#!/usr/bin/env python """ Create a skeleton of new MXE package. This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. """ import argparse import hashlib import os import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile try: import urllib2 except: # Python 3 import urllib.request as urllib2 MK_TEMPLATE = r''' # This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := %(name)s $(PKG)_WEBSITE := %(website)s $(PKG)_DESCR := %(description)s $(PKG)_IGNORE := $(PKG)_VERSION := %(version)s $(PKG)_CHECKSUM := %(checksum)s %(file_specs)s $(PKG)_DEPS := gcc %(update)s define $(PKG)_BUILD %(build)s endef ''' GH_CONF=r''' $(PKG)_GH_CONF := %(gh_conf)s ''' FILE_SPECS=r''' $(PKG)_SUBDIR := %(subdir_template)s $(PKG)_FILE := %(filename_template)s $(PKG)_URL := %(file_url_template)s ''' UPDATE = r''' define $(PKG)_UPDATE echo 'TODO: write update script for %(name)s.' >&2; echo $(%(name)s_VERSION) endef ''' CMAKE_BUILD = r''' # build and install the library cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && $(TARGET)-cmake \ '$(SOURCE_DIR)' $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j 1 install ''' AUTOTOOLS_BUILD = r''' # build and install the library cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && $(SOURCE_DIR)/configure \ $(MXE_CONFIGURE_OPTS) $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(MAKE) -C '$(BUILD_DIR)' -j 1 install \ bin_PROGRAMS= \ sbin_PROGRAMS= \ noinst_PROGRAMS= ''' MAKE_BUILD = r''' # build and install the library $(MAKE) -C '$(SOURCE_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(MAKE) -C '$(SOURCE_DIR)' -j 1 install ''' BUILDERS = { 'autotools': AUTOTOOLS_BUILD, 'make': MAKE_BUILD, 'cmake': CMAKE_BUILD, } PC_AND_TEST = r''' # create pkg-config file $(INSTALL) -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig' (echo 'Name: $(PKG)'; \ echo 'Version: $($(PKG)_VERSION)'; \ echo 'Description: $($(PKG)_DESCR)'; \ echo 'Requires:'; \ echo 'Libs: -l%(libname)s'; \ echo 'Cflags.private:';) \ > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig/$(PKG).pc' # compile test '$(TARGET)-gcc' \ -W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic \ '$(TEST_FILE)' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-$(PKG).exe' \ `'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' $(PKG) --cflags --libs` ''' def get_filename(file_url): return file_url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] def deduce_gh_conf(file_url): if deduce_website(file_url) == 'github.com': return '/'.join(file_url.split('://', 1)[1].split('/')[1:3]) def deduce_version(file_url): filename = get_filename(file_url) return re.search(r'\d[\d.-_]+\d|\d', filename).group() def deduce_website(file_url): return file_url.split('://', 1)[1].split('/', 1)[0] def download_file(destination, url): with open(destination, 'wb') as d: request = urllib2.urlopen(url) shutil.copyfileobj(request, d) request.close() def make_checksum(filepath): hasher = hashlib.sha256() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(1024 ** 2), b''): hasher.update(chunk) return hasher.hexdigest() def deduce_subdir(archive): args = ['tar', '-tf', archive] tar = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = tar.communicate()[0] if not isinstance(output, str): # Python 3 output = output.decode() files = output.strip().split('\n') first_file = files[0].strip() directory = first_file.split('/', 1)[0] return directory def make_build(options, builder): commands_template = BUILDERS[builder].lstrip() + PC_AND_TEST.rstrip() return commands_template % options def make_skeleton( name, description, file_url, version, subdir, website, builder, ): mk_filename = 'src/%s.mk' % name.lower() if os.path.isfile(mk_filename): raise Exception('File %s exists!' % mk_filename) if description is None: description = name if version is None: version = deduce_version(file_url) if website is None: website = deduce_website(file_url) gh_conf = deduce_gh_conf(file_url) if gh_conf is None: file_specs = FILE_SPECS update = UPDATE else: file_specs = GH_CONF update = '' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as pkg_file: download_file(pkg_file.name, file_url) checksum = make_checksum(pkg_file.name) if subdir is None: subdir = deduce_subdir(pkg_file.name) filename = get_filename(file_url) filename_template = filename.replace(version, '$($(PKG)_VERSION)') file_url_template = file_url.replace(version, '$($(PKG)_VERSION)') subdir_template = subdir.replace(version, '$($(PKG)_VERSION)') libname = name if libname.startswith('lib'): libname = libname[3:] with open(mk_filename, 'wt') as mk: options = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'libname': libname, 'website': website, 'file_url_template': file_url_template, 'gh_conf': gh_conf, 'checksum': checksum, 'version': version, 'subdir_template': subdir_template, 'filename_template': filename_template, } options['file_specs'] = file_specs.strip() % options options['update'] = update % options options['build'] = make_build(options, builder) mk.write(MK_TEMPLATE.lstrip() % options) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( '--name', type=str, help='Package name', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--file-url', type=str, help='URL with file of package', required=True, ) parser.add_argument( '--description', type=str, help='Package description (defaults to name)', required=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--version', type=str, help='Package version (can be deduced from file)', required=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--subdir', type=str, help='Package subdir (can be deduced from file)', required=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--website', type=str, help='Package website (defaults to domain of file)', required=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--builder', choices=sorted(BUILDERS.keys()), help='Template of $(PKG)_BUILD', default='autotools', ) args = parser.parse_args() make_skeleton( args.name, args.description, args.file_url, args.version, args.subdir, args.website, args.builder, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()