#pragma once #include "Sprite2d.h" #include "Draw.h" #define CARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_R 252 #define CARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_G 138 #define CARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_B 242 #define CARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_A 255 #define CHARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_R 252 #define CHARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_G 138 #define CHARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_B 242 #define CHARBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_A 255 #define OBJECTBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_R 252 #define OBJECTBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_G 138 #define OBJECTBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_B 242 #define OBJECTBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_A 255 #define COORDBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_R 252 #define COORDBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_G 138 #define COORDBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_B 242 #define COORDBLIP_MARKER_COLOR_A 228 #define NUM_MAP_LEGENDS 75 #define MENU_MAP_LENGTH_UNIT 1190.0f // in game unit #define MENU_MAP_WIDTH_SCALE 1.112f // in game unit (originally 1.112494151260504f) #define MENU_MAP_HEIGHT_SCALE 1.119f // in game unit (originally 1.118714268907563f) #define MENU_MAP_TOP_OFFSET 0.28f // in length unit defined above - ~333 game unit #define MENU_MAP_LEFT_OFFSET 0.185f // in length unit defined above - ~220 game unit #define MENU_MAP_LENGTH (4000.f / MENU_MAP_LENGTH_UNIT) enum eBlipType { BLIP_NONE, BLIP_CAR, BLIP_CHAR, BLIP_OBJECT, BLIP_COORD, BLIP_CONTACT_POINT }; enum eBlipDisplay { BLIP_DISPLAY_NEITHER = 0, BLIP_DISPLAY_MARKER_ONLY = 1, BLIP_DISPLAY_BLIP_ONLY = 2, BLIP_DISPLAY_BOTH = 3, }; enum eRadarSprite { RADAR_SPRITE_ENTITY_BLIP = -2, RADAR_SPRITE_COORD_BLIP = -1, RADAR_SPRITE_NONE = 0, RADAR_SPRITE_CENTRE, RADAR_SPRITE_MAP_HERE, RADAR_SPRITE_NORTH, RADAR_SPRITE_AVERY, RADAR_SPRITE_BIKER, RADAR_SPRITE_CORTEZ, RADAR_SPRITE_DIAZ, RADAR_SPRITE_KENT, RADAR_SPRITE_LAWYER, RADAR_SPRITE_PHIL, RADAR_SPRITE_BIKERS, RADAR_SPRITE_BOATYARD, RADAR_SPRITE_MALIBU_CLUB, RADAR_SPRITE_CUBANS, RADAR_SPRITE_FILM, RADAR_SPRITE_GUN, RADAR_SPRITE_HAITIANS, RADAR_SPRITE_HARDWARE, RADAR_SPRITE_SAVE, RADAR_SPRITE_STRIP, RADAR_SPRITE_ICE, RADAR_SPRITE_KCABS, RADAR_SPRITE_LOVEFIST, RADAR_SPRITE_PRINTWORKS, RADAR_SPRITE_PROPERTY, RADAR_SPRITE_SUNYARD, RADAR_SPRITE_SPRAY, RADAR_SPRITE_TSHIRT, RADAR_SPRITE_TOMMY, RADAR_SPRITE_PHONE, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_WILDSTYLE, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_FLASH, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_KCHAT, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_FEVER, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_VROCK, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_VCPR, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_ESPANTOSO, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_EMOTION, RADAR_SPRITE_RADIO_WAVE, #ifdef MAP_ENHANCEMENTS RADAR_SPRITE_WAYPOINT, #endif RADAR_SPRITE_COUNT }; enum { RADAR_TRACE_RED, RADAR_TRACE_GREEN, RADAR_TRACE_LIGHT_BLUE, RADAR_TRACE_GRAY, RADAR_TRACE_YELLOW, RADAR_TRACE_MAGENTA, RADAR_TRACE_CYAN }; enum { BLIP_MODE_TRIANGULAR_UP = 0, BLIP_MODE_TRIANGULAR_DOWN, BLIP_MODE_SQUARE, }; struct sRadarTrace { uint32 m_nColor; uint32 m_eBlipType; // eBlipType int32 m_nEntityHandle; CVector m_vec2DPos; CVector m_vecPos; uint16 m_BlipIndex; bool m_bDim; bool m_bInUse; bool m_bShortRange; bool m_unused; float m_Radius; int16 m_wScale; uint16 m_eBlipDisplay; // eBlipDisplay uint16 m_eRadarSprite; // eRadarSprite }; // Either that was a thing while saving/loading blips, or they added sizes of each field one by one. I want to do the former. #pragma pack(push,1) struct sRadarTraceSave { uint32 m_nColor; float m_Radius; uint32 m_eBlipType; // eBlipType int32 m_nEntityHandle; CVector2D m_vec2DPos; CVector m_vecPos; uint16 m_BlipIndex; bool m_bDim; bool m_bInUse; bool m_bShortRange; bool m_unused; int16 m_wScale; uint16 m_eBlipDisplay; // eBlipDisplay uint16 m_eRadarSprite; // eRadarSprite }; #pragma pack(pop) // Values for screen space #define RADAR_LEFT (40.0f) #define RADAR_BOTTOM (40.0f) #ifdef FIX_RADAR /* The values are from an early screenshot taken before R* broke radar #define RADAR_WIDTH (82.0f) #define RADAR_HEIGHT (82.0f) */ #define RADAR_WIDTH ((CDraw::ms_bFixRadar) ? (82.0f) : (94.0f)) #define RADAR_HEIGHT ((CDraw::ms_bFixRadar) ? (82.0f) : (76.0f)) #else /* broken since forever, someone tried to fix size for 640x512(PAL) http://aap.rockstarvision.com/pics/gta3/ps2screens/gta3_interface.jpg but failed: http://aap.rockstarvision.com/pics/gta3/artwork/gta3_artwork_16.jpg most likely the guy used something like this: int y = 82 * (640.0/512.0)/(640.0/480.0); int x = y * (640.0/512.0); */ #define RADAR_WIDTH (94.0f) #define RADAR_HEIGHT (76.0f) #endif class CRadar { public: static float m_radarRange; static sRadarTrace ms_RadarTrace[NUMRADARBLIPS]; static CSprite2d CentreSprite; static CSprite2d MapHereSprite; static CSprite2d NorthSprite; static CSprite2d AverySprite; static CSprite2d BikerSprite; static CSprite2d CortezSprite; static CSprite2d DiazSprite; static CSprite2d KentSprite; static CSprite2d LawyerSprite; static CSprite2d PhilSprite; static CSprite2d BikersSprite; static CSprite2d BoatyardSprite; static CSprite2d MalibuClubSprite; static CSprite2d CubansSprite; static CSprite2d FilmSprite; static CSprite2d GunSprite; static CSprite2d HaitiansSprite; static CSprite2d HardwareSprite; static CSprite2d SaveHouseSprite; static CSprite2d StripSprite; static CSprite2d IceSprite; static CSprite2d KCabsSprite; static CSprite2d LovefistSprite; static CSprite2d PrintworksSprite; static CSprite2d PropertySprite; static CSprite2d SunYardSprite; static CSprite2d SpraySprite; static CSprite2d TShirtSprite; static CSprite2d TommySprite; static CSprite2d PhoneSprite; static CSprite2d RadioWildstyleSprite; static CSprite2d RadioFlashSprite; static CSprite2d RadioKChatSprite; static CSprite2d RadioFeverSprite; static CSprite2d RadioVRockSprite; static CSprite2d RadioVCPRSprite; static CSprite2d RadioEspantosoSprite; static CSprite2d RadioEmotionSprite; static CSprite2d RadioWaveSprite; static CSprite2d *RadarSprites[RADAR_SPRITE_COUNT]; static float cachedCos; static float cachedSin; static CRGBA ArrowBlipColour1; static CRGBA ArrowBlipColour2; static int16 MapLegendList[NUM_MAP_LEGENDS]; static int16 MapLegendCounter; #ifdef MAP_ENHANCEMENTS static CSprite2d WaypointSprite; static int TargetMarkerId; static CVector TargetMarkerPos; #endif static void InitFrontEndMap(); static void DrawYouAreHereSprite(float, float); #ifdef MAP_ENHANCEMENTS static void ToggleTargetMarker(float, float); #endif static uint8 CalculateBlipAlpha(float dist); static void ChangeBlipBrightness(int32 i, int32 bright); static void ChangeBlipColour(int32 i, int32); static void ChangeBlipDisplay(int32 i, eBlipDisplay display); static void ChangeBlipScale(int32 i, int32 scale); static void ClearBlip(int32 i); static void ClearBlipForEntity(eBlipType type, int32 id); static int ClipRadarPoly(CVector2D *out, const CVector2D *in); static bool DisplayThisBlip(int32 i); static void Draw3dMarkers(); static void DrawBlips(); static void DrawMap(); static void DrawRadarMap(); static void DrawRadarMask(); static void DrawRadarSection(int32 x, int32 y); static void DrawRadarSprite(uint16 sprite, float x, float y, uint8 alpha); static void DrawRotatingRadarSprite(CSprite2d* sprite, float x, float y, float angle, int32 alpha); static int32 GetActualBlipArrayIndex(int32 i); static int32 GetNewUniqueBlipIndex(int32 i); static uint32 GetRadarTraceColour(uint32 color, bool bright); static void Initialise(); static float LimitRadarPoint(CVector2D &point); static void LoadAllRadarBlips(uint8 *buf, uint32 size); static void LoadTextures(); static void RemoveRadarSections(); static void SaveAllRadarBlips(uint8*, uint32*); static void SetBlipSprite(int32 i, int32 icon); static int32 SetCoordBlip(eBlipType type, CVector pos, uint32, eBlipDisplay); static int32 SetEntityBlip(eBlipType type, int32, uint32, eBlipDisplay); static int32 SetShortRangeCoordBlip(eBlipType type, CVector pos, uint32, eBlipDisplay); static void SetRadarMarkerState(int32 i, bool flag); static void ShowRadarMarker(CVector pos, uint32 color, float radius); static void ShowRadarTrace(float x, float y, uint32 size, uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, uint8 alpha); static void ShowRadarTraceWithHeight(float x, float y, uint32 size, uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, uint8 alpha, uint8 mode); static void Shutdown(); static void StreamRadarSections(const CVector &posn); static void StreamRadarSections(int32 x, int32 y); static void TransformRealWorldToTexCoordSpace(CVector2D &out, const CVector2D &in, int32 x, int32 y); static void TransformRadarPointToRealWorldSpace(CVector2D &out, const CVector2D &in); static void TransformRadarPointToScreenSpace(CVector2D &out, const CVector2D &in); static void TransformRealWorldPointToRadarSpace(CVector2D &out, const CVector2D &in); static void CalculateCachedSinCos(); static void DrawEntityBlip(int32 blipId); static void DrawCoordBlip(int32 blipId); static void DrawLegend(int32, int32, int32); };