from time import sleep from io import BytesIO from base64 import b64encode from qrcode import make as qrcode_make from decimal import Decimal from flask import request, render_template, session, jsonify from flask import redirect, url_for, current_app, flash from flask_login import login_required, current_user from socket import socket from datetime import datetime from wowstash.blueprints.wallet import wallet_bp from wowstash.library.docker import docker from wowstash.library.jsonrpc import Wallet, to_atomic from wowstash.library.cache import cache from wowstash.forms import Send from wowstash.factory import db from wowstash.models import User from wowstash import config @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/loading') @login_required def loading(): if current_user.wallet_connected and current_user.wallet_created: sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('wallet.dashboard')) return render_template('wallet/loading.html') @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/dashboard') @login_required def dashboard(): send_form = Send() _address_qr = BytesIO() all_transfers = list() wallet = Wallet( proto='http', host='', port=current_user.wallet_port,, password=current_user.wallet_password ) if not docker.container_exists(current_user.wallet_container): current_user.clear_wallet_data() return redirect(url_for('wallet.loading')) if not wallet.connected: return redirect(url_for('wallet.loading')) address = wallet.get_address() transfers = wallet.get_transfers() for type in transfers: for tx in transfers[type]: all_transfers.append(tx) balances = wallet.get_balances() qr_uri = f'wownero:{address}?tx_description={}' address_qr = qrcode_make(qr_uri).save(_address_qr) qrcode = b64encode(_address_qr.getvalue()).decode() seed = wallet.seed() spend_key = wallet.spend_key() view_key = wallet.view_key() return render_template( 'wallet/dashboard.html', transfers=all_transfers, balances=balances, address=address, qrcode=qrcode, send_form=send_form, user=current_user, seed=seed, spend_key=spend_key, view_key=view_key, ) @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/connect') @login_required def connect(): if current_user.wallet_connected is False: wallet = docker.start_wallet( port = docker.get_port(wallet) current_user.wallet_connected = docker.container_exists(wallet) current_user.wallet_port = port current_user.wallet_container = wallet db.session.commit() return 'ok' @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/create') @login_required def create(): if current_user.wallet_created is False: docker.create_wallet( current_user.wallet_created = True db.session.commit() return 'ok' @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/status') @login_required def status(): data = { 'created': current_user.wallet_created, 'connected': current_user.wallet_connected, 'port': current_user.wallet_port, 'container': current_user.wallet_container } return jsonify(data) @wallet_bp.route('/wallet/send', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def send(): send_form = Send() redirect_url = url_for('wallet.dashboard') + '#send' wallet = Wallet( proto='http', host='', port=current_user.wallet_port,, password=current_user.wallet_password ) if send_form.validate_on_submit(): address = str( user = User.query.get( # Check if Wownero wallet is available if wallet.connected is False: flash('Wallet RPC interface is unavailable at this time. Try again later.') return redirect(redirect_url) # Quick n dirty check to see if address is WOW if len(address) not in [97, 108]: flash('Invalid Wownero address provided.') return redirect(redirect_url) # Check if we're sweeping or not if == 'all': tx = wallet.transfer(address, None, 'sweep_all') else: # Make sure the amount provided is a number try: amount = to_atomic(Decimal( except: flash('Invalid Wownero amount specified.') return redirect(redirect_url) # Send transfer tx = wallet.transfer(address, amount) # Inform user of result and redirect if 'message' in tx: msg = tx['message'].capitalize() flash(f'There was a problem sending the transaction: {msg}') else: flash('Successfully sent transfer.') return redirect(redirect_url) else: for field, errors in send_form.errors.items(): flash(f'{send_form[field].label}: {", ".join(errors)}') return redirect(redirect_url)