/* * Copyright © Microsoft Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.  IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "dxil_function.h" #include "dxil_module.h" #define MAX_FUNC_PARAMS 17 struct predefined_func_descr { const char *base_name; const char *retval_descr; const char *param_descr; enum dxil_attr_kind attr; }; static struct predefined_func_descr predefined_funcs[] = { {"dx.op.atomicBinOp", "O", "i@iiiii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.cbufferLoad", "O", "i@ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.cbufferLoadLegacy", "B", "i@i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.createHandle", "@", "iciib", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.storeOutput", "v", "iiicO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NO_UNWIND}, {"dx.op.loadInput", "O", "iiici", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.tertiary", "O", "iOOO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.threadId", "i", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.threadIdInGroup", "i", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.flattenedThreadIdInGroup", "i", "i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.groupId", "i", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.unary", "O", "iO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.unaryBits", "i", "iO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.isSpecialFloat", "b", "iO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.binary", "O", "iOO", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.bufferStore", "v", "i@iiOOOOc", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NONE}, {"dx.op.bufferLoad", "R", "i@ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.attributeAtVertex", "O", "iiicc", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.sample", "R", "i@@ffffiiif", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.sampleBias", "R", "i@@ffffiiiff", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.sampleLevel", "R", "i@@ffffiiif", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.sampleGrad", "R", "i@@ffffiiifffffff", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.sampleCmp", "R", "i@@ffffiiiff", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.sampleCmpLevelZero", "R", "i@@ffffiiif", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.textureLoad", "R", "i@iiiiiii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.textureGather", "R", "i@@ffffiii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.textureGatherCmp", "R", "i@@ffffiiif", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.discard", "v", "ib", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.sampleIndex", "i", "i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.emitStream", "v", "ic", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NONE}, {"dx.op.cutStream", "v", "ic", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NONE}, {"dx.op.getDimensions", "D", "i@i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.calculateLOD", "f", "i@@fffb", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.barrier", "v", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NO_DUPLICATE}, {"dx.op.atomicCompareExchange", "O", "i@iiiii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.textureStore", "v", "i@iiiOOOOc", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_NONE}, {"dx.op.primitiveID", "i", "i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.legacyF16ToF32", "f", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.legacyF32ToF16", "i", "if", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.makeDouble", "g", "iii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.splitDouble", "G", "ig", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.texture2DMSGetSamplePosition", "S", "i@i", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.renderTargetGetSamplePosition", "S", "ii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_ONLY}, {"dx.op.evalSnapped", "O", "iiicii", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.evalCentroid", "O", "iiic", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, {"dx.op.evalSampleIndex", "O", "iiici", DXIL_ATTR_KIND_READ_NONE}, }; struct func_descr { const char *name; enum overload_type overload; }; struct func_rb_node { struct rb_node node; const struct dxil_func *func; struct func_descr descr; }; static inline const struct func_rb_node * func_rb_node(const struct rb_node *n) { return (const struct func_rb_node *)n; } static int func_compare_to_name_and_overload(const struct rb_node *node, const void *data) { const struct func_descr *descr = (const struct func_descr *)data; const struct func_rb_node *f = func_rb_node(node); if (f->descr.overload < descr->overload) return -1; if (f->descr.overload > descr->overload) return 1; return strcmp(f->descr.name, descr->name); } static const struct dxil_func * allocate_function_from_predefined(struct dxil_module *mod, const char *name, enum overload_type overload) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(predefined_funcs); ++i) { if (!strcmp(predefined_funcs[i].base_name, name)) { return dxil_alloc_func(mod, name, overload, predefined_funcs[i].retval_descr, predefined_funcs[i].param_descr, predefined_funcs[i].attr); } } return false; } const struct dxil_func * dxil_get_function(struct dxil_module *mod, const char *name, enum overload_type overload) { struct func_descr descr = { name, overload }; const struct rb_node *node = rb_tree_search(mod->functions, &descr, func_compare_to_name_and_overload); if (node) return func_rb_node(node)->func; return allocate_function_from_predefined(mod, name, overload); } static int func_compare_name(const struct rb_node *lhs, const struct rb_node *rhs) { const struct func_rb_node *node = func_rb_node(rhs); return func_compare_to_name_and_overload(lhs, &node->descr); } static void dxil_add_function(struct rb_tree *functions, const struct dxil_func *func, const char *name, enum overload_type overload) { struct func_rb_node *f = rzalloc(functions, struct func_rb_node); f->func = func; f->descr.name = name; f->descr.overload = overload; rb_tree_insert(functions, &f->node, func_compare_name); } static const struct dxil_type * get_type_from_string(struct dxil_module *mod, const char *param_descr, enum overload_type overload, int *idx) { assert(param_descr); char type_id = param_descr[(*idx)++]; assert(*idx <= (int)strlen(param_descr)); switch (type_id) { case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_INT64: return dxil_module_get_int_type(mod, 64); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_INT32: return dxil_module_get_int_type(mod, 32); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_INT16: return dxil_module_get_int_type(mod, 16); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_INT8: return dxil_module_get_int_type(mod, 8); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_BOOL: return dxil_module_get_int_type(mod, 1); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_FLOAT64: return dxil_module_get_float_type(mod, 64); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_FLOAT32: return dxil_module_get_float_type(mod, 32); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_FLOAT16: return dxil_module_get_float_type(mod, 16); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_HANDLE: return dxil_module_get_handle_type(mod); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_VOID: return dxil_module_get_void_type(mod); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_FROM_OVERLOAD: return dxil_get_overload_type(mod, overload); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_RESRET: return dxil_module_get_resret_type(mod, overload); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_DIM: return dxil_module_get_dimret_type(mod); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_SAMPLE_POS: return dxil_module_get_samplepos_type(mod); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_CBUF_RET: return dxil_module_get_cbuf_ret_type(mod, overload); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_SPLIT_DOUBLE: return dxil_module_get_split_double_ret_type(mod); case DXIL_FUNC_PARAM_POINTER: { const struct dxil_type *target = get_type_from_string(mod, param_descr, overload, idx); return dxil_module_get_pointer_type(mod, target); } default: assert(0 && "unknown type identifier"); } return NULL; } const struct dxil_func * dxil_alloc_func_with_rettype(struct dxil_module *mod, const char *name, enum overload_type overload, const struct dxil_type *retval_type, const char *param_descr, enum dxil_attr_kind attr) { assert(param_descr); const struct dxil_type *arg_types[MAX_FUNC_PARAMS]; int index = 0; unsigned num_params = 0; while (param_descr[num_params]) { const struct dxil_type *t = get_type_from_string(mod, param_descr, overload, &index); if (!t) return false; assert(num_params < MAX_FUNC_PARAMS); arg_types[num_params++] = t; } const struct dxil_type *func_type = dxil_module_add_function_type(mod, retval_type, arg_types, num_params); if (!func_type) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Func type allocation failed\n", __func__); return false; } char full_name[100]; snprintf(full_name, sizeof (full_name), "%s%s%s", name, overload == DXIL_NONE ? "" : ".", dxil_overload_suffix(overload)); const struct dxil_func *func = dxil_add_function_decl(mod, full_name, func_type, attr); if (func) dxil_add_function(mod->functions, func, name, overload); return func; } const struct dxil_func * dxil_alloc_func(struct dxil_module *mod, const char *name, enum overload_type overload, const char *retval_type_descr, const char *param_descr, enum dxil_attr_kind attr) { int index = 0; const struct dxil_type *retval_type = get_type_from_string(mod, retval_type_descr, overload, &index); assert(retval_type_descr[index] == 0); return dxil_alloc_func_with_rettype(mod, name, overload, retval_type, param_descr, attr); }