"""custom Custom builders and methods. """ # # Copyright 2008 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the # next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions # of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # import os.path import sys import subprocess import modulefinder import SCons.Action import SCons.Builder import SCons.Scanner import fixes import source_list def quietCommandLines(env): # Quiet command lines # See also http://www.scons.org/wiki/HidingCommandLinesInOutput env['ASCOMSTR'] = " Assembling $SOURCE ..." env['ASPPCOMSTR'] = " Assembling $SOURCE ..." env['CCCOMSTR'] = " Compiling $SOURCE ..." env['SHCCCOMSTR'] = " Compiling $SOURCE ..." env['CXXCOMSTR'] = " Compiling $SOURCE ..." env['SHCXXCOMSTR'] = " Compiling $SOURCE ..." env['ARCOMSTR'] = " Archiving $TARGET ..." env['RANLIBCOMSTR'] = " Indexing $TARGET ..." env['LINKCOMSTR'] = " Linking $TARGET ..." env['SHLINKCOMSTR'] = " Linking $TARGET ..." env['LDMODULECOMSTR'] = " Linking $TARGET ..." env['SWIGCOMSTR'] = " Generating $TARGET ..." env['LEXCOMSTR'] = " Generating $TARGET ..." env['YACCCOMSTR'] = " Generating $TARGET ..." env['CODEGENCOMSTR'] = " Generating $TARGET ..." env['INSTALLSTR'] = " Installing $TARGET ..." def createConvenienceLibBuilder(env): """This is a utility function that creates the ConvenienceLibrary Builder in an Environment if it is not there already. If it is already there, we return the existing one. Based on the stock StaticLibrary and SharedLibrary builders. """ try: convenience_lib = env['BUILDERS']['ConvenienceLibrary'] except KeyError: action_list = [ SCons.Action.Action("$ARCOM", "$ARCOMSTR") ] if env.Detect('ranlib'): ranlib_action = SCons.Action.Action("$RANLIBCOM", "$RANLIBCOMSTR") action_list.append(ranlib_action) convenience_lib = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = action_list, emitter = '$LIBEMITTER', prefix = '$LIBPREFIX', suffix = '$LIBSUFFIX', src_suffix = '$SHOBJSUFFIX', src_builder = 'SharedObject') env['BUILDERS']['ConvenienceLibrary'] = convenience_lib return convenience_lib def python_scan(node, env, path): # http://www.scons.org/doc/0.98.5/HTML/scons-user/c2781.html#AEN2789 # https://docs.python.org/2/library/modulefinder.html contents = node.get_contents() source_dir = node.get_dir() finder = modulefinder.ModuleFinder() finder.run_script(node.abspath) results = [] for name, mod in finder.modules.iteritems(): if mod.__file__ is None: continue assert os.path.exists(mod.__file__) results.append(env.File(mod.__file__)) return results python_scanner = SCons.Scanner.Scanner(function = python_scan, skeys = ['.py']) def code_generate(env, script, target, source, command): """Method to simplify code generation via python scripts. http://www.scons.org/wiki/UsingCodeGenerators http://www.scons.org/doc/0.98.5/HTML/scons-user/c2768.html """ # We're generating code using Python scripts, so we have to be # careful with our scons elements. This entry represents # the generator file *in the source directory*. script_src = env.File(script).srcnode() # This command creates generated code *in the build directory*. command = command.replace('$SCRIPT', script_src.path) action = SCons.Action.Action(command, "$CODEGENCOMSTR") code = env.Command(target, source, action) # Explicitly mark that the generated code depends on the generator, # and on implicitly imported python modules path = (script_src.get_dir(),) deps = [script_src] deps += script_src.get_implicit_deps(env, python_scanner, path) env.Depends(code, deps) # Running the Python script causes .pyc files to be generated in the # source directory. When we clean up, they should go too. So add side # effects for .pyc files for dep in deps: pyc = env.File(str(dep) + 'c') env.SideEffect(pyc, code) return code def createCodeGenerateMethod(env): env.Append(SCANNERS = python_scanner) env.AddMethod(code_generate, 'CodeGenerate') def _pkg_check_modules(env, name, modules): '''Simple wrapper for pkg-config.''' env['HAVE_' + name] = False # For backwards compatability env[name.lower()] = False if env['platform'] == 'windows': return if not env.Detect('pkg-config'): return if subprocess.call(["pkg-config", "--exists", ' '.join(modules)]) != 0: return # Strip version expressions from modules modules = [module.split(' ', 1)[0] for module in modules] # Other flags may affect the compilation of unrelated targets, so store # them with a prefix, (e.g., XXX_CFLAGS, XXX_LIBS, etc) try: flags = env.ParseFlags('!pkg-config --cflags --libs ' + ' '.join(modules)) except OSError: return prefix = name + '_' for flag_name, flag_value in flags.iteritems(): assert '_' not in flag_name env[prefix + flag_name] = flag_value env['HAVE_' + name] = True def pkg_check_modules(env, name, modules): sys.stdout.write('Checking for %s (%s)...' % (name, ' '.join(modules))) _pkg_check_modules(env, name, modules) result = env['HAVE_' + name] sys.stdout.write(' %s\n' % ['no', 'yes'][int(bool(result))]) # XXX: For backwards compatability env[name.lower()] = result def pkg_use_modules(env, names): '''Search for all environment flags that match NAME_FOO and append them to the FOO environment variable.''' names = env.Flatten(names) for name in names: prefix = name + '_' if not 'HAVE_' + name in env: raise Exception('Attempt to use unknown module %s' % name) if not env['HAVE_' + name]: raise Exception('Attempt to use unavailable module %s' % name) flags = {} for flag_name, flag_value in env.Dictionary().iteritems(): if flag_name.startswith(prefix): flag_name = flag_name[len(prefix):] if '_' not in flag_name: flags[flag_name] = flag_value if flags: env.MergeFlags(flags) def createPkgConfigMethods(env): env.AddMethod(pkg_check_modules, 'PkgCheckModules') env.AddMethod(pkg_use_modules, 'PkgUseModules') def parse_source_list(env, filename, names=None): # parse the source list file parser = source_list.SourceListParser() src = env.File(filename).srcnode() cur_srcdir = env.Dir('.').srcnode().abspath top_srcdir = env.Dir('#').abspath top_builddir = os.path.join(top_srcdir, env['build_dir']) # Normalize everything to / slashes cur_srcdir = cur_srcdir.replace('\\', '/') top_srcdir = top_srcdir.replace('\\', '/') top_builddir = top_builddir.replace('\\', '/') # Populate the symbol table of the Makefile parser. parser.add_symbol('top_srcdir', top_srcdir) parser.add_symbol('top_builddir', top_builddir) sym_table = parser.parse(src.abspath) if names: if isinstance(names, basestring): names = [names] symbols = names else: symbols = sym_table.keys() # convert the symbol table to source lists src_lists = {} for sym in symbols: val = sym_table[sym] srcs = [] for f in val.split(): if f: # Process source paths if f.startswith(top_builddir + '/src'): # Automake puts build output on a `src` subdirectory, but # SCons does not, so strip it here. f = top_builddir + f[len(top_builddir + '/src'):] if f.startswith(cur_srcdir + '/'): # Prefer relative source paths, as absolute files tend to # cause duplicate actions. f = f[len(cur_srcdir + '/'):] # do not include any headers if f.endswith('.h'): continue srcs.append(f) src_lists[sym] = srcs # if names are given, concatenate the lists if names: srcs = [] for name in names: srcs.extend(src_lists[name]) return srcs else: return src_lists def createParseSourceListMethod(env): env.AddMethod(parse_source_list, 'ParseSourceList') def generate(env): """Common environment generation code""" verbose = env.get('verbose', False) or not env.get('quiet', True) if not verbose: quietCommandLines(env) # Custom builders and methods createConvenienceLibBuilder(env) createCodeGenerateMethod(env) createPkgConfigMethods(env) createParseSourceListMethod(env) # for debugging #print env.Dump() def exists(env): return 1