package com.mojang.blaze3d.shaders; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import com.mojang.math.Matrix4f; import java.nio.Buffer; import; import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager; import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class Uniform extends AbstractUniform implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOGGER; private int location; private final int count; private final int type; private final IntBuffer intValues; private final FloatBuffer floatValues; private final String name; private boolean dirty; private final Effect parent; public Uniform(final String string, final int integer2, final int integer3, final Effect dhc) { = string; this.count = integer3; this.type = integer2; this.parent = dhc; if (integer2 <= 3) { this.intValues = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(integer3); this.floatValues = null; } else { this.intValues = null; this.floatValues = MemoryUtil.memAllocFloat(integer3); } this.location = -1; this.markDirty(); } public static int glGetUniformLocation(final int integer, final CharSequence charSequence) { return GlStateManager._glGetUniformLocation(integer, charSequence); } public static void uploadInteger(final int integer1, final int integer2) { RenderSystem.glUniform1i(integer1, integer2); } public static int glGetAttribLocation(final int integer, final CharSequence charSequence) { return GlStateManager._glGetAttribLocation(integer, charSequence); } @Override public void close() { if (this.intValues != null) { MemoryUtil.memFree((Buffer)this.intValues); } if (this.floatValues != null) { MemoryUtil.memFree((Buffer)this.floatValues); } } private void markDirty() { this.dirty = true; if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.markDirty(); } } public static int getTypeFromString(final String string) { int integer2 = -1; if ("int".equals(string)) { integer2 = 0; } else if ("float".equals(string)) { integer2 = 4; } else if (string.startsWith("matrix")) { if (string.endsWith("2x2")) { integer2 = 8; } else if (string.endsWith("3x3")) { integer2 = 9; } else if (string.endsWith("4x4")) { integer2 = 10; } } return integer2; } public void setLocation(final int integer) { this.location = integer; } public String getName() { return; } @Override public void set(final float float1) { this.floatValues.position(0); this.floatValues.put(0, float1); this.markDirty(); } @Override public void set(final float float1, final float float2) { this.floatValues.position(0); this.floatValues.put(0, float1); this.floatValues.put(1, float2); this.markDirty(); } @Override public void set(final float float1, final float float2, final float float3) { this.floatValues.position(0); this.floatValues.put(0, float1); this.floatValues.put(1, float2); this.floatValues.put(2, float3); this.markDirty(); } @Override public void set(final float float1, final float float2, final float float3, final float float4) { this.floatValues.position(0); this.floatValues.put(float1); this.floatValues.put(float2); this.floatValues.put(float3); this.floatValues.put(float4); this.floatValues.flip(); this.markDirty(); } @Override public void setSafe(final float float1, final float float2, final float float3, final float float4) { this.floatValues.position(0); if (this.type >= 4) { this.floatValues.put(0, float1); } if (this.type >= 5) { this.floatValues.put(1, float2); } if (this.type >= 6) { this.floatValues.put(2, float3); } if (this.type >= 7) { this.floatValues.put(3, float4); } this.markDirty(); } @Override public void setSafe(final int integer1, final int integer2, final int integer3, final int integer4) { this.intValues.position(0); if (this.type >= 0) { this.intValues.put(0, integer1); } if (this.type >= 1) { this.intValues.put(1, integer2); } if (this.type >= 2) { this.intValues.put(2, integer3); } if (this.type >= 3) { this.intValues.put(3, integer4); } this.markDirty(); } @Override public void set(final float[] arr) { if (arr.length < this.count) { Uniform.LOGGER.warn("Uniform.set called with a too-small value array (expected {}, got {}). Ignoring.", this.count, arr.length); return; } this.floatValues.position(0); this.floatValues.put(arr); this.floatValues.position(0); this.markDirty(); } @Override public void set(final Matrix4f b) { this.floatValues.position(0);; this.markDirty(); } public void upload() { if (!this.dirty) {} this.dirty = false; if (this.type <= 3) { this.uploadAsInteger(); } else if (this.type <= 7) { this.uploadAsFloat(); } else { if (this.type > 10) { Uniform.LOGGER.warn("Uniform.upload called, but type value ({}) is not a valid type. Ignoring.", this.type); return; } this.uploadAsMatrix(); } } private void uploadAsInteger() { this.floatValues.clear(); switch (this.type) { case 0: { RenderSystem.glUniform1(this.location, this.intValues); break; } case 1: { RenderSystem.glUniform2(this.location, this.intValues); break; } case 2: { RenderSystem.glUniform3(this.location, this.intValues); break; } case 3: { RenderSystem.glUniform4(this.location, this.intValues); break; } default: { Uniform.LOGGER.warn("Uniform.upload called, but count value ({}) is not in the range of 1 to 4. Ignoring.", this.count); break; } } } private void uploadAsFloat() { this.floatValues.clear(); switch (this.type) { case 4: { RenderSystem.glUniform1(this.location, this.floatValues); break; } case 5: { RenderSystem.glUniform2(this.location, this.floatValues); break; } case 6: { RenderSystem.glUniform3(this.location, this.floatValues); break; } case 7: { RenderSystem.glUniform4(this.location, this.floatValues); break; } default: { Uniform.LOGGER.warn("Uniform.upload called, but count value ({}) is not in the range of 1 to 4. Ignoring.", this.count); break; } } } private void uploadAsMatrix() { this.floatValues.clear(); switch (this.type) { case 8: { RenderSystem.glUniformMatrix2(this.location, false, this.floatValues); break; } case 9: { RenderSystem.glUniformMatrix3(this.location, false, this.floatValues); break; } case 10: { RenderSystem.glUniformMatrix4(this.location, false, this.floatValues); break; } } } static { LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); } }