Keep walking forward no matter how tattered you become
iida tenya
uraraka ochako
midoriya izuku
bakugou katsuki
asui tsuyu
todoroki shouto
iida tenya
basic info
Name: 飯田倩哉
Age: 16
Birthday: August 22nd
Engine-like cylinders protude from his calves! His legs are speedy and quick! The fuel his leg-engines need is none other than 100% orange juice! (Carbonic acid stalls his engine!) Furthermore, he can adapt to the situation at hand by switching between first, second, and third gears!
uraraka ochako
basic info
Name: ιΊ—ζ—₯お茢子
Age: 16
Birthday: December 27th
She has five little pads at the tips of the fingers of each hand! If she touches anything with all five pads, she can remove its gravitational pull! And anything that's had its gravitational pull relative to the planet removed will simply float in midair, effectively weightless!
midoriya izuku
basic info
Name: η·‘θ°·ε‡ΊδΉ…
Age: 17
Birthday: July 15th
The accumulated and stockpiled strength of countless men, crystallized in its current user! In the twinkling of an eye, Midoriya can summon an absolutely stupid amount of power! However, the toll it takes on his body when he unleashes his strength at the full 100% is enough to break his bones, so his next challenge is learning to modulate it.
bakugou katsuki
basic info
Name: ηˆ†θ±ͺ勝己
Age: 17
Birthday: April 20th
The sweat glands on Bakugou's palms are mutant! With sweat akin to nitroglycerin, he's able to cause explosions at will. He can spark off explosions unaided as well, but his ability is undoubtedly boosted by activities that conduce sweating - so he's a force to be reckoned with in summertime! However, he's a slow starter in winter! At any rate, the more sweat, the greater the power of his quirk. He has no big drawbacks and his strength leaves no heads unturned! He's a rare specimen - a delinquent with a promising future!
asui tsuyu
basic info
Name: 蛙吹撅雨
Age: 17
Birthday: February 12th
She can do almost all things frog-like! She can extend her tongue, and she has incredible jumping ability!! Most recently, she has been mastering a camouflaging ability. You can't deny that she's almost becoming too powerful! However, she does have weaknesses as well! In cold environments for too long, she becomes incapable of using her quirk! On top of that, all she is able to say is "I'm sleepy!"
todoroki shouto
basic info
Name: θ½Ÿη„¦ε‡
Age: 17
Birthday: January 11th
He can make anything that touches his right side freeze over his left side. Meanwhile, he can blast out scorching hot flames! However, if he keeps activating his freeze power over a long enough stretch, he'll suffer frostbite himself, so he needs to use the heat of his left side to keep his body temperature stable!

On the flip side, if he kept using his left side's flames for too long...I wonder what would happen?
