorder.Write( reinterpret_cast( pConstraint ) ); recorder.Write( reinterpret_cast( pRefObject ) ); recorder.Write( reinterpret_cast( pAttObject ) ); pConstraint->SaveConstraintSettings( recorder ); return true; } case PIID_IPHYSICSSHADOWCONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSSHADOWCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSPLAYERCONTROLLER: // This just returns false in regular VPhysics. return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSMOTIONCONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSMOTIONCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSVEHICLECONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSVEHICLECONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSGAMETRACE: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Saving PIID_IPHYSICSGAMETRACE is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; } } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::PreRestore( const physprerestoreparams_t ¶ms ) { m_SaveRestorePointerMap.clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < params.recreatedObjectCount; i++ ) AddPhysicsSaveRestorePointer( reinterpret_cast< uintp >( params.recreatedObjectList[ i ].pOldObject ), params.recreatedObjectList[ i ].pNewObject ); } bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::Restore( const physrestoreparams_t ¶ms ) { JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); JoltStateRecorderSave recorder( params.pRestore ); switch ( params.type ) { default: case PIID_UNKNOWN: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_UNKNOWN is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSOBJECT: { const JPH::Shape* pShape = params.pCollisionModel->ToShape(); JPH::BodyCreationSettings bodyCreationSettings; uintp originalPtr; recorder.Read( originalPtr ); bodyCreationSettings.RestoreBinaryState( recorder ); bodyCreationSettings.SetShape( pShape ); JPH::Body *pBody = bodyInterface.CreateBody( bodyCreationSettings ); bodyInterface.AddBody( pBody->GetID(), JPH::EActivation::DontActivate ); JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = new JoltPhysicsObject( pBody, this, params.pGameData, recorder ); *params.ppObject = reinterpret_cast< void * >( pJoltObject ); AddPhysicsSaveRestorePointer( originalPtr, pJoltObject ); return true; } case PIID_IPHYSICSFLUIDCONTROLLER: // Given saving this just returns false, this should never happen. Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSFLUIDCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSSPRING: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSSPRING is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINTGROUP: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINTGROUP is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSCONSTRAINT: { uintp constraintPtr, refObjectPtr, attObjectPtr; constraintType_t type; recorder.Read( constraintPtr ); recorder.Read( refObjectPtr ); recorder.Read( attObjectPtr ); recorder.Read( type ); JPH::ConstraintSettings::ConstraintResult result = JPH::ConstraintSettings::sRestoreFromBinaryState( recorder ); if ( result.HasError() ) { Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Error restoring constraint: %s.\n", result.GetError().c_str() ); return false; } JoltPhysicsObject* pRefObject = LookupPhysicsSaveRestorePointer< JoltPhysicsObject >( refObjectPtr ); JoltPhysicsObject* pAttObject = LookupPhysicsSaveRestorePointer< JoltPhysicsObject >( attObjectPtr ); const JPH::TwoBodyConstraintSettings *pSettings = static_cast< const JPH::TwoBodyConstraintSettings * >( result.Get().GetPtr() ); JPH::Constraint *pConstraint = bodyInterface.CreateConstraint( pSettings, pRefObject->GetBodyID(), pAttObject->GetBodyID() ); pConstraint->RestoreState( recorder ); m_PhysicsSystem.AddConstraint( pConstraint ); JoltPhysicsConstraint* pJoltConstraint = new JoltPhysicsConstraint( this, pRefObject, pAttObject, type, pConstraint, params.pGameData ); *params.ppObject = reinterpret_cast( pJoltConstraint ); AddPhysicsSaveRestorePointer( constraintPtr, pJoltConstraint ); return true; } case PIID_IPHYSICSSHADOWCONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSSHADOWCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSPLAYERCONTROLLER: // Given saving this just returns false, this should never happen. Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSPLAYERCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSMOTIONCONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSMOTIONCONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSVEHICLECONTROLLER: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSVEHICLECONTROLLER is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; case PIID_IPHYSICSGAMETRACE: Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Restoring PIID_IPHYSICSGAMETRACE is unsupported right now.\n" ); return false; } } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::PostRestore() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); m_SaveRestorePointerMap.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::IsCollisionModelUsed( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) const { // Josh: This is only used in debug code. return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::TraceRay( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fMask, IPhysicsTraceFilter *pTraceFilter, trace_t *pTrace ) { // Josh: This does nothing in regular vphysics. } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SweepCollideable( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd, const QAngle &vecAngles, unsigned int fMask, IPhysicsTraceFilter *pTraceFilter, trace_t *pTrace ) { // Josh: This does nothing in regular vphysics. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetPerformanceSettings( physics_performanceparams_t *pOutput ) const { if ( pOutput ) *pOutput = m_PerformanceParams; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetPerformanceSettings( const physics_performanceparams_t *pSettings ) { if ( pSettings ) { m_PerformanceParams = *pSettings; // Normalize these values to match VPhysics behaviour. m_PerformanceParams.minFrictionMass = Clamp( m_PerformanceParams.minFrictionMass, 1.0f, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); m_PerformanceParams.maxFrictionMass = Clamp( m_PerformanceParams.maxFrictionMass, 1.0f, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::ReadStats( physics_stats_t *pOutput ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::ClearStats() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // StateRecorder implementation that gathers the size required to save a body's state class VJoltStateSizeRecorder final : public JPH::StateRecorder { public: // StreamIn void ReadBytes( void *outData, size_t inNumBytes ) override {} bool IsEOF() const override { return false; } // StreamOut void WriteBytes( const void *inData, size_t inNumBytes ) { saveSize += inNumBytes; } // Both bool IsFailed() const override { return false; } public: size_t saveSize = 0; }; unsigned int JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetObjectSerializeSize( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) const { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = static_cast( pObject ); const JPH::Body *pBody = pJoltObject->GetBody(); VJoltStateSizeRecorder recorder; pBody->SaveState( recorder ); pJoltObject->SaveObjectState( recorder ); // Larger than we actually need, but it doesn't matter return static_cast( sizeof( void * ) + recorder.saveSize + sizeof( JPH::BodyCreationSettings ) ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SerializeObjectToBuffer( IPhysicsObject *pObject, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned int bufferSize ) { JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = static_cast( pObject ); const JPH::Body *pBody = pJoltObject->GetBody(); VJoltStateRecorder recorder( pBuffer, bufferSize ); // Write shape recorder.Write( const_cast( reinterpret_cast( pBody->GetShape() ) ) ); // Write body creation settings JPH::BodyCreationSettings bodyCreationSettings = pBody->GetBodyCreationSettings(); bodyCreationSettings.SaveBinaryState( recorder ); pJoltObject->SaveObjectState( recorder ); } IPhysicsObject *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::UnserializeObjectFromBuffer( void *pGameData, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned int bufferSize, bool enableCollisions ) { VJoltStateRecorder recorder( pBuffer, bufferSize, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY ); // Read shape JPH::Shape *pShape; recorder.Read< JPH::Shape* >( pShape ); // Read body creation settings JPH::BodyCreationSettings bodyCreationSettings; bodyCreationSettings.RestoreBinaryState( recorder ); bodyCreationSettings.SetShape( pShape ); JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); JPH::Body *pBody = bodyInterface.CreateBody( bodyCreationSettings ); bodyInterface.AddBody( pBody->GetID(), JPH::EActivation::Activate ); JoltPhysicsObject *pJoltObject = new JoltPhysicsObject( pBody, this, pGameData, recorder ); pJoltObject->EnableCollisions( enableCollisions ); return pJoltObject; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::EnableConstraintNotify( bool bEnable ) { m_EnableConstraintNotify = bEnable; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DebugCheckContacts() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetAlternateGravity( const Vector &gravityVector ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetAlternateGravity( Vector *pGravityVector ) const { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetDeltaFrameTime( int maxTicks ) const { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); // TODO(Josh): wtf to do here? return m_flStepTime * maxTicks; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::ForceObjectsToSleep( IPhysicsObject **pList, int listCount ) { for ( int i = 0; i < listCount; i++ ) pList[ i ]->Sleep(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetPredicted( bool bPredicted ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } bool JoltPhysicsEnvironment::IsPredicted() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return false; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::SetPredictionCommandNum( int iCommandNum ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } int JoltPhysicsEnvironment::GetPredictionCommandNum() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); return 0; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DoneReferencingPreviousCommands( int iCommandNum ) { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::RestorePredictedSimulation() { Log_Stub( LOG_VJolt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DestroyCollideOnDeadObjectFlush( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) { // If this collide is part of a dead object, add it to a queue to delete. for ( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject : m_pDeadObjects ) { if ( pObject->GetCollide() == pCollide ) { if ( !VectorContains( m_pDeadObjectCollides, pCollide ) ) m_pDeadObjectCollides.push_back( pCollide ); return; } } // Otherwise, just delete it now. JoltPhysicsCollision::GetInstance().DestroyCollide( pCollide ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::ObjectTransferHandOver( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject ) { JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); bodyInterface.AddBody( pObject->GetBodyID(), JPH::EActivation::Activate ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::NotifyConstraintDisabled( JoltPhysicsConstraint* pConstraint ) { if ( m_pConstraintListener && m_EnableConstraintNotify ) m_pConstraintListener->ConstraintBroken( pConstraint ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::AddDirtyStaticBody( const JPH::BodyID &id ) { m_DirtyStaticBodies.push_back( id ); } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::RemoveDirtyStaticBody( const JPH::BodyID &id ) { Erase( m_DirtyStaticBodies, id ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::RemoveBodyAndDeleteObject( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject ) { JPH::BodyInterface &bodyInterface = m_PhysicsSystem.GetBodyInterfaceNoLock(); bodyInterface.RemoveBody( pObject->GetBodyID() ); delete pObject; } void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::DeleteDeadObjects() { for ( JoltPhysicsObject *pObject : m_pDeadObjects ) RemoveBodyAndDeleteObject( pObject ); m_pDeadObjects.clear(); for ( JoltPhysicsConstraint *pConstraint : m_pDeadConstraints ) delete pConstraint; m_pDeadConstraints.clear(); for ( CPhysCollide *pCollide : m_pDeadObjectCollides ) JoltPhysicsCollision::GetInstance().DestroyCollide( pCollide ); m_pDeadObjectCollides.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::AddPhysicsSaveRestorePointer( uintp oldPtr, T* newPtr ) { VJoltAssert( oldPtr != 0 ); VJoltAssert( newPtr != 0 ); m_SaveRestorePointerMap[ oldPtr ] = reinterpret_cast< void * >( newPtr ); } template < typename T > T *JoltPhysicsEnvironment::LookupPhysicsSaveRestorePointer( uintp oldPtr ) { if ( !oldPtr ) return nullptr; auto iter = m_SaveRestorePointerMap.find( oldPtr ); if ( iter == m_SaveRestorePointerMap.end() ) return nullptr; return reinterpret_cast< T * >( iter->second ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void JoltPhysicsEnvironment::HandleDebugDumpingEnvironment( void *pReturnAddress ) { if ( !s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentClient && !s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentServer ) return; // Josh: // Check if we were called by either server.dll or client.dll // so we get the right environment. // (Client will only have ragdolls etc) char szModulePath[MAX_PATH]; GetCallingFunctionModulePath( pReturnAddress, szModulePath, MAX_PATH ); const char* pszModuleFileName = V_UnqualifiedFileName( szModulePath ); bool bIsServerDumping = StringHasPrefix( pszModuleFileName, "server" ) && s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentServer; bool bIsClientDumping = StringHasPrefix( pszModuleFileName, "client" ) && s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentClient; VJoltAssertMsg( !StringHasPrefix( pszModuleFileName, "vphysics" ), "Should never get vphysics as the calling module, this only looks up 1 call in the stack." ); if ( !bIsServerDumping && !bIsClientDumping ) return; JoltStateRecorderFile recorder( s_szNextEnvironmentDumpPath, false ); if ( recorder.IsValid() ) { JPH::PhysicsScene scene; scene.FromPhysicsSystem( &m_PhysicsSystem ); scene.SaveBinaryState( recorder, true, true ); } else Log_Warning( LOG_VJolt, "Failed to open stream to dump environment to file %s!\n", s_szNextEnvironmentDumpPath ); s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentClient = false; s_bShouldDumpEnvironmentServer = false; }