import hjson import sys text = '' varint_max_size = 5 indent_count = 0 # Print to stderr def warn(value, *args, sep='', end='\n', flush=False): print(value, *args, sep=sep, end=end, file=sys.stderr, flush=flush) def indent(): global indent_count indent_count += 1 def unindent(): global indent_count indent_count -= 1 def add_text(fmt, *args): global text global indent_count for i in range(indent_count): text += ' ' text += (fmt + '\n').format(*args) def newline(): global text text += '\n' def extract_array_type(type): if '[' in type and ']' in type: return type[:type.rfind('[')] return type def extract_array_count(value, name=''): if isinstance(value, dict): if name == '' or name == None: raise Exception('extract_array_count called with dict value but name not provided') idx = name.find('(') if idx > 0: idxend = name.find(')') if idxend > idx: attribute = name[idx+1:idxend] name = name[:idx] # array of objects key(#count): {...} if attribute.startswith('#'): count = attribute[1:] if count.isdigit(): return int(count) else: return count else: warn('WARNING: Var name "{}" has unterminated () brackets', name) return None else: return None if '[' in value and ']' in value: count = value[value.find('[')+1:value.rfind(']')] if count.isdigit(): return int(count) else: return count return None def get_type_info(types, typename): name = extract_array_type(typename) if not name in types: warn('WARNING: Type name "{}" is not a known type or alias.'.format(name)) return { type: name } tp = types[name] if 'alias' in tp: alias = tp['alias'] tp = get_type_info(types, tp['alias']).copy() tp['alias'] = alias generic = 'generic' in tp and tp['generic'] == True # primitive types are always generic if generic or not 'method' in tp: tp['type'] = name # types without a 'type' value use their own name (e.g. double, float) if not 'type' in tp: tp['type'] = name return tp def resolve_name(types, name, value, decl=False): fullname = name idx = name.find('(') if idx > 0: name = name[:idx] elif idx == 0: warn('ERROR: Invalid variable name "{}"'.format(name)) exit(1) # standard array syntax key: type[count] if decl: if is_type_array(types, fullname, value): count = extract_array_count(value, fullname) if type(count) is int: # array of fixed size name += '[' + str(count) + ']' else: # array of variable size name = '*' + name return name def resolve_type(types, value): if isinstance(value, dict): warn('WARNING: Attempted to call resolve_type on object type') return "" typename = value tp = get_type_info(types, typename) if 'type' in tp: return tp['type'] else: return typename def is_type_array(types, name, value): if isinstance(value, dict): return extract_array_count(value, name) != None typename = value tp = get_type_info(types, typename) if 'size' in tp and tp['size'] == 'count': return False else: return extract_array_count(typename) != None def get_type_size(types, value, name=''): global varint_max_size if isinstance(value, dict): if name == '' or name == None: raise Exception('get_type_size called on dict value with no name') size = 0 for k, v in value.items(): size += get_type_size(types, v) if is_type_array(types, name, value): count = extract_array_count(value, name) if type(count) is int: return size * count else: # TODO: handling size for variable arrays... return size return size typename = value tp = get_type_info(types, typename) if not 'size' in tp: if 'alias' in tp: return get_type_size(types, tp['alias']) else: warn('ERROR: Non-alias type "{}" does not have "size" field.'.format(typename)) exit(1) size = tp['size'] if size == 'count': size = extract_array_count(typename) if not type(size) is int: # TODO: how do we handle type size for variably sized arrays... return 1 if not size: warn('ERROR: Cannot get size for type "{}"'.format(typename)) exit(1) #print("get_type_size: {} -> {}".format(typename, size)) return int(size) def get_rw_func(types, typename, read): method = 'Read' if read else 'Write' #print("{}: ({}, {})".format(method, typename, read)) tp = get_type_info(types, typename) if 'method' in tp: method += tp['method'] generic = 'generic' in tp and tp['generic'] alias = 'alias' in tp if (generic and alias) or not 'method' in tp: method += '<' + tp['type'] + '>' #print('{} -> {}'.format(typename, method)) return method def print_rw_logic(types, value, name, read): resolved_name = resolve_name(types, name, value) if isinstance(value, dict): is_array = is_type_array(types, name, value) if is_array: count = extract_array_count(value, name) add_text(f'for (int i = 0; i < {count}; i++)') add_text('{{') indent() for k, v in value.items(): scoped_name = resolved_name if is_array: scoped_name += '[i]' scoped_name += f'.{resolve_name(types, k, v)}' print_rw_logic(types, v, scoped_name, read) unindent() add_text('}}') return typename = value start = name.find('(') local_indent = 0 if start != -1: end = name.rfind(')') if end == -1 or end < start: warn('ERROR: Invalid variable name syntax "{}"'.format(name)) exit(1) # conditional if name[end - 1] == '?': add_text('if ({})'.format(name[start+1:end-1])) indent() local_indent += 1 rw_func = get_rw_func(types, typename, read) if is_type_array(types, name, typename): # arrays count = extract_array_count(typename) arrtype = extract_array_type(typename) decl_name = resolve_name(types, name, typename, decl=True) # if the array is variable size then we currently have to allocate if read and decl_name.startswith('*'): # TODO: avoid dynamic allocation here? # TODO: delete[] this on deconstruct add_text('{} = new {}[{}];', resolved_name, arrtype, count ) add_text('for (int i = 0; i < {}; i++)', count) indent() if read: add_text('{}[i] = reader.{}();', resolved_name, rw_func ) else: # TODO: bounds checks add_text('msg.{}({}[i]);', rw_func, resolved_name ) unindent() else: if read: add_text('{} = reader.{}();', resolved_name, rw_func ) else: add_text('msg.{}({});', rw_func, resolved_name ) for i in range(local_indent): unindent() def print_definition(types, name, value, serverbound): resolved_name = resolve_name(types, name, value, decl=True) if isinstance(value, dict): add_text('struct {{') indent() for k, v in value.items(): print_definition(types, k, v, serverbound) unindent() add_text('}} {};', resolved_name) else: resolved_type = resolve_type(types, value) add_text('{} {};', resolved_type, resolved_name) def get_enum_type(dict, fallback = 'int32'): return dict['.type'] if '.type' in dict else fallback def print_enum(name, dict, types={}, fallback = None): primType = get_enum_type(dict, fallback) if primType == None: # if we have nothing to resolve with and no fallback then use int32_t primitive = 'int32_t' else: primitive = resolve_type(types, primType) add_text('enum class {} : {}', name, primitive) add_text('{{') indent() for key, value in dict.items(): if key.startswith('.'): continue # ignore metadata add_text('{} = {},', key, value) unindent() add_text('}};') def print_messages(list, globalTypes): global text for state, direction_list in list.items(): add_text('namespace {}', state.capitalize()) add_text('{{') indent() for direction, messages in direction_list.items(): serverbound = direction == 'serverbound' for message_name, message in messages.items(): # global and local types types = globalTypes.copy() # add enums to local types if 'enums' in message: for enum in message['enums']: types[enum] = {'alias': get_enum_type(message['enums'][enum])} global varint_max_size size = varint_max_size # Packet Length size += varint_max_size # Packet Id for name, typename in message['vars'].items(): size += get_type_size(types, typename, name) struct_name = '{}{}'.format(direction.capitalize(), message_name) add_text('struct {}', struct_name) add_text('{{') indent() add_text('static constexpr int32_t PacketId = {};', message['id']) add_text('static constexpr bool Serverbound = {};', 'true' if serverbound else 'false') add_text('static constexpr ProtocolState PacketState = ProtocolState::{};', state.capitalize()) add_text('static constexpr size_t MaxSize = {};', size) newline() if 'enums' in message: for enum in message['enums']: print_enum(enum, message['enums'][enum], types) newline() if serverbound: add_text('{}(PacketReader& reader)', struct_name) add_text('{{') indent() for name, typename in message['vars'].items(): print_rw_logic(types, typename, name, True) unindent() add_text('}}') newline() else: add_text('operator NetworkMessage() const') add_text('{{') indent() add_text('NetworkMessage msg(MaxSize);') add_text('msg.WriteVarInt(PacketId);') for name, typename in message['vars'].items(): print_rw_logic(types, typename, name, False) add_text('msg.Finalize();') add_text('return msg;') unindent() add_text('}}') for name, value in message['vars'].items(): print_definition(types, name, value, serverbound) unindent() add_text('}};') newline() unindent() add_text('}}') newline() def print_handler(list): add_text('template ') add_text('void ProcessPacket(HandlerType& handler, ClientType& client, PacketReader& packet, ProtocolState state)') add_text('{{') indent() add_text('if (packet.IsLegacyPing())') add_text('{{') indent() add_text('handler.HandleLegacyPing(client);') add_text('return;') unindent() add_text('}}') newline() add_text('const int32_t packetId = packet.ReadVarInt();') add_text('switch (state)') add_text('{{') indent() for state, direction_list in list.items(): add_text('case ProtocolState::{}:', state.capitalize()) add_text('{{') indent() add_text('switch (packetId)') add_text('{{') indent() for direction, messages in direction_list.items(): serverbound = direction == 'serverbound' if not serverbound: continue for message_name, message in messages.items(): name = '{}::Serverbound{}'.format(state.capitalize(), message_name) add_text('case {}::PacketId:', name) indent() # Here we need the obscure `template` disambiguator for dependent names add_text('handler.template HandlePacket<{}>(client, {}(packet));', name, name) add_text('break;') unindent() # handle unknown packets add_text('default:') indent() add_text('handler.HandleUnknownPacket(client, packetId, packet);') add_text('break;') unindent() unindent() add_text('}}') add_text('break;') unindent() add_text('}}') unindent() add_text('}}') unindent() add_text('}}') def print_protocol(): with open(sys.argv[1]) as message_file: message_scheme = hjson.load(message_file) print_enum('ProtocolState', message_scheme['states']) newline() print_messages( message_scheme['messages'], message_scheme['types'] ) newline() print_handler(message_scheme['messages']) def main(): global text if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('Usage: ') return add_text('#pragma once') newline() add_text('#include ') add_text('#include "Types.h"') add_text('#include "PacketReader.h"') newline() add_text('namespace Feather::Protocol') add_text('{{') indent() print_protocol() unindent() add_text('}}') newline() with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(text) out_file.close() main()