from flask import jsonify, Blueprint, url_for, request, abort from suchwow.models import Post from suchwow import wownero bp = Blueprint("api", "api") @bp.route("/api/list") def api_list(): limit = request.args.get('limit', 30) offset = request.args.get('offset', 0) # Hacky way to convert query str value to int try: limit = int(limit) offset = int(offset) except: abort(500, "Bleep bleep") if limit > 30: limit = 30 all_posts = [] posts = for post in posts: wallet = wownero.Wallet() if wallet.connected: address = wallet.get_address(account=post.account_index) else: address = '' payload = { 'image': url_for('post.uploaded_file', filename=post.image_name, _external=True), 'submitter': post.submitter, 'address': address, 'title': post.title, 'text': post.text, 'href': url_for('',, _external=True), 'id':, 'timestamp': post.timestamp } all_posts.append(payload) return jsonify(all_posts)