{% include 'head.html' %} {% include 'navbar.html' %}

Wallet Info


{{ address }}


{{ balances[1] | from_atomic }} WOW ({{ (balances[0] - balances[1]) | from_atomic }} locked)

Wallet height: {{ wallet_height['height'] }}

Node height: {{ node_height['height'] }}

Node address: {{ node_addr }}


{% if transfers %} {% for tx in transfers | sort(attribute='timestamp', reverse=True) %} {% if tx.type == 'pool' %}{% else %}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
Date Type Tx ID Amount Confirmations Height Fee
{{ tx.timestamp | datestamp }} {{ tx.type }} {{ tx.txid | truncate(12) }} {{ tx.amount | from_atomic }} WOW {{ tx.confirmations }} {{ tx.height }} {{ tx.fee | from_atomic }} WOW


{{ send_form.csrf_token }}
{{ send_form.address.label }}
{{ send_form.amount.label }} {{ send_form.amount }}
    {% for field, errors in send_form.errors.items() %}
  • {{ send_form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}
  • {% endfor %}
Donation Info


You need to save the secrets below; write them down on a physical medium and keep it in a safe location. These can be used to restore your funds to another device in the future when you decide to quit being a bitch and use a real wallet.

Mnemonic Seed

{{ seed }}

Spend Key

{{ spend_key }}

View Key

{{ view_key }}

Delete Account

You can and should delete your wallet from the server. Please ensure you have copied the mnemonic seed from the secrets above if there are still funds associated with the keys.

I highly recommend making a new wallet on your own and transferring funds there to ensure only you have full ownership and visibility into the private keys / seed. Not your keys, not your crypto!

{{ delete_form.csrf_token }} {% for f in delete_form %} {% if f.name != 'csrf_token' %}
{{ f.label }} {{ f }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% for field, errors in delete_form.errors.items() %}
  • {{ send_form[field].label }}: {{ ', '.join(errors) }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% include 'footer.html' %} {% include 'scripts.html' %}