# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright (c) 2021, dsc@xmr.pm import os, re, dataclasses, random from datetime import datetime from typing import Tuple, Optional from quart import request, render_template, abort, jsonify, send_from_directory, current_app, websocket, redirect, session, url_for import asyncio import json import settings from ircradio.factory import app from ircradio.radio import Radio @app.route("/") async def root(): return await render_template("index.html", settings=settings, radio_stations=settings.radio_stations.values()) @app.route("/login") async def login(): from ircradio.factory import keycloak if 'auth_token' not in session: return redirect(url_for(keycloak.endpoint_name_login)) return redirect('root') @app.route("/search") async def search(): # search json api endpoint # e.g: /search?name=test&limit=5&offset=0 if not settings.enable_search_route: abort(404) from ircradio.models import Song name = request.args.get("name") limit = request.args.get("limit", '20') offset = request.args.get("offset", '0') try: limit = int(limit) offset = int(offset) except: limit = 50 offset = 0 if not name or len(name) <= 2: abort(404) if limit > 50: limit = 50 name = f"%{name}%" try: q = Song.select() q = q.where((Song.added_by ** name) | (Song.title ** name)) q = q.order_by(Song.date_added.desc()) q = q.limit(limit).offset(offset) results = [{ "added_by": s.added_by, "karma": s.karma, "id": s.id, "title": s.title, "utube_id": s.utube_id, "date_added": s.date_added.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") } for s in q] except: return jsonify([]) return jsonify(results) @app.route("/library") async def user_library(): from ircradio.factory import keycloak if 'auth_token' not in session: return redirect(url_for(keycloak.endpoint_name_login)) from ircradio.models import Song name = request.args.get("name") if not name: return await render_template('user.html') try: by_date = Song.select().filter(Song.added_by == name)\ .order_by(Song.date_added.desc()) except: by_date = [] if not by_date: abort(404) try: by_karma = Song.select().filter(Song.added_by == name)\ .order_by(Song.karma.desc()) except: by_karma = [] return await render_template("user_library.html", name=name, by_date=by_date, by_karma=by_karma) @app.route("/request") async def request_song(): from ircradio.factory import keycloak if 'auth_token' not in session: return redirect(url_for(keycloak.endpoint_name_login)) return await render_template('request.html') @app.route('/api/songs') async def api_songs(): from ircradio.factory import keycloak from ircradio.models import Song, db if 'auth_token' not in session: return abort(403) q = """ SELECT title, utube_id, added_by, karma FROM song WHERE ORDER BY date_added DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?; """ limit = int(request.args.get('limit', 150)) offset = int(request.args.get('offset', 0)) search = request.args.get('search', '') sort_by = request.args.get('sort') order = request.args.get('order', 'DESC') if order.lower() in ['desc', 'asc']: order = "desc" if order == "asc" else "desc" # yolo q = q.replace('DESC', order) if sort_by == "karma": q = q.replace('date_added', 'karma') args = [limit, offset] if isinstance(search, str): search = search[:8] search = search.replace('%', '') args.insert(0, f"%{search}%") q = q.replace('WHERE', f'WHERE title LIKE ?') else: q = q.replace('WHERE', f'') songs = [] cursor = db.execute_sql(q, tuple(args)) # no sqli for all the naughty people!! for row in cursor.fetchall(): songs.append({'title': row[0], 'uid': row[1], 'added_by': row[2], 'karma': row[3]}) return jsonify(songs) @app.route('/api/request/') async def api_request(utube_id: str = None): from ircradio.models import Song from ircradio.factory import irc_message_announce_bus if not utube_id: return abort(500) if 'auth_token' not in session: return abort(403) user = session['auth_token'] username = user.get('preferred_username') try: song = Song.select().filter(Song.utube_id == utube_id).get() except Exception as ex: return abort(404) radio_default = settings.radio_stations['wow'] await radio_default.queue_push(song.path or song.filepath) msg = f"{username} added {song.title} to the queue via webif" await irc_message_announce_bus.put(msg) return jsonify({}) @app.route('/api/boo/') async def api_boo(radio_id: str): from ircradio.models import Song from ircradio.factory import irc_message_announce_bus if not radio_id or radio_id not in settings.radio_stations: return abort(500) if 'auth_token' not in session: return abort(403) user = session['auth_token'] username = user.get('preferred_username') # throttling cache_key = f"throttle_api_boo_{username}" res = await current_app.session_interface.get(cache_key) if res: return jsonify({}) # silently fail radio_default = settings.radio_stations['wow'] song = await radio_default.np() if not song: current_app.logger.error(f"Nothing is playing?!") return abort(500) if song.karma >= 1: song.karma -= 1 song.save() # set cache await current_app.session_interface.set(cache_key, b'1', 15) hates = ['throwing shade', 'hating', 'boo\'ing', 'throwing tomatoes', 'flipping tables', 'raging'] msg = f"{username} {random.choice(hates)} from webif .. \"{song.title}\" is now {song.karma}/10 .. BOOO!!!!" await irc_message_announce_bus.put(msg) return jsonify({'msg': msg}) @app.route('/api/tune/') async def api_tune(radio_id: str): from ircradio.models import Song from ircradio.factory import irc_message_announce_bus if not radio_id or radio_id not in settings.radio_stations: return abort(500) if 'auth_token' not in session: return abort(403) user = session['auth_token'] username = user.get('preferred_username') # throttling cache_key = f"throttle_api_tune_{username}" res = await current_app.session_interface.get(cache_key) if res: return jsonify({}) # silently fail radio_default = settings.radio_stations['wow'] song = await radio_default.np() if not song: return await send_message(target, f"Nothing is playing?!") song.karma += 1 song.save() # set cache await current_app.session_interface.set(cache_key, b'1', 15) loves = ['dancing', 'vibin\'', 'boppin\'', 'breakdancing', 'raving', 'chair dancing'] msg = f"{username} {random.choice(loves)} .. \"{song.title}\" is now {song.karma}/10 .. PARTY ON!!!!" await irc_message_announce_bus.put(msg) return jsonify({'msg': msg}) @app.route('/api/skip/') async def api_skip(radio_id: str): from ircradio.models import Song from ircradio.factory import irc_message_announce_bus if not radio_id or radio_id not in settings.radio_stations: return abort(500) if 'auth_token' not in session: return abort(403) user = session['auth_token'] username = user.get('preferred_username') # throttling cache_key = f"throttle_api_skip_{radio_id}_{username}" res = await current_app.session_interface.get(cache_key) if res: return jsonify({}) # silently fail radio_station = settings.radio_stations[radio_id] await radio_station.skip() # set cache await current_app.session_interface.set(cache_key, b'1', 15) hates = ['Booo', 'Rude', 'Wtf'] msg = f"{username} skipped. {random.choice(hates)}! >:|" if radio_station.id == "wow": await irc_message_announce_bus.put(msg) return jsonify({'msg': msg}) @app.route("/history") async def history(): from ircradio.factory import keycloak if 'auth_token' not in session: return redirect(url_for(keycloak.endpoint_name_login)) radio_default = settings.radio_stations['wow'] songs = await radio_default.history() if not songs: return "no history" return await render_template('history.html', songs=songs) @app.websocket("/ws") async def ws(): current_app.logger.info('websocket client connected') from ircradio.factory import websocket_status_bus, websocket_status_bus_last_item from ircradio.station import Station async def send_all(data: dict[str, Station]): return await websocket.send_json({ k: dataclasses.asdict(v) for k, v in data.items() }) if isinstance(websocket_status_bus_last_item, dict): current_app.logger.debug('sending data to ws peer') await send_all(websocket_status_bus_last_item) while True: async for data in websocket_status_bus.subscribe(): current_app.logger.debug('sending data to ws peer') await send_all(data) @app.route("/assets/art/") async def assets_art(path: str): img_default = "album_art_default.jpg" _base = os.path.join(settings.cwd, "ircradio", "static") try: for _dirname in [settings.dir_meta, settings.dir_music]: _path = os.path.join(_dirname, path) if os.path.exists(_path): return await send_from_directory(_dirname, path) except Exception as ex: current_app.logger.debug(ex) return await send_from_directory(_base, img_default), 500 return await send_from_directory(_base, img_default), 404 @app.route("/static_music_meta/") async def static_music_meta(path: str): return await send_from_directory( settings.dir_meta, file_name=path)