# Microsoft GitHub
taking free software down, one DMCA notice at a time Lately Microsoft GitHub caved to RIAA and [blocked `youtube-dl`](). This is [bad for many reasons](https://freedom.press/news/riaa-github-youtube-dl-journalist-tool/), but shows why using a centralized, corporate-controled walled garden is a dangerous thing. Microsoft GitHub (and RIAA) should have known better — not least because [Streisand Effect is a thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect). So, here's a list of `youtube-dl` mirrors: - https://codeberg.org/polarisfm/youtube-dl - https://git.nixnet.xyz/Amolith/youtube-dl - https://code.loranger.xyz/rob/youtube-dl - https://git.hackers.town/The_gibson/youtube-dl2.git - https://gitlab.com/nephros/youtube-dl - https://salsa.debian.org/debian/youtube-dl - https://git.marcg.pizza/~marcg/youtube-dl - https://git.osuv.de/star/youtube-dl - https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe/ - https://git.nixnet.xyz/Amolith/NewPipe - https://code.loranger.xyz/rob/NewPipe [Here's another source of mirror links](https://docs.nixnet.services/Mirror_lists), for good measure. Now, *hilariously* GitHub also [decided not to fix a potential security issue related to how repository forks are kept on the back-end](https://iain.learmonth.me/blog/2019/2019w371/). This makes it possible to make it seem like an upstream repo contains content that has never actually been merged into it. In other words, GitHub has no issue with [`youtube-dl` seemingly hosted in GitHub's own DMCA repository](https://github.com/github/dmca/tree/416da574ec0df3388f652e44f7fe71b1e3a4701f). And so, you can still clone the original `youtube-dl` code using GitHub's own DMCA repo (the irony is just too sweet): ``` git clone -n https://github.com/github/dmca.git youtube-dl && cd youtube-dl && git fetch origin 416da574ec0df3388f652e44f7fe71b1e3a4701f && git checkout FETCH_HEAD ``` ## 🔥 Microsoft GitHub: this is fine 🔥 So, I guess this is fine: - https://github.com/github/docs/blob/96bacc64dde55edbc4aa4f6e6a18f713200cd28f/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md - https://github.com/github/fetch/blob/938303e5ea92824c0cdd8ae0ba6c47ab77418d33/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md - https://github.com/microsoft/MLOS/blob/e4b537d25a5bfdea3bb0f2910b5b404b3d4de7db/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md - https://github.com/github/training-kit/blob/7fdaaf1b4deed2689669e16959625c9be9485ace/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/a8fcd50d4ccff302b8175275230b05b252d3a1b4/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md - https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/179b91033ec39fbef969281716ecf37c07184683/GITHUB_IS_EVIL.md ## Better alternatives - [SourceHut](https://sr.ht/) is a nice, ethical forge. - [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/) is a good "batteries-included" alternative; it is self-hostable, or you can set-up an account on one of the many public instances. - [Gitea](https://gitea.io/en-us/) is a minimalistic self-hostable forge.