
176 lines
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2020-07-22 06:23:34 +01:00
package com.mojang.blaze3d.audio;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec3;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.lwjgl.openal.AL10;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.client.sounds.AudioStream;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class Channel {
private static final Logger LOGGER;
private final int source;
private AtomicBoolean initialized;
private int streamingBufferSize;
private AudioStream stream;
static Channel create() {
final int[] arr1 = { 0 };
if (OpenAlUtil.checkALError("Allocate new source")) {
return null;
return new Channel(arr1[0]);
private Channel(final int integer) {
this.initialized = new AtomicBoolean(true);
this.streamingBufferSize = 16384;
this.source = integer;
public void destroy() {
if (this.initialized.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
if (this.stream != null) {
try {
catch (IOException iOException2) {
Channel.LOGGER.error("Failed to close audio stream", (Throwable)iOException2);
this.stream = null;
AL10.alDeleteSources(new int[] { this.source });
public void play() {
private int getState() {
if (!this.initialized.get()) {
return 4116;
return AL10.alGetSourcei(this.source, 4112);
public void pause() {
if (this.getState() == 4114) {
public void unpause() {
if (this.getState() == 4115) {
public void stop() {
if (this.initialized.get()) {
public boolean stopped() {
return this.getState() == 4116;
public void setSelfPosition(final Vec3 csi) {
AL10.alSourcefv(this.source, 4100, new float[] { (float)csi.x, (float)csi.y, (float)csi.z });
public void setPitch(final float float1) {
AL10.alSourcef(this.source, 4099, float1);
public void setLooping(final boolean boolean1) {
AL10.alSourcei(this.source, 4103, (int)(boolean1 ? 1 : 0));
public void setVolume(final float float1) {
AL10.alSourcef(this.source, 4106, float1);
public void disableAttenuation() {
AL10.alSourcei(this.source, 53248, 0);
public void linearAttenuation(final float float1) {
AL10.alSourcei(this.source, 53248, 53251);
AL10.alSourcef(this.source, 4131, float1);
AL10.alSourcef(this.source, 4129, 1.0f);
AL10.alSourcef(this.source, 4128, 0.0f);
public void setRelative(final boolean boolean1) {
AL10.alSourcei(this.source, 514, (int)(boolean1 ? 1 : 0));
public void attachStaticBuffer(final SoundBuffer ctu) {
ctu.getAlBuffer().ifPresent(integer -> AL10.alSourcei(this.source, 4105, integer));
public void attachBufferStream(final AudioStream eai) {
this.stream = eai;
final AudioFormat audioFormat3 = eai.getFormat();
this.streamingBufferSize = calculateBufferSize(audioFormat3, 1);
private static int calculateBufferSize(final AudioFormat audioFormat, final int integer) {
return (int)(integer * audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() / 8.0f * audioFormat.getChannels() * audioFormat.getSampleRate());
private void pumpBuffers(final int integer) {
if (this.stream != null) {
try {
for (int integer2 = 0; integer2 < integer; ++integer2) {
final ByteBuffer byteBuffer4 = this.stream.read(this.streamingBufferSize);
if (byteBuffer4 != null) {
new SoundBuffer(byteBuffer4, this.stream.getFormat()).releaseAlBuffer().ifPresent(integer -> AL10.alSourceQueueBuffers(this.source, new int[] { integer }));
catch (IOException iOException3) {
Channel.LOGGER.error("Failed to read from audio stream", (Throwable)iOException3);
public void updateStream() {
if (this.stream != null) {
final int integer2 = this.removeProcessedBuffers();
private int removeProcessedBuffers() {
final int integer2 = AL10.alGetSourcei(this.source, 4118);
if (integer2 > 0) {
final int[] arr3 = new int[integer2];
AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(this.source, arr3);
OpenAlUtil.checkALError("Unqueue buffers");
OpenAlUtil.checkALError("Remove processed buffers");
return integer2;
static {
LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();