{% include 'head.html' %} {% include 'navbar.html' %}

Setup Wallet

Alrighty there hoss, pick an option below...

Create new wallet

If you input a mnemonic seed here I could theoretically steal your money, even without a wallet on my server; so could a hacker if they compromised my server.

You can and should use a wallet you can run locally to ensure your funds are safe, especially if there is a lot there. Proceed at your own risk.

{{ restore_form.csrf_token }} {% for f in restore_form %} {% if f.name != 'csrf_token' %}
{{ f.label }} {{ f }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% for field, errors in restore_form.errors.items() %}
  • {{ restore_form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% include 'footer.html' %} {% include 'scripts.html' %}