## wow color export NEWT_COLORS=' root=magenta,cyan window=magenta,yellow title=yellow,magenta roottext=megenta,yellow shadow=,magenta textbox=cyan,yellow button=yellow,magenta ' if (whiptail --title "Solo Miners Alliance Network" --yesno "This will install Wownero and add peers according to Wownero Solo Miners Alliance (https://forum.wownero.com/t/solo-miners-alliance-network/746)" --yes-button "Continue" --no-button "Exit" 8 78); then > /tmp/wow-sman.log else exit fi ## add packages for install sudo apt install ansible pip libffi-dev curl git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev uuid-dev -y &> /tmp/wow-sman.log | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Adding packages.. ansible pip libffi-dev curl git' 6 60 10 ## grab ansible playbook git clone https://git.wownero.com/qvqc/ansible-remote-node &> /tmp/wow-sman.log | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Adding packages.. ansible pip libffi-dev curl git' 6 60 30 cd ansible-remote-node ## add Alliance Network Nodes here cat <> roles/wownerod/templates/wownerod.conf.j2 | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Add Alliance Peers' 6 60 40 add-peer=v2admi6gbeprxnk6i2oscizhgy4v5ixu6iezkhj5udiwbfjjs2w7dnid.onion:34566 add-peer=iy6ry6uudpzvbd72zsipepukp6nsazjdu72n52vg3isfnxqn342flzad.onion:34566 add-peer=7ftpbpp6rbgqi5kjmhyin46essnh3eqb3m3rhfi7r2fr33iwkeuer3yd.onion:34566 add-peer=j7rf2jcccizcp47y5moehguyuqdpg4lusk642sw4nayuruitqaqbc7ad.onion:34566 add-peer=aje53o5z5twne5q2ljw44zkahhsuhjtwaxuburxddbf7n4pfsj4rj6qd.onion:34566 add-peer=nepc4lxndsooj2akn7ofrj3ooqc25242obchcag6tw3f2mxrms2uuvyd.onion:34566 add-peer=666l2ajxqjgj5lskvbokvworjysgvqag4oitokjuy7wz6juisul4jqad.onion:34566 add-peer=ty7ppqozzodz75audgvkprekiiqsovbyrkfdjwadrkbe3etyzloatxad.onion:34566 add-peer=ewynwpnprbgqllv2syn3drjdrqkw7ehoeg73znelm6mevvmpddexsoqd.onion:34566 add-peer=zao3w6isidntdbnyee5ufs7fyzmv7wzchpw32i3uo5eldjwmo4bxg2qd.onion:34566 add-peer=mqkiqwmhhpqtzlrf26stv7jvtaudbyzkbg3lttkmvvvauzgtxm62tgyd.onion:34566 add-peer=vq5bn3dhzorkpc6g6xi4vruylpdvfw6nrdf7ylyxudunsa4rzm4hduid.onion:34566 add-peer=oscqc6nia6ledut7ufpffej2kkjeuoonibwxudajg3su2w7p32xa.b32.i2p:34565 add-peer=72tbpgeczdtx2q2enbyaqcot7mghbnjenjkmdpyylrssqehr746a.b32.i2p:34565 add-peer=lrq65qrhpbt5voom2ncvowpes6kvobodkldhpuwhxlsrpugmgmlq.b32.i2p:34565 add-peer=rkel2qy7xv3cc5bnxfrzwgh3jvd4woagd4vlhr3qsdxy6cfkimnq.b32.i2p:34565 EOT ## setup pip dep sudo pip install -r requirements.txt &> /tmp/wow-sman.log | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Setup Ansible' 6 60 40 ## wipe and set inventory to localhost > inventory.ini | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Setup Ansible' 6 60 40 echo "[all]" >> inventory.ini | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Setup Ansible' 6 60 40 echo "localhost ansible_connection=local" >> inventory.ini | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Setup Ansible' 6 60 40 ## run playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yaml -b &> /tmp/wow-sman.log | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Wownero, Tor, i2pd' 6 60 70 ## getting local node info i2pP2P=$( curl 2>&1 | grep -Eo "[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" | grep "34565" ) i2pRPC=$( curl 2>&1 | grep -Eo "[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" | grep "34568" ) torRPCP2P=$( cat /var/lib/tor/wownero/hostname ) ## add xmrig git clone https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig.git /tmp/xmrig | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 93 sudo mkdir /tmp/xmrig/build | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 94 cd /tmp/xmrig/build | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 94 sudo cmake .. | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 94 sudo make -j$(nproc) | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 95 sudo cp -a /tmp/xmrig/build/xmrig /usr/local/bin/xmrig| whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 95 ## add xmrig-proxy git clone https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-proxy.git /tmp/xmrig-proxy &> /tmp/wow-sman.log| whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig-Proxy' 6 60 96 mkdir /tmp/xmrig-proxy/build cd /tmp/xmrig-proxy/build sudo cmake .. &> /tmp/wow-sman.log| whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig-Proxy' 6 60 97 sudo make -j$(nproc) &> /tmp/wow-sman.log | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig-Proxy' 6 60 98 sudo cp -a /tmp/xmrig-proxy/build/xmrig-proxy /usr/local/bin/xmrig-proxy | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Installing Xmrig' 6 60 95 ## display node information > /tmp/WelcomeAlliance cat <> /tmp/WelcomeAlliance | whiptail --title 'Solo Miners Alliance Network' --gauge 'Finishing Up..' 6 60 100 Welcome to the Wownero Solo Miners Alliance Network ADD RPC URLs TO https://forum.wownero.com/t/solo-miners-alliance-network/746 AND https://MONERO.FAIL/?crypto=wownero YOUR I2P P2P ADDRESS $i2pP2P YOUR I2P RPC ADDRESS $i2pRPC YOUR TOR P2P/RPC ADDRESS ( :34566 / :34568 ) $torRPCP2P EOT whiptail --title "Solo Miners Alliance Network" --textbox /tmp/WelcomeAlliance 20 70