Css on uweb browser: unlimited power /en/tags/css.html Recent content in Css on uweb browser: unlimited power Hugo -- gohugo.io en Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:17:34 +0800 JS/CSS/HTML/preprocessing for domains /en/sitejs.html Sat, 28 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 /en/sitejs.html Javascript (load when page completes, earliest loaded JS should use sitecss). Need to be named as "[domain root].js", such as "yahoo.com.js" or "finance.yahoo.com.js". The script will be loaded on the whole domain tree sites. If several files matches the domain, then the script with longest file name is loaded. Script must be put under the folder "sitejs" or "/data/data/info.torapp.uweb/files/sitejs". The later folder has the priority. Long press the button "settings", check the option "Run user scripts".