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package net.minecraft.util;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import java.io.StringReader;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.gson.JsonParseException;
import com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import com.google.gson.JsonDeserializationContext;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.core.Registry;
import net.minecraft.world.item.Item;
import com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
public class GsonHelper {
private static final Gson GSON;
public static boolean isStringValue(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
return isValidPrimitive(jsonObject, string) && jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(string).isString();
public static boolean isStringValue(final JsonElement jsonElement) {
return jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString();
public static boolean isNumberValue(final JsonElement jsonElement) {
return jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber();
public static boolean isBooleanValue(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
return isValidPrimitive(jsonObject, string) && jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(string).isBoolean();
public static boolean isArrayNode(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
return isValidNode(jsonObject, string) && jsonObject.get(string).isJsonArray();
public static boolean isValidPrimitive(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
return isValidNode(jsonObject, string) && jsonObject.get(string).isJsonPrimitive();
public static boolean isValidNode(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
return jsonObject != null && jsonObject.get(string) != null;
public static String convertToString(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
return jsonElement.getAsString();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a string, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static String getAsString(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToString(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a string");
public static String getAsString(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string2, final String string3) {
if (jsonObject.has(string2)) {
return convertToString(jsonObject.get(string2), string2);
return string3;
public static Item convertToItem(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
final String string2 = jsonElement.getAsString();
final Object o;
final String str;
return Registry.ITEM.getOptional(new ResourceLocation(string2)).<Throwable>orElseThrow(() -> {
new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be an item, was unknown string '" + str + "'");
return o;
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be an item, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static Item getAsItem(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToItem(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find an item");
public static boolean convertToBoolean(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
return jsonElement.getAsBoolean();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a Boolean, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static boolean getAsBoolean(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToBoolean(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a Boolean");
public static boolean getAsBoolean(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final boolean boolean3) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToBoolean(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return boolean3;
public static float convertToFloat(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
return jsonElement.getAsFloat();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a Float, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static float getAsFloat(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToFloat(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a Float");
public static float getAsFloat(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final float float3) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToFloat(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return float3;
public static long convertToLong(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
return jsonElement.getAsLong();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a Long, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static long getAsLong(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToLong(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a Long");
public static long getAsLong(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final long long3) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToLong(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return long3;
public static int convertToInt(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
return jsonElement.getAsInt();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a Int, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static int getAsInt(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToInt(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a Int");
public static int getAsInt(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final int integer) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToInt(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return integer;
public static byte convertToByte(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive() && jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
return jsonElement.getAsByte();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a Byte, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static byte getAsByte(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final byte byte3) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToByte(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return byte3;
public static JsonObject convertToJsonObject(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) {
return jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a JsonObject, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static JsonObject getAsJsonObject(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToJsonObject(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a JsonObject");
public static JsonObject getAsJsonObject(final JsonObject jsonObject1, final String string, final JsonObject jsonObject3) {
if (jsonObject1.has(string)) {
return convertToJsonObject(jsonObject1.get(string), string);
return jsonObject3;
public static JsonArray convertToJsonArray(final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string) {
if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) {
return jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Expected " + string + " to be a JsonArray, was " + getType(jsonElement));
public static JsonArray getAsJsonArray(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToJsonArray(jsonObject.get(string), string);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string + ", expected to find a JsonArray");
public static JsonArray getAsJsonArray(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, @Nullable final JsonArray jsonArray) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return convertToJsonArray(jsonObject.get(string), string);
return jsonArray;
public static <T> T convertToObject(@Nullable final JsonElement jsonElement, final String string, final JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext, final Class<? extends T> class4) {
if (jsonElement != null) {
return jsonDeserializationContext.<T>deserialize(jsonElement, class4);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string);
public static <T> T getAsObject(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext, final Class<? extends T> class4) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return GsonHelper.<T>convertToObject(jsonObject.get(string), string, jsonDeserializationContext, class4);
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + string);
public static <T> T getAsObject(final JsonObject jsonObject, final String string, final T object, final JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext, final Class<? extends T> class5) {
if (jsonObject.has(string)) {
return GsonHelper.<T>convertToObject(jsonObject.get(string), string, jsonDeserializationContext, class5);
return object;
public static String getType(final JsonElement jsonElement) {
final String string2 = StringUtils.abbreviateMiddle(String.valueOf(jsonElement), "...", 10);
if (jsonElement == null) {
return "null (missing)";
if (jsonElement.isJsonNull()) {
return "null (json)";
if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) {
return "an array (" + string2 + ")";
if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) {
return "an object (" + string2 + ")";
if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
final JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive3 = jsonElement.getAsJsonPrimitive();
if (jsonPrimitive3.isNumber()) {
return "a number (" + string2 + ")";
if (jsonPrimitive3.isBoolean()) {
return "a boolean (" + string2 + ")";
return string2;
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final Reader reader, final Class<T> class3, final boolean boolean4) {
try {
final JsonReader jsonReader5 = new JsonReader(reader);
return gson.<T>getAdapter(class3).read(jsonReader5);
catch (IOException iOException5) {
throw new JsonParseException(iOException5);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final Reader reader, final Type type, final boolean boolean4) {
try {
final JsonReader jsonReader5 = new JsonReader(reader);
return (T)gson.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(type)).read(jsonReader5);
catch (IOException iOException5) {
throw new JsonParseException(iOException5);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final String string, final Type type, final boolean boolean4) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, new StringReader(string), type, boolean4);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final String string, final Class<T> class3, final boolean boolean4) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, new StringReader(string), class3, boolean4);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final Reader reader, final Type type) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, reader, type, false);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final String string, final Type type) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, string, type, false);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final Reader reader, final Class<T> class3) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, reader, class3, false);
public static <T> T fromJson(final Gson gson, final String string, final Class<T> class3) {
return GsonHelper.<T>fromJson(gson, string, class3, false);
public static JsonObject parse(final String string, final boolean boolean2) {
return parse(new StringReader(string), boolean2);
public static JsonObject parse(final Reader reader, final boolean boolean2) {
return GsonHelper.<JsonObject>fromJson(GsonHelper.GSON, reader, JsonObject.class, boolean2);
public static JsonObject parse(final String string) {
return parse(string, false);
public static JsonObject parse(final Reader reader) {
return parse(reader, false);
static {
GSON = new GsonBuilder().create();