package; import java.util.function.Consumer; import net.minecraft.util.Mth; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import; import java.util.List; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.lwjgl.stb.STBVorbisInfo; import org.lwjgl.stb.STBVorbisAlloc; import org.lwjgl.stb.STBVorbis; import; import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack; import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import net.minecraft.client.sounds.AudioStream; public class OggAudioStream implements AudioStream { private long handle; private final AudioFormat audioFormat; private final InputStream input; private ByteBuffer buffer; public OggAudioStream(final InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { this.buffer = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(8192); this.input = inputStream; this.buffer.limit(0); try (final MemoryStack memoryStack3 = MemoryStack.stackPush()) { final IntBuffer intBuffer5 = memoryStack3.mallocInt(1); final IntBuffer intBuffer6 = memoryStack3.mallocInt(1); while (this.handle == 0L) { if (!this.refillFromStream()) { throw new IOException("Failed to find Ogg header"); } final int integer7 = this.buffer.position(); this.buffer.position(0); this.handle = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_open_pushdata(this.buffer, intBuffer5, intBuffer6, (STBVorbisAlloc)null); this.buffer.position(integer7); final int integer8 = intBuffer6.get(0); if (integer8 == 1) { this.forwardBuffer(); } else { if (integer8 != 0) { throw new IOException("Failed to read Ogg file " + integer8); } continue; } } this.buffer.position(this.buffer.position() + intBuffer5.get(0)); final STBVorbisInfo sTBVorbisInfo7 = STBVorbisInfo.mallocStack(memoryStack3); STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_get_info(this.handle, sTBVorbisInfo7); this.audioFormat = new AudioFormat((float)sTBVorbisInfo7.sample_rate(), 16, sTBVorbisInfo7.channels(), true, false); } } private boolean refillFromStream() throws IOException { final int integer2 = this.buffer.limit(); final int integer3 = this.buffer.capacity() - integer2; if (integer3 == 0) { return true; } final byte[] arr4 = new byte[integer3]; final int integer4 =; if (integer4 == -1) { return false; } final int integer5 = this.buffer.position(); this.buffer.limit(integer2 + integer4); this.buffer.position(integer2); this.buffer.put(arr4, 0, integer4); this.buffer.position(integer5); return true; } private void forwardBuffer() { final boolean boolean2 = this.buffer.position() == 0; final boolean boolean3 = this.buffer.position() == this.buffer.limit(); if (boolean3 && !boolean2) { this.buffer.position(0); this.buffer.limit(0); } else { final ByteBuffer byteBuffer4 = MemoryUtil.memAlloc(boolean2 ? (2 * this.buffer.capacity()) : this.buffer.capacity()); byteBuffer4.put(this.buffer); MemoryUtil.memFree((Buffer)this.buffer); byteBuffer4.flip(); this.buffer = byteBuffer4; } } private boolean readFrame(final OutputConcat a) throws IOException { if (this.handle == 0L) { return false; } try (final MemoryStack memoryStack3 = MemoryStack.stackPush()) { final PointerBuffer pointerBuffer5 = memoryStack3.mallocPointer(1); final IntBuffer intBuffer6 = memoryStack3.mallocInt(1); final IntBuffer intBuffer7 = memoryStack3.mallocInt(1); while (true) { final int integer8 = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_decode_frame_pushdata(this.handle, this.buffer, intBuffer6, pointerBuffer5, intBuffer7); this.buffer.position(this.buffer.position() + integer8); final int integer9 = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_get_error(this.handle); if (integer9 == 1) { this.forwardBuffer(); if (!this.refillFromStream()) { return false; } continue; } else { if (integer9 != 0) { throw new IOException("Failed to read Ogg file " + integer9); } final int integer10 = intBuffer7.get(0); if (integer10 == 0) { continue; } final int integer11 = intBuffer6.get(0); final PointerBuffer pointerBuffer6 = pointerBuffer5.getPointerBuffer(integer11); if (integer11 == 1) { this.convertMono(pointerBuffer6.getFloatBuffer(0, integer10), a); return true; } if (integer11 == 2) { this.convertStereo(pointerBuffer6.getFloatBuffer(0, integer10), pointerBuffer6.getFloatBuffer(1, integer10), a); return true; } throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid number of channels: " + integer11); } } } } private void convertMono(final FloatBuffer floatBuffer, final OutputConcat a) { while (floatBuffer.hasRemaining()) { a.put(floatBuffer.get()); } } private void convertStereo(final FloatBuffer floatBuffer1, final FloatBuffer floatBuffer2, final OutputConcat a) { while (floatBuffer1.hasRemaining() && floatBuffer2.hasRemaining()) { a.put(floatBuffer1.get()); a.put(floatBuffer2.get()); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (this.handle != 0L) { STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_close(this.handle); this.handle = 0L; } MemoryUtil.memFree((Buffer)this.buffer); this.input.close(); } @Override public AudioFormat getFormat() { return this.audioFormat; } @Override public ByteBuffer read(final int integer) throws IOException { final OutputConcat a3 = new OutputConcat(integer + 8192); while (this.readFrame(a3) && a3.byteCount < integer) {} return a3.get(); } public ByteBuffer readAll() throws IOException { final OutputConcat a2 = new OutputConcat(16384); while (this.readFrame(a2)) {} return a2.get(); } static class OutputConcat { private final List buffers; private final int bufferSize; private int byteCount; private ByteBuffer currentBuffer; public OutputConcat(final int integer) { this.buffers = Lists.newArrayList(); this.bufferSize = (integer + 1 & 0xFFFFFFFE); this.createNewBuffer(); } private void createNewBuffer() { this.currentBuffer = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(this.bufferSize); } public void put(final float float1) { if (this.currentBuffer.remaining() == 0) { this.currentBuffer.flip(); this.buffers.add(this.currentBuffer); this.createNewBuffer(); } final int integer3 = Mth.clamp((int)(float1 * 32767.5f - 0.5f), -32768, 32767); this.currentBuffer.putShort((short)integer3); this.byteCount += 2; } public ByteBuffer get() { this.currentBuffer.flip(); if (this.buffers.isEmpty()) { return this.currentBuffer; } final ByteBuffer byteBuffer2 = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(this.byteCount); this.buffers.forEach(byteBuffer2::put); byteBuffer2.put(this.currentBuffer); byteBuffer2.flip(); return byteBuffer2; } } }