from flask import render_template, Blueprint, flash from flask import request, redirect, url_for, session from suchwow.models import Post, Comment, Profile from suchwow.utils.decorators import login_required bp = Blueprint("comment", "comment") @bp.route("/comment/create/post/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def create(post_id): if not Post.filter(id=post_id): flash("WTF, that post doesn't exist. Stop it, hackerman.", "is-danger") return redirect(url_for("index")) if request.method == "POST": comment_text = request.form.get("comment") if len(comment_text) > 300: flash("WTF, too many characters to post, asshole.", "is-danger") return redirect(request.url) commenter = Profile.get(username=session["auth"]["preferred_username"]) post = Post.get(id=post_id) c = Comment( comment=comment_text, commenter=commenter, post=post, ) return redirect(url_for("", id=post_id)) return render_template("comment/create.html")