package; import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext; import; import; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import java.util.Date; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.ReportedException; import net.minecraft.CrashReport; import net.minecraft.commands.CommandSourceStack; import com.mojang.brigadier.ResultConsumer; import net.minecraft.util.StringUtil; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import net.minecraft.commands.CommandSource; public abstract class BaseCommandBlock implements CommandSource { private static final SimpleDateFormat TIME_FORMAT; private static final Component DEFAULT_NAME; private long lastExecution; private boolean updateLastExecution; private int successCount; private boolean trackOutput; private Component lastOutput; private String command; private Component name; public BaseCommandBlock() { this.lastExecution = -1L; this.updateLastExecution = true; this.trackOutput = true; this.command = ""; = BaseCommandBlock.DEFAULT_NAME; } public int getSuccessCount() { return this.successCount; } public void setSuccessCount(final int integer) { this.successCount = integer; } public Component getLastOutput() { return (this.lastOutput == null) ? new TextComponent("") : this.lastOutput; } public CompoundTag save(final CompoundTag jt) { jt.putString("Command", this.command); jt.putInt("SuccessCount", this.successCount); jt.putString("CustomName", Component.Serializer.toJson(; jt.putBoolean("TrackOutput", this.trackOutput); if (this.lastOutput != null && this.trackOutput) { jt.putString("LastOutput", Component.Serializer.toJson(this.lastOutput)); } jt.putBoolean("UpdateLastExecution", this.updateLastExecution); if (this.updateLastExecution && this.lastExecution > 0L) { jt.putLong("LastExecution", this.lastExecution); } return jt; } public void load(final CompoundTag jt) { this.command = jt.getString("Command"); this.successCount = jt.getInt("SuccessCount"); if (jt.contains("CustomName", 8)) { this.setName(Component.Serializer.fromJson(jt.getString("CustomName"))); } if (jt.contains("TrackOutput", 1)) { this.trackOutput = jt.getBoolean("TrackOutput"); } if (jt.contains("LastOutput", 8) && this.trackOutput) { try { this.lastOutput = Component.Serializer.fromJson(jt.getString("LastOutput")); } catch (Throwable throwable3) { this.lastOutput = new TextComponent(throwable3.getMessage()); } } else { this.lastOutput = null; } if (jt.contains("UpdateLastExecution")) { this.updateLastExecution = jt.getBoolean("UpdateLastExecution"); } if (this.updateLastExecution && jt.contains("LastExecution")) { this.lastExecution = jt.getLong("LastExecution"); } else { this.lastExecution = -1L; } } public void setCommand(final String string) { this.command = string; this.successCount = 0; } public String getCommand() { return this.command; } public boolean performCommand(final Level bjt) { if (bjt.isClientSide || bjt.getGameTime() == this.lastExecution) { return false; } if ("Searge".equalsIgnoreCase(this.command)) { this.lastOutput = new TextComponent("#itzlipofutzli"); this.successCount = 1; return true; } this.successCount = 0; final MinecraftServer minecraftServer3 = this.getLevel().getServer(); if (minecraftServer3 != null && minecraftServer3.isInitialized() && minecraftServer3.isCommandBlockEnabled() && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(this.command)) { try { this.lastOutput = null; final CommandSourceStack cq4 = this.createCommandSourceStack().withCallback((ResultConsumer)((commandContext, boolean2, integer) -> { if (boolean2) { ++this.successCount; } })); minecraftServer3.getCommands().performCommand(cq4, this.command); } catch (Throwable throwable4) { final CrashReport h5 = CrashReport.forThrowable(throwable4, "Executing command block"); final CrashReportCategory i6 = h5.addCategory("Command to be executed"); i6.setDetail("Command", this::getCommand); i6.setDetail("Name", () -> this.getName().getString()); throw new ReportedException(h5); } } if (this.updateLastExecution) { this.lastExecution = bjt.getGameTime(); } else { this.lastExecution = -1L; } return true; } public Component getName() { return; } public void setName(@Nullable final Component lf) { if (lf != null) { = lf; } else { = BaseCommandBlock.DEFAULT_NAME; } } @Override public void sendMessage(final Component lf) { if (this.trackOutput) { this.lastOutput = new TextComponent("[" + BaseCommandBlock.TIME_FORMAT.format(new Date()) + "] ").append(lf); this.onUpdated(); } } public abstract ServerLevel getLevel(); public abstract void onUpdated(); public void setLastOutput(@Nullable final Component lf) { this.lastOutput = lf; } public void setTrackOutput(final boolean boolean1) { this.trackOutput = boolean1; } public boolean isTrackOutput() { return this.trackOutput; } public boolean usedBy(final Player ayg) { if (!ayg.canUseGameMasterBlocks()) { return false; } if (ayg.getCommandSenderWorld().isClientSide) { ayg.openMinecartCommandBlock(this); } return true; } public abstract Vec3 getPosition(); public abstract CommandSourceStack createCommandSourceStack(); @Override public boolean acceptsSuccess() { return this.getLevel().getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRules.RULE_SENDCOMMANDFEEDBACK) && this.trackOutput; } @Override public boolean acceptsFailure() { return this.trackOutput; } @Override public boolean shouldInformAdmins() { return this.getLevel().getGameRules().getBoolean(GameRules.RULE_COMMANDBLOCKOUTPUT); } static { TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); DEFAULT_NAME = new TextComponent("@"); } }