choose one:

Hellfish Common

Tartarus Common 5 gemstones

Knucklehead Rare

Tartarus Common 20 gemstones

Scyllascion Legendary

Tartarus Legendary 30 gemstones

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Common Tartarus 0.68s Guaranteed (NORMAL) "What do you know, a Hellfish."

'...From the looks of them, they must have once been stowaways on the outer hull of Charon's boat, affixing themselves just below the waterline, securing passage from the surface down into the depths via the River Styx. Having adapted to the river's blood-red waters here, they are by now as common as undying shades, and seem very much content to have reached these depths.'


Rare Tartarus 0-0.68s 50% (NORMAL, PERFECT) "Got me a knucklehead."

'...My mother taught me countless water-dwelling denizens, though of this variety, I learned much more only in darkest Tartarus, their habitat being the deepest reaches of the River Styx. I believe they once were living sea-creatures themselves, their faint spirits having washed down all this way via the river, to take on a form of un-life, here.'


Legendary Tartarus 0-0.34s 50% (PERFECT) "Wow, a Scyllascion!"

'...There is a monstrous sea-creature that thrashes somewhere in Poseidon's waters far above; we were very careful to avoid sailing across her trenches even in my sailing days. This rare breed is reminiscent of her dozen heads. Whether or not these creatures are related to Scylla, or merely appear to be, is a matter that is still contested, as no one has yet bothered asking Scylla herself.'