# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := autotools $(PKG)_WEBSITE := https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Build_System $(PKG)_DESCR := Dependency package to ensure the autotools work $(PKG)_VERSION := 1 $(PKG)_DEPS := libtool pkgconf $(PKG)_TARGETS := $(BUILD) $(PKG)_TYPE := meta define $(PKG)_BUILD_$(BUILD) # fail early if autotools can't autoreconf # 1. detect mismatches in installation locations # 2. ??? (echo 'AC_INIT([mxe.cc], [1])'; \ $(foreach PROG, autoconf automake libtool, \ echo 'AC_PATH_PROG([$(call uc,$(PROG))], [$(PROG)])';) \ echo 'PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG(0.16)'; \ echo 'AC_OUTPUT') \ > '$(BUILD_DIR)/configure.ac' cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && autoreconf -fiv cd '$(BUILD_DIR)' && ./configure endef