package com.mojang.realmsclient.util; import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.WorldDownload; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.Backup; import; import net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConnect; import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.RealmsServerAddress; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsLongRunningMcoTaskScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsLongConfirmationScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsResourcePackScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsGenericErrorScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsBrokenWorldScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsTermsScreen; import; import com.mojang.realmsclient.exception.RealmsServiceException; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.WorldTemplate; import net.minecraft.realms.RealmsConfirmResultListener; import com.mojang.realmsclient.exception.RetryCallException; import net.minecraft.realms.Realms; import com.mojang.realmsclient.RealmsMainScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.screens.RealmsConfigureWorldScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.client.RealmsClient; import net.minecraft.realms.RealmsScreen; import com.mojang.realmsclient.dto.RealmsServer; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.LongRunningTask; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class RealmsTasks { private static final Logger LOGGER; private static void pause(final int integer) { try { Thread.sleep(integer * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException2) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("", (Throwable)interruptedException2); } } static { LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); } public static class OpenServerTask extends LongRunningTask { private final RealmsServer serverData; private final RealmsScreen returnScreen; private final boolean join; private final RealmsScreen mainScreen; public OpenServerTask(final RealmsServer realmsServer, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen2, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen3, final boolean boolean4) { this.serverData = realmsServer; this.returnScreen = realmsScreen2; this.join = boolean4; this.mainScreen = realmsScreen3; } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("")); final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); for (int integer3 = 0; integer3 < 25; ++integer3) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } try { final boolean boolean4 =; if (boolean4) { if (this.returnScreen instanceof RealmsConfigureWorldScreen) { ((RealmsConfigureWorldScreen)this.returnScreen).stateChanged(); } this.serverData.state = RealmsServer.State.OPEN; if (this.join) { ((RealmsMainScreen)this.mainScreen).play(this.serverData, this.returnScreen); break; } Realms.setScreen(this.returnScreen); break; } } catch (RetryCallException czh4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh4.delaySeconds); } catch (Exception exception4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Failed to open server", (Throwable)exception4); this.error("Failed to open the server"); } } } } public static class CloseServerTask extends LongRunningTask { private final RealmsServer serverData; private final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen configureScreen; public CloseServerTask(final RealmsServer realmsServer, final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen czs) { this.serverData = realmsServer; this.configureScreen = czs; } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("")); final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); for (int integer3 = 0; integer3 < 25; ++integer3) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } try { final boolean boolean4 = cyy2.close(; if (boolean4) { this.configureScreen.stateChanged(); this.serverData.state = RealmsServer.State.CLOSED; Realms.setScreen(this.configureScreen); break; } } catch (RetryCallException czh4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh4.delaySeconds); } catch (Exception exception4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Failed to close server", (Throwable)exception4); this.error("Failed to close the server"); } } } } public static class SwitchSlotTask extends LongRunningTask { private final long worldId; private final int slot; private final RealmsConfirmResultListener listener; private final int confirmId; public SwitchSlotTask(final long long1, final int integer2, final RealmsConfirmResultListener realmsConfirmResultListener, final int integer4) { this.worldId = long1; this.slot = integer2; this.listener = realmsConfirmResultListener; this.confirmId = integer4; } @Override public void run() { final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); final String string3 = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); this.setTitle(string3); for (int integer4 = 0; integer4 < 25; ++integer4) { try { if (this.aborted()) { return; } if (cyy2.switchSlot(this.worldId, this.slot)) { this.listener.confirmResult(true, this.confirmId); break; } } catch (RetryCallException czh5) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh5.delaySeconds); } catch (Exception exception5) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't switch world!"); this.error(exception5.toString()); } } } } public static class SwitchMinigameTask extends LongRunningTask { private final long worldId; private final WorldTemplate worldTemplate; private final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen lastScreen; public SwitchMinigameTask(final long long1, final WorldTemplate worldTemplate, final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen czs) { this.worldId = long1; this.worldTemplate = worldTemplate; this.lastScreen = czs; } @Override public void run() { final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); final String string3 = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); this.setTitle(string3); for (int integer4 = 0; integer4 < 25; ++integer4) { try { if (this.aborted()) { return; } if (cyy2.putIntoMinigameMode(this.worldId, { Realms.setScreen(this.lastScreen); break; } } catch (RetryCallException czh5) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh5.delaySeconds); } catch (Exception exception5) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't start mini game!"); this.error(exception5.toString()); } } } } public static class ResettingWorldTask extends LongRunningTask { private final String seed; private final WorldTemplate worldTemplate; private final int levelType; private final boolean generateStructures; private final long serverId; private final RealmsScreen lastScreen; private int confirmationId; private String title; public ResettingWorldTask(final long long1, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen, final WorldTemplate worldTemplate) { this.confirmationId = -1; this.title = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); this.seed = null; this.worldTemplate = worldTemplate; this.levelType = -1; this.generateStructures = true; this.serverId = long1; this.lastScreen = realmsScreen; } public ResettingWorldTask(final long long1, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen, final String string, final int integer, final boolean boolean5) { this.confirmationId = -1; this.title = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); this.seed = string; this.worldTemplate = null; this.levelType = integer; this.generateStructures = boolean5; this.serverId = long1; this.lastScreen = realmsScreen; } public void setConfirmationId(final int integer) { this.confirmationId = integer; } public void setResetTitle(final String string) { this.title = string; } @Override public void run() { final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); this.setTitle(this.title); for (int integer3 = 0; integer3 < 25; ++integer3) { try { if (this.aborted()) { return; } if (this.worldTemplate != null) { cyy2.resetWorldWithTemplate(this.serverId,; } else { cyy2.resetWorldWithSeed(this.serverId, this.seed, this.levelType, this.generateStructures); } if (this.aborted()) { return; } if (this.confirmationId == -1) { Realms.setScreen(this.lastScreen); } else { this.lastScreen.confirmResult(true, this.confirmationId); } return; } catch (RetryCallException czh4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh4.delaySeconds); } catch (Exception exception4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't reset world"); this.error(exception4.toString()); return; } } } } public static class RealmsGetServerDetailsTask extends LongRunningTask { private final RealmsServer server; private final RealmsScreen lastScreen; private final RealmsMainScreen mainScreen; private final ReentrantLock connectLock; public RealmsGetServerDetailsTask(final RealmsMainScreen cyu, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen, final RealmsServer realmsServer, final ReentrantLock reentrantLock) { this.lastScreen = realmsScreen; this.mainScreen = cyu; this.server = realmsServer; this.connectLock = reentrantLock; } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.connect.connecting")); final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); boolean boolean3 = false; boolean boolean4 = false; int integer5 = 5; RealmsServerAddress realmsServerAddress6 = null; boolean boolean5 = false; boolean boolean6 = false; for (int integer6 = 0; integer6 < 40; ++integer6) { if (this.aborted()) { break; } try { realmsServerAddress6 = cyy2.join(; boolean3 = true; } catch (RetryCallException czh10) { integer5 = czh10.delaySeconds; } catch (RealmsServiceException czg10) { if (czg10.errorCode == 6002) { boolean5 = true; break; } if (czg10.errorCode == 6006) { boolean6 = true; break; } boolean4 = true; this.error(czg10.toString()); RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't connect to world", (Throwable)czg10); break; } catch (IOException iOException10) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't parse response connecting to world", (Throwable)iOException10); } catch (Exception exception10) { boolean4 = true; RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't connect to world", (Throwable)exception10); this.error(exception10.getLocalizedMessage()); break; } if (boolean3) { break; } this.sleep(integer5); } if (boolean5) { Realms.setScreen(new RealmsTermsScreen(this.lastScreen, this.mainScreen, this.server)); } else if (boolean6) { if (this.server.ownerUUID.equals(Realms.getUUID())) { final RealmsBrokenWorldScreen czq9 = new RealmsBrokenWorldScreen(this.lastScreen, this.mainScreen,; if (this.server.worldType.equals(RealmsServer.WorldType.MINIGAME)) { czq9.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.brokenworld.minigame.title")); } Realms.setScreen(czq9); } else { Realms.setScreen(new RealmsGenericErrorScreen(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.brokenworld.nonowner.title"), RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.brokenworld.nonowner.error"), this.lastScreen)); } } else if (!this.aborted() && !boolean4) { if (boolean3) { if (realmsServerAddress6.resourcePackUrl != null && realmsServerAddress6.resourcePackHash != null) { final String string9 = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); final String string10 = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); Realms.setScreen(new RealmsLongConfirmationScreen(new RealmsResourcePackScreen(this.lastScreen, realmsServerAddress6, this.connectLock), RealmsLongConfirmationScreen.Type.Info, string9, string10, true, 100)); } else { final RealmsLongRunningMcoTaskScreen czz9 = new RealmsLongRunningMcoTaskScreen(this.lastScreen, new RealmsConnectTask(this.lastScreen, realmsServerAddress6)); czz9.start(); Realms.setScreen(czz9); } } else { this.error(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.errorMessage.connectionFailure")); } } } private void sleep(final int integer) { try { Thread.sleep(integer * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedException3) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.warn(interruptedException3.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } public static class RealmsConnectTask extends LongRunningTask { private final RealmsConnect realmsConnect; private final RealmsServerAddress a; public RealmsConnectTask(final RealmsScreen realmsScreen, final RealmsServerAddress realmsServerAddress) { this.a = realmsServerAddress; this.realmsConnect = new RealmsConnect(realmsScreen); } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.connect.connecting")); final net.minecraft.realms.RealmsServerAddress realmsServerAddress2 = net.minecraft.realms.RealmsServerAddress.parseString(this.a.address); this.realmsConnect.connect(realmsServerAddress2.getHost(), realmsServerAddress2.getPort()); } @Override public void abortTask() { this.realmsConnect.abort(); Realms.clearResourcePack(); } @Override public void tick() { this.realmsConnect.tick(); } } public static class WorldCreationTask extends LongRunningTask { private final String name; private final String motd; private final long worldId; private final RealmsScreen lastScreen; public WorldCreationTask(final long long1, final String string2, final String string3, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen) { this.worldId = long1; = string2; this.motd = string3; this.lastScreen = realmsScreen; } @Override public void run() { final String string2 = RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString(""); this.setTitle(string2); final RealmsClient cyy3 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); try { cyy3.initializeWorld(this.worldId,, this.motd); Realms.setScreen(this.lastScreen); } catch (RealmsServiceException czg4) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't create world"); this.error(czg4.toString()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unsupportedEncodingException4) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't create world"); this.error(unsupportedEncodingException4.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException iOException4) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Could not parse response creating world"); this.error(iOException4.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Exception exception4) { RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Could not create world"); this.error(exception4.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } public static class RestoreTask extends LongRunningTask { private final Backup backup; private final long worldId; private final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen lastScreen; public RestoreTask(final Backup backup, final long long2, final RealmsConfigureWorldScreen czs) { this.backup = backup; this.worldId = long2; this.lastScreen = czs; } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("mco.backup.restoring")); final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); for (int integer3 = 0; integer3 < 25; ++integer3) { try { if (this.aborted()) { return; } cyy2.restoreWorld(this.worldId, this.backup.backupId); pause(1); if (this.aborted()) { return; } Realms.setScreen(this.lastScreen.getNewScreen()); return; } catch (RetryCallException czh4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh4.delaySeconds); } catch (RealmsServiceException czg4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't restore backup", (Throwable)czg4); Realms.setScreen(new RealmsGenericErrorScreen(czg4, this.lastScreen)); return; } catch (Exception exception4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't restore backup", (Throwable)exception4); this.error(exception4.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } } } } public static class DownloadTask extends LongRunningTask { private final long worldId; private final int slot; private final RealmsScreen lastScreen; private final String downloadName; public DownloadTask(final long long1, final int integer, final String string, final RealmsScreen realmsScreen) { this.worldId = long1; this.slot = integer; this.lastScreen = realmsScreen; this.downloadName = string; } @Override public void run() { this.setTitle(RealmsScreen.getLocalizedString("")); final RealmsClient cyy2 = RealmsClient.createRealmsClient(); for (int integer3 = 0; integer3 < 25; ++integer3) { try { if (this.aborted()) { return; } final WorldDownload worldDownload4 =, this.slot); pause(1); if (this.aborted()) { return; } Realms.setScreen(new RealmsDownloadLatestWorldScreen(this.lastScreen, worldDownload4, this.downloadName)); return; } catch (RetryCallException czh4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } pause(czh4.delaySeconds); } catch (RealmsServiceException czg4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't download world data"); Realms.setScreen(new RealmsGenericErrorScreen(czg4, this.lastScreen)); return; } catch (Exception exception4) { if (this.aborted()) { return; } RealmsTasks.LOGGER.error("Couldn't download world data", (Throwable)exception4); this.error(exception4.getLocalizedMessage()); return; } } } } }