/* * Copyright © 2022 Imagination Technologies Ltd. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "pvr_csb.h" #include "pvr_device_info.h" #include "pvr_formats.h" #include "pvr_private.h" #include "pvr_tex_state.h" #include "util/macros.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include "vk_format.h" #include "vk_image.h" #include "vk_log.h" #include "vk_object.h" #include "vk_util.h" #include "wsi_common.h" static void pvr_image_init_memlayout(struct pvr_image *image) { switch (image->vk.tiling) { default: unreachable("bad VkImageTiling"); case VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL: if (image->vk.wsi_legacy_scanout) image->memlayout = PVR_MEMLAYOUT_LINEAR; else if (image->vk.image_type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) image->memlayout = PVR_MEMLAYOUT_3DTWIDDLED; else image->memlayout = PVR_MEMLAYOUT_TWIDDLED; break; case VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR: image->memlayout = PVR_MEMLAYOUT_LINEAR; break; } } static void pvr_image_init_physical_extent(struct pvr_image *image) { assert(image->memlayout != PVR_MEMLAYOUT_UNDEFINED); /* clang-format off */ if (image->vk.mip_levels > 1 || image->memlayout == PVR_MEMLAYOUT_TWIDDLED || image->memlayout == PVR_MEMLAYOUT_3DTWIDDLED) { /* clang-format on */ image->physical_extent.width = util_next_power_of_two(image->vk.extent.width); image->physical_extent.height = util_next_power_of_two(image->vk.extent.height); image->physical_extent.depth = util_next_power_of_two(image->vk.extent.depth); } else { assert(image->memlayout == PVR_MEMLAYOUT_LINEAR); image->physical_extent = image->vk.extent; } } static void pvr_image_setup_mip_levels(struct pvr_image *image) { const uint32_t extent_alignment = image->vk.image_type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D ? 4 : 1; const unsigned int cpp = vk_format_get_blocksize(image->vk.format); /* Mip-mapped textures that are non-dword aligned need dword-aligned levels * so they can be TQd from. */ const uint32_t level_alignment = image->vk.mip_levels > 1 ? 4 : 1; assert(image->vk.mip_levels <= ARRAY_SIZE(image->mip_levels)); image->layer_size = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->vk.mip_levels; i++) { const uint32_t height = u_minify(image->physical_extent.height, i); const uint32_t width = u_minify(image->physical_extent.width, i); const uint32_t depth = u_minify(image->physical_extent.depth, i); struct pvr_mip_level *mip_level = &image->mip_levels[i]; mip_level->pitch = cpp * ALIGN(width, extent_alignment); mip_level->height_pitch = ALIGN(height, extent_alignment); mip_level->size = image->vk.samples * mip_level->pitch * mip_level->height_pitch * ALIGN(depth, extent_alignment); mip_level->size = ALIGN(mip_level->size, level_alignment); mip_level->offset = image->layer_size; image->layer_size += mip_level->size; } /* TODO: It might be useful to store the alignment in the image so it can be * checked (via an assert?) when setting * RGX_CR_TPU_TAG_CEM_4K_FACE_PACKING_EN, assuming this is where the * requirement comes from. */ if (image->vk.array_layers > 1) image->layer_size = ALIGN(image->layer_size, image->alignment); image->size = image->layer_size * image->vk.array_layers; } VkResult pvr_CreateImage(VkDevice _device, const VkImageCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkImage *pImage) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); struct pvr_image *image; pvr_finishme("Review whether all inputs are handled\n"); image = vk_image_create(&device->vk, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, sizeof(*image)); if (!image) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); /* All images aligned to 4k, in case of arrays/CEM. * Refer: pvr_GetImageMemoryRequirements for further details. */ image->alignment = 4096U; /* Initialize the image using the saved information from pCreateInfo */ pvr_image_init_memlayout(image); pvr_image_init_physical_extent(image); pvr_image_setup_mip_levels(image); *pImage = pvr_image_to_handle(image); return VK_SUCCESS; } void pvr_DestroyImage(VkDevice _device, VkImage _image, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image, image, _image); if (!image) return; if (image->vma) pvr_unbind_memory(device, image->vma); vk_image_destroy(&device->vk, pAllocator, &image->vk); } /* clang-format off */ /* Consider a 4 page buffer object. * _________________________________________ * | | | | | * |_________|__________|_________|__________| * | * \__ offset (0.5 page size) * * |___size(2 pages)____| * * |__VMA size required (3 pages)__| * * | * \__ returned dev_addr = vma + offset % page_size * * VMA size = align(size + offset % page_size, page_size); * * Note: the above handling is currently divided between generic * driver code and winsys layer. Given are the details of how this is * being handled. * * As winsys vma allocation interface does not have offset information, * it can not calculate the extra size needed to adjust for the unaligned * offset. So generic code is responsible for allocating a VMA that has * extra space to deal with the above scenario. * * Remaining work of mapping the vma to bo is done by vma_map interface, * as it contains offset information, we don't need to do any adjustments * in the generic code for this part. * * TODO: Look into merging heap_alloc and vma_map into single interface. */ /* clang-format on */ VkResult pvr_BindImageMemory2(VkDevice _device, uint32_t bindInfoCount, const VkBindImageMemoryInfo *pBindInfos) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < bindInfoCount; i++) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device_memory, mem, pBindInfos[i].memory); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image, image, pBindInfos[i].image); VkResult result = pvr_bind_memory(device, mem, pBindInfos[i].memoryOffset, image->size, image->alignment, &image->vma, &image->dev_addr); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { while (i--) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image, image, pBindInfos[i].image); pvr_unbind_memory(device, image->vma); } return result; } } return VK_SUCCESS; } void pvr_GetImageSubresourceLayout(VkDevice device, VkImage _image, const VkImageSubresource *subresource, VkSubresourceLayout *layout) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image, image, _image); const struct pvr_mip_level *mip_level = &image->mip_levels[subresource->mipLevel]; pvr_assert(subresource->mipLevel < image->vk.mip_levels); pvr_assert(subresource->arrayLayer < image->vk.array_layers); layout->offset = subresource->arrayLayer * image->layer_size + mip_level->offset; layout->rowPitch = mip_level->pitch; layout->depthPitch = mip_level->pitch * mip_level->height_pitch; layout->arrayPitch = image->layer_size; layout->size = mip_level->size; } VkResult pvr_CreateImageView(VkDevice _device, const VkImageViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkImageView *pView) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image, image, pCreateInfo->image); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); struct pvr_texture_state_info info; unsigned char input_swizzle[4]; const uint8_t *format_swizzle; struct pvr_image_view *iview; VkResult result; iview = vk_image_view_create(&device->vk, false /* driver_internal */, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, sizeof(*iview)); if (!iview) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); iview->image = image; info.type = iview->vk.view_type; info.base_level = iview->vk.base_mip_level; info.mip_levels = iview->vk.level_count; info.extent = image->vk.extent; info.is_cube = (info.type == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE || info.type == VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY); info.array_size = iview->vk.layer_count; info.offset = iview->vk.base_array_layer * image->layer_size + image->mip_levels[info.base_level].offset; info.mipmaps_present = (image->vk.mip_levels > 1) ? true : false; info.stride = image->physical_extent.width; info.tex_state_type = PVR_TEXTURE_STATE_SAMPLE; info.mem_layout = image->memlayout; info.flags = 0; info.sample_count = image->vk.samples; info.addr = image->dev_addr; /* TODO: if ERN_46863 is supported, Depth and stencil are sampled separately * from images with combined depth+stencil. Add logic here to handle it. */ info.format = iview->vk.format; vk_component_mapping_to_pipe_swizzle(iview->vk.swizzle, input_swizzle); format_swizzle = pvr_get_format_swizzle(info.format); util_format_compose_swizzles(format_swizzle, input_swizzle, info.swizzle); result = pvr_pack_tex_state(device, &info, iview->texture_state[info.tex_state_type]); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_vk_image_view_destroy; /* Create an additional texture state for cube type if storage * usage flat is set. */ if (info.is_cube && image->vk.usage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT) { info.tex_state_type = PVR_TEXTURE_STATE_STORAGE; result = pvr_pack_tex_state(device, &info, iview->texture_state[info.tex_state_type]); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_vk_image_view_destroy; } /* Attachment state is created as if the mipmaps are not supported, so the * baselevel is set to zero and num_mip_levels is set to 1. Which gives an * impression that this is the only level in the image. This also requires * that width, height and depth be adjusted as well. Given iview->vk.extent * is already adjusted for base mip map level we use it here. */ /* TODO: Investigate and document the reason for above approach. */ info.extent = iview->vk.extent; info.mip_levels = 1; info.mipmaps_present = false; info.stride = u_minify(image->physical_extent.width, info.base_level); info.base_level = 0; info.tex_state_type = PVR_TEXTURE_STATE_ATTACHMENT; result = pvr_pack_tex_state(device, &info, iview->texture_state[info.tex_state_type]); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_vk_image_view_destroy; *pView = pvr_image_view_to_handle(iview); return VK_SUCCESS; err_vk_image_view_destroy: vk_image_view_destroy(&device->vk, pAllocator, &iview->vk); return result; } void pvr_DestroyImageView(VkDevice _device, VkImageView _iview, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_image_view, iview, _iview); if (!iview) return; vk_image_view_destroy(&device->vk, pAllocator, &iview->vk); } VkResult pvr_CreateBufferView(VkDevice _device, const VkBufferViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkBufferView *pView) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_buffer, buffer, pCreateInfo->buffer); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); struct pvr_texture_state_info info; const uint8_t *format_swizzle; struct pvr_buffer_view *bview; VkResult result; bview = vk_object_alloc(&device->vk, pAllocator, sizeof(*bview), VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER_VIEW); if (!bview) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); bview->format = pCreateInfo->format; bview->range = vk_buffer_range(&buffer->vk, pCreateInfo->offset, pCreateInfo->range); /* If the remaining size of the buffer is not a multiple of the element * size of the format, the nearest smaller multiple is used. */ bview->range -= bview->range % vk_format_get_blocksize(bview->format); /* The range of the buffer view shouldn't be smaller than one texel. */ assert(bview->range >= vk_format_get_blocksize(bview->format)); info.base_level = 0U; info.mip_levels = 1U; info.mipmaps_present = false; info.extent.width = 8192U; info.extent.height = bview->range / vk_format_get_blocksize(bview->format); info.extent.height = DIV_ROUND_UP(info.extent.height, info.extent.width); info.extent.depth = 0U; info.sample_count = 1U; info.stride = info.extent.width; info.offset = 0U; info.addr = PVR_DEV_ADDR_OFFSET(buffer->dev_addr, pCreateInfo->offset); info.mem_layout = PVR_MEMLAYOUT_LINEAR; info.is_cube = false; info.tex_state_type = PVR_TEXTURE_STATE_SAMPLE; info.format = bview->format; info.flags = PVR_TEXFLAGS_INDEX_LOOKUP; if (PVR_HAS_FEATURE(&device->pdevice->dev_info, tpu_array_textures)) info.array_size = 1U; format_swizzle = pvr_get_format_swizzle(info.format); memcpy(info.swizzle, format_swizzle, sizeof(info.swizzle)); result = pvr_pack_tex_state(device, &info, bview->texture_state); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) goto err_vk_buffer_view_destroy; *pView = pvr_buffer_view_to_handle(bview); return VK_SUCCESS; err_vk_buffer_view_destroy: vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, bview); return result; } void pvr_DestroyBufferView(VkDevice _device, VkBufferView bufferView, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_buffer_view, bview, bufferView); PVR_FROM_HANDLE(pvr_device, device, _device); if (!bview) return; vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, bview); }