# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := armadillo $(PKG)_WEBSITE := https://arma.sourceforge.io/ $(PKG)_DESCR := Armadillo C++ linear algebra library $(PKG)_IGNORE := $(PKG)_VERSION := 8.200.2 $(PKG)_CHECKSUM := 63845e36235f2bd78b4f6890fe5013b6ce51a4e92e3176b20bbc6631b340050a $(PKG)_SUBDIR := $(PKG)-$($(PKG)_VERSION) $(PKG)_FILE := $(PKG)-$($(PKG)_VERSION).tar.xz $(PKG)_URL := https://$(SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR)/project/arma/$($(PKG)_FILE) $(PKG)_DEPS := gcc hdf5 openblas define $(PKG)_UPDATE $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/arma/files/' | \ $(SED) -n 's,.*/armadillo-\([0-9.]*\)[.]tar.*".*,\1,p' | \ head -1 endef define $(PKG)_BUILD # build and install the library cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && $(TARGET)-cmake '$(SOURCE_DIR)' \ -DDETECT_HDF5=ON \ -DARMA_USE_WRAPPER=ON $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j 1 install VERBOSE=1 # create pkg-config file $(INSTALL) -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig' (echo 'Name: $(PKG)'; \ echo 'Version: $($(PKG)_VERSION)'; \ echo 'Description: $($(PKG)_DESCR)'; \ echo 'Requires: hdf5 openblas'; \ echo 'Libs: -larmadillo'; \ ) > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig/$(PKG).pc' # compile test '$(TARGET)-g++' \ -W -Wall -Werror \ '$(TEST_FILE)' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-$(PKG).exe' \ `'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' $(PKG) --cflags --libs` endef