
468 lines
13 KiB

import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import "."
import "qml/common"
import "qml/."
import wowlet.Wallet 1.0
import wowlet.WalletManager 1.0
Rectangle {
id: appWindow
width: 1600
height: 800
color: "transparent"
property var themes: {}
property string theme: "default"
property string fiatSymbol: "USD"
signal initTheme();
// Components that have been dynamically created need to redraw
// after theme change (such as Repeater{}, Flow{} items, etc) so
// that the changes propogate.
signal redraw();
// For gradient background
property int start_x: 0
property int start_y: 64
property int end_x: 1080
property int end_y: 416
property double gradientTicks: 1.0;
LinearGradient {
anchors.fill: parent
start: Qt.point(start_x, start_y)
end: Qt.point(end_x, end_y)
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Style.backgroundGradientStartColor }
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Style.backgroundGradientStopColor }
Timer {
// animates the gradient background a bit.
id: gradientBackgroundTimer
repeat: true
interval: 10
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
appWindow.gradientTicks += 0.004; // speed
let newx = ((1080 - 200) * Math.sin(appWindow.gradientTicks) + 1080 + 200) / 2;
appWindow.end_x = newx;
property var currentWallet;
property bool disconnected: currentWallet ? currentWallet.disconnected : false
property string walletTitle: "placeholder"
property string walletPath: ""
property string statusText: "Idle"
property string balanceFormatted: "Balance: 0.0 WOW"
property bool wsConnected: false
property int connectionStatus: Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected;
signal aboutClicked();
property var balance: 0.0
property var spendable: 0.0
property DashboardPage dashboardPage: DashboardPage {
visible: false
property SettingsPage settingsPage: SettingsPage {
visible: false
property AboutPage aboutPage: AboutPage {
visible: false
property WalletPage walletPage: WalletPage {
visible: false
MyDialogOkPopup {
id: messagePopup
function showMessage(title, text) {
dialogTitle = title
dialogText = text
MyDialogOkCancelPopup {
id: enterPasswordDialog
dialogTitle: "Enter Wallet Password"
dialogWidth: 700
dialogHeight: 380
dialogContentItem: ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 16
Layout.leftMargin: 16
Layout.rightMargin: 16
MyText {
fontColor: Style.fontColorBright
text: "Password: "
MyTextField {
id: walletOpenPassword
keyBoardUID: 591
color: Style.fontColorDimmed
text: ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
function onInputEvent(input) {
walletOpenPassword.text = input
onClosed: {
if (okClicked) {
if(walletOpenPassword.text === "")
return messagePopup.showMessage("Password empty", "Please fill in a password.");
ctx.onOpenWallet(appWindow.walletPath, walletOpenPassword.text);
function openPopup() {
MyDialogOkCancelPopup {
id: createWalletDialog
dialogTitle: "Create New Wallet"
dialogWidth: 700
dialogHeight: 440
dialogContentItem: ColumnLayout {
spacing: 10
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 16
Layout.leftMargin: 16
Layout.rightMargin: 16
MyText {
fontColor: Style.fontColorBright
text: "Name: "
MyTextField {
id: newWalletName
keyBoardUID: 590
color: Style.fontColorDimmed
text: ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
function onInputEvent(input) {
newWalletName.text = input
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 16
Layout.leftMargin: 16
Layout.rightMargin: 16
MyText {
fontColor: Style.fontColorBright
text: "Password: "
MyTextField {
id: newWalletPassword
keyBoardUID: 592
color: Style.fontColorDimmed
text: ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
font.pointSize: 20
function onInputEvent(input) {
newWalletPassword.text = input
MyText {
Layout.topMargin: 20
Layout.leftMargin: 16
fontSize: 16
fontColor: Style.fontColorDimmed
text: "The password field is optional."
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
onClosed: {
if (okClicked) {
if(newWalletName.text === "")
return messagePopup.showMessage("Invalid name", "Please name the wallet.");
ctx.createWalletWithoutSpecifyingSeed(newWalletName.text, newWalletPassword.text);
function openPopup() {
// About/credits button
Rectangle {
visible: mainView.currentItem == dashboardPage
color: "transparent"
width: 140
height: 60
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
MyText {
text: "Credits"
fontSize: 12
opacity: 0.3
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
fontColor: Style.fontColor
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
StackView {
id: mainView
visible: true
anchors.fill: parent
pushEnter: Transition {
PropertyAnimation {
property: "x"
from: mainView.width
to: 0
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
pushExit: Transition {
PropertyAnimation {
property: "x"
from: 0
to: -mainView.width
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
popEnter: Transition {
PropertyAnimation {
property: "x"
from: -mainView.width
to: 0
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
popExit: Transition {
PropertyAnimation {
property: "x"
from: 0
to: mainView.width
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
initialItem: dashboardPage
Component.onCompleted: {
if(typeof ctx !== 'undefined') {
// Start animating the background
try {
appWindow.themes = WowletVR.getThemes();
appWindow.theme = WowletVR.getCurrentTheme();
} catch(err) {
// for debugging purposes - do not change color codes here, use themes.json instead.
appWindow.themes = {
"default": {
"fontColor": "white",
"fontColorDimmed": "#cccccc",
"fontColorBright": "white",
"backgroundGradientStartColor": "#225d73",
"backgroundGradientStopColor": "#192e43",
"wownero": {
"fontColor": "#bd93f9",
"fontColorDimmed": "#cccccc",
"fontColorBright": "#e5d3ff",
"backgroundGradientStartColor": "#383a59",
"backgroundGradientStopColor": "#282a36",
function changeTheme(theme) {
console.log("changeTheme", theme);
for (var key in appWindow.themes[theme]){
let val = appWindow.themes[theme][key];
Style[key] = val;
if(appWindow.theme != theme) {
appWindow.theme = theme;
try { WowletVR.setCurrentTheme(theme); }
catch(err) {}
Connections {
target: ctx
function onWsConnected() {
appWindow.wsConnected = true;
function onWsDisconnected() {
appWindow.wsConnected = false;
function onWalletOpened(wallet) {
appWindow.currentWallet = wallet;
appWindow.walletTitle = ctx.walletName;
function onBlockchainSync(height, target) {
let blocks = (target > height) ? (target - height) : "?";
let heightText = "Blockchain sync: " + blocks + " blocks remaining";
appWindow.statusText = heightText;
function onRefreshSync(height, target) {
let blocks = (target >= height) ? (target - height) : "?";
let heightText = "Wallet sync: " + blocks + " blocks remaining";
appWindow.statusText = heightText;
function onWalletClosed() {
appWindow.walletTitle = "";
appWindow.balanceFormatted = "";
appWindow.balance = 0.0;
appWindow.spendable = 0.0;
appWindow.connectionStatus = Wallet.ConnectionStatus_Disconnected;
function onBalanceUpdatedFormatted(fmt) {
appWindow.balanceFormatted = fmt;
function onBalanceUpdated(balance, spendable) {
appWindow.balance = WowletVR.cdiv(balance);
appWindow.spendable = WowletVR.cdiv(spendable);
console.log("onBalanceUpdated", appWindow.spendable);
function onWalletOpenedError(err) {
messagePopup.showMessage("Error", err);
function onWalletCreatedError(err) {
messagePopup.showMessage("Error", err);
function onWalletCreated(wallet) {
function onSynchronized() {
appWindow.statusText = "Synchronized";
function onWalletOpenPasswordNeeded(invalidPassword, path) { // bool, str
function onInitiateTransaction() {
function onCreateTransactionError(message) { // str
console.log("transactionError", message);
function onCreateTransactionSuccess(tx, address) { // PendingTransaction
console.log("onCreateTransactionSuccess", address)
function onTransactionCommitted(status, tx, txid) { // bool,PendingTransaction,stringlist
console.log("onTransactionCommitted", status)
Connections {
target: OverlayController
function onDashboardDeactivated() {
function onDashboardActivated() {
function onConnectionStatusChanged(status) {
console.log("onConnectionStatusChanged", status)
appWindow.connectionStatus = status;