# # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat # Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # This file defines all the available intrinsics in one place. # # The Intrinsic class corresponds one-to-one with nir_intrinsic_info # structure. src0 = ('src', 0) src1 = ('src', 1) src2 = ('src', 2) src3 = ('src', 3) src4 = ('src', 4) class Index(object): def __init__(self, c_data_type, name): self.c_data_type = c_data_type self.name = name class Intrinsic(object): """Class that represents all the information about an intrinsic opcode. NOTE: this must be kept in sync with nir_intrinsic_info. """ def __init__(self, name, src_components, dest_components, indices, flags, sysval, bit_sizes): """Parameters: - name: the intrinsic name - src_components: list of the number of components per src, 0 means vectorized instruction with number of components given in the num_components field in nir_intrinsic_instr. - dest_components: number of destination components, -1 means no dest, 0 means number of components given in num_components field in nir_intrinsic_instr. - indices: list of constant indicies - flags: list of semantic flags - sysval: is this a system-value intrinsic - bit_sizes: allowed dest bit_sizes or the source it must match """ assert isinstance(name, str) assert isinstance(src_components, list) if src_components: assert isinstance(src_components[0], int) assert isinstance(dest_components, int) assert isinstance(indices, list) if indices: assert isinstance(indices[0], Index) assert isinstance(flags, list) if flags: assert isinstance(flags[0], str) assert isinstance(sysval, bool) if isinstance(bit_sizes, list): assert not bit_sizes or isinstance(bit_sizes[0], int) else: assert isinstance(bit_sizes, tuple) assert bit_sizes[0] == 'src' assert isinstance(bit_sizes[1], int) self.name = name self.num_srcs = len(src_components) self.src_components = src_components self.has_dest = (dest_components >= 0) self.dest_components = dest_components self.num_indices = len(indices) self.indices = indices self.flags = flags self.sysval = sysval self.bit_sizes = bit_sizes if isinstance(bit_sizes, list) else [] self.bit_size_src = bit_sizes[1] if isinstance(bit_sizes, tuple) else -1 # # Possible flags: # CAN_ELIMINATE = "NIR_INTRINSIC_CAN_ELIMINATE" CAN_REORDER = "NIR_INTRINSIC_CAN_REORDER" INTR_INDICES = [] INTR_OPCODES = {} def index(c_data_type, name): idx = Index(c_data_type, name) INTR_INDICES.append(idx) globals()[name.upper()] = idx # Defines a new NIR intrinsic. By default, the intrinsic will have no sources # and no destination. # # You can set dest_comp=n to enable a destination for the intrinsic, in which # case it will have that many components, or =0 for "as many components as the # NIR destination value." # # Set src_comp=n to enable sources for the intruction. It can be an array of # component counts, or (for convenience) a scalar component count if there's # only one source. If a component count is 0, it will be as many components as # the intrinsic has based on the dest_comp. def intrinsic(name, src_comp=[], dest_comp=-1, indices=[], flags=[], sysval=False, bit_sizes=[]): assert name not in INTR_OPCODES INTR_OPCODES[name] = Intrinsic(name, src_comp, dest_comp, indices, flags, sysval, bit_sizes) # # Possible indices: # # Generally instructions that take a offset src argument, can encode # a constant 'base' value which is added to the offset. index("int", "base") # For store instructions, a writemask for the store. index("unsigned", "write_mask") # The stream-id for GS emit_vertex/end_primitive intrinsics. index("unsigned", "stream_id") # The clip-plane id for load_user_clip_plane intrinsic. index("unsigned", "ucp_id") # The offset to the start of the NIR_INTRINSIC_RANGE. This is an alternative # to NIR_INTRINSIC_BASE for describing the valid range in intrinsics that don't # have the implicit addition of a base to the offset. # # If the [range_base, range] is [0, ~0], then we don't know the possible # range of the access. index("unsigned", "range_base") # The amount of data, starting from BASE or RANGE_BASE, that this # instruction may access. This is used to provide bounds if the offset is # not constant. index("unsigned", "range") # The Vulkan descriptor set for vulkan_resource_index intrinsic. index("unsigned", "desc_set") # The Vulkan descriptor set binding for vulkan_resource_index intrinsic. index("unsigned", "binding") # Component offset index("unsigned", "component") # Column index for matrix system values index("unsigned", "column") # Interpolation mode (only meaningful for FS inputs) index("unsigned", "interp_mode") # A binary nir_op to use when performing a reduction or scan operation index("unsigned", "reduction_op") # Cluster size for reduction operations index("unsigned", "cluster_size") # Parameter index for a load_param intrinsic index("unsigned", "param_idx") # Image dimensionality for image intrinsics index("enum glsl_sampler_dim", "image_dim") # Non-zero if we are accessing an array image index("bool", "image_array") # Image format for image intrinsics index("enum pipe_format", "format") # Access qualifiers for image and memory access intrinsics. ACCESS_RESTRICT is # not set at the intrinsic if the NIR was created from SPIR-V. index("enum gl_access_qualifier", "access") # call index for split raytracing shaders index("unsigned", "call_idx") # The stack size increment/decrement for split raytracing shaders index("unsigned", "stack_size") # Alignment for offsets and addresses # # These two parameters, specify an alignment in terms of a multiplier and # an offset. The multiplier is always a power of two. The offset or # address parameter X of the intrinsic is guaranteed to satisfy the # following: # # (X - align_offset) % align_mul == 0 # # For constant offset values, align_mul will be NIR_ALIGN_MUL_MAX and the # align_offset will be modulo that. index("unsigned", "align_mul") index("unsigned", "align_offset") # The Vulkan descriptor type for a vulkan_resource_[re]index intrinsic. index("unsigned", "desc_type") # The nir_alu_type of input data to a store or conversion index("nir_alu_type", "src_type") # The nir_alu_type of the data output from a load or conversion index("nir_alu_type", "dest_type") # The swizzle mask for quad_swizzle_amd & masked_swizzle_amd index("unsigned", "swizzle_mask") # Whether the load_buffer_amd/store_buffer_amd is swizzled index("bool", "is_swizzled") # The SLC ("system level coherent") bit of load_buffer_amd/store_buffer_amd index("bool", "slc_amd") # Separate source/dest access flags for copies index("enum gl_access_qualifier", "dst_access") index("enum gl_access_qualifier", "src_access") # Driver location of attribute index("unsigned", "driver_location") # Ordering and visibility of a memory operation index("nir_memory_semantics", "memory_semantics") # Modes affected by a memory operation index("nir_variable_mode", "memory_modes") # Scope of a memory operation index("nir_scope", "memory_scope") # Scope of a control barrier index("nir_scope", "execution_scope") # Semantics of an IO instruction index("struct nir_io_semantics", "io_semantics") # Transform feedback info index("struct nir_io_xfb", "io_xfb") index("struct nir_io_xfb", "io_xfb2") # Rounding mode for conversions index("nir_rounding_mode", "rounding_mode") # Whether or not to saturate in conversions index("unsigned", "saturate") # Whether or not trace_ray_intel is synchronous index("bool", "synchronous") intrinsic("nop", flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("convert_alu_types", dest_comp=0, src_comp=[0], indices=[SRC_TYPE, DEST_TYPE, ROUNDING_MODE, SATURATE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("load_param", dest_comp=0, indices=[PARAM_IDX], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("load_deref", dest_comp=0, src_comp=[-1], indices=[ACCESS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("store_deref", src_comp=[-1, 0], indices=[WRITE_MASK, ACCESS]) intrinsic("copy_deref", src_comp=[-1, -1], indices=[DST_ACCESS, SRC_ACCESS]) intrinsic("memcpy_deref", src_comp=[-1, -1, 1], indices=[DST_ACCESS, SRC_ACCESS]) # Interpolation of input. The interp_deref_at* intrinsics are similar to the # load_var intrinsic acting on a shader input except that they interpolate the # input differently. The at_sample, at_offset and at_vertex intrinsics take an # additional source that is an integer sample id, a vec2 position offset, or a # vertex ID respectively. intrinsic("interp_deref_at_centroid", dest_comp=0, src_comp=[1], flags=[ CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("interp_deref_at_sample", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("interp_deref_at_offset", src_comp=[1, 2], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("interp_deref_at_vertex", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Gets the length of an unsized array at the end of a buffer intrinsic("deref_buffer_array_length", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Ask the driver for the size of a given SSBO. It takes the buffer index # as source. intrinsic("get_ssbo_size", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[ACCESS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("get_ubo_size", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Intrinsics which provide a run-time mode-check. Unlike the compile-time # mode checks, a pointer can only have exactly one mode at runtime. intrinsic("deref_mode_is", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, indices=[MEMORY_MODES], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("addr_mode_is", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, indices=[MEMORY_MODES], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("is_sparse_texels_resident", dest_comp=1, src_comp=[1], bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # result code is resident only if both inputs are resident intrinsic("sparse_residency_code_and", dest_comp=1, src_comp=[1, 1], bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # a barrier is an intrinsic with no inputs/outputs but which can't be moved # around/optimized in general def barrier(name): intrinsic(name) barrier("discard") # Demote fragment shader invocation to a helper invocation. Any stores to # memory after this instruction are suppressed and the fragment does not write # outputs to the framebuffer. Unlike discard, demote needs to ensure that # derivatives will still work for invocations that were not demoted. # # As specified by SPV_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation. barrier("demote") intrinsic("is_helper_invocation", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # SpvOpTerminateInvocation from SPIR-V. Essentially a discard "for real". barrier("terminate") # A workgroup-level control barrier. Any thread which hits this barrier will # pause until all threads within the current workgroup have also hit the # barrier. For compute shaders, the workgroup is defined as the local group. # For tessellation control shaders, the workgroup is defined as the current # patch. This intrinsic does not imply any sort of memory barrier. barrier("control_barrier") # Memory barrier with semantics analogous to the memoryBarrier() GLSL # intrinsic. barrier("memory_barrier") # Control/Memory barrier with explicit scope. Follows the semantics of SPIR-V # OpMemoryBarrier and OpControlBarrier, used to implement Vulkan Memory Model. # Storage that the barrier applies is represented using NIR variable modes. # For an OpMemoryBarrier, set EXECUTION_SCOPE to NIR_SCOPE_NONE. intrinsic("scoped_barrier", indices=[EXECUTION_SCOPE, MEMORY_SCOPE, MEMORY_SEMANTICS, MEMORY_MODES]) # Shader clock intrinsic with semantics analogous to the clock2x32ARB() # GLSL intrinsic. # The latter can be used as code motion barrier, which is currently not # feasible with NIR. intrinsic("shader_clock", dest_comp=2, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE], indices=[MEMORY_SCOPE]) # Shader ballot intrinsics with semantics analogous to the # # ballotARB() # readInvocationARB() # readFirstInvocationARB() # # GLSL functions from ARB_shader_ballot. intrinsic("ballot", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("read_invocation", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("read_first_invocation", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Returns the value of the first source for the lane where the second source is # true. The second source must be true for exactly one lane. intrinsic("read_invocation_cond_ir3", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Additional SPIR-V ballot intrinsics # # These correspond to the SPIR-V opcodes # # OpGroupNonUniformElect # OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR intrinsic("elect", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("first_invocation", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("last_invocation", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Memory barrier with semantics analogous to the compute shader # groupMemoryBarrier(), memoryBarrierAtomicCounter(), memoryBarrierBuffer(), # memoryBarrierImage() and memoryBarrierShared() GLSL intrinsics. barrier("group_memory_barrier") barrier("memory_barrier_atomic_counter") barrier("memory_barrier_buffer") barrier("memory_barrier_image") barrier("memory_barrier_shared") barrier("begin_invocation_interlock") barrier("end_invocation_interlock") # Memory barrier for synchronizing TCS patch outputs barrier("memory_barrier_tcs_patch") # A conditional discard/demote/terminate, with a single boolean source. intrinsic("discard_if", src_comp=[1]) intrinsic("demote_if", src_comp=[1]) intrinsic("terminate_if", src_comp=[1]) # ARB_shader_group_vote intrinsics intrinsic("vote_any", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("vote_all", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("vote_feq", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("vote_ieq", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Ballot ALU operations from SPIR-V. # # These operations work like their ALU counterparts except that the operate # on a uvec4 which is treated as a 128bit integer. Also, they are, in # general, free to ignore any bits which are above the subgroup size. intrinsic("ballot_bitfield_extract", src_comp=[4, 1], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ballot_bit_count_reduce", src_comp=[4], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ballot_bit_count_inclusive", src_comp=[4], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ballot_bit_count_exclusive", src_comp=[4], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ballot_find_lsb", src_comp=[4], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ballot_find_msb", src_comp=[4], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Shuffle operations from SPIR-V. intrinsic("shuffle", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("shuffle_xor", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("shuffle_up", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("shuffle_down", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Quad operations from SPIR-V. intrinsic("quad_broadcast", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("quad_swap_horizontal", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("quad_swap_vertical", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("quad_swap_diagonal", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("reduce", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, indices=[REDUCTION_OP, CLUSTER_SIZE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("inclusive_scan", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, indices=[REDUCTION_OP], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("exclusive_scan", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, indices=[REDUCTION_OP], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # AMD shader ballot operations intrinsic("quad_swizzle_amd", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, indices=[SWIZZLE_MASK], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("masked_swizzle_amd", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, indices=[SWIZZLE_MASK], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("write_invocation_amd", src_comp=[0, 0, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=src0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src = [ mask, addition ] intrinsic("mbcnt_amd", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Compiled to v_perm_b32. src = [ in_bytes_hi, in_bytes_lo, selector ] intrinsic("byte_permute_amd", src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Compiled to v_permlane16_b32. src = [ value, lanesel_lo, lanesel_hi ] intrinsic("lane_permute_16_amd", src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Basic Geometry Shader intrinsics. # # emit_vertex implements GLSL's EmitStreamVertex() built-in. It takes a single # index, which is the stream ID to write to. # # end_primitive implements GLSL's EndPrimitive() built-in. intrinsic("emit_vertex", indices=[STREAM_ID]) intrinsic("end_primitive", indices=[STREAM_ID]) # Geometry Shader intrinsics with a vertex count. # # Alternatively, drivers may implement these intrinsics, and use # nir_lower_gs_intrinsics() to convert from the basic intrinsics. # # These contain two additional unsigned integer sources: # 1. The total number of vertices emitted so far. # 2. The number of vertices emitted for the current primitive # so far if we're counting, otherwise undef. intrinsic("emit_vertex_with_counter", src_comp=[1, 1], indices=[STREAM_ID]) intrinsic("end_primitive_with_counter", src_comp=[1, 1], indices=[STREAM_ID]) # Contains the final total vertex and primitive counts in the current GS thread. intrinsic("set_vertex_and_primitive_count", src_comp=[1, 1], indices=[STREAM_ID]) # Trace a ray through an acceleration structure # # This instruction has a lot of parameters: # 0. Acceleration Structure # 1. Ray Flags # 2. Cull Mask # 3. SBT Offset # 4. SBT Stride # 5. Miss shader index # 6. Ray Origin # 7. Ray Tmin # 8. Ray Direction # 9. Ray Tmax # 10. Payload intrinsic("trace_ray", src_comp=[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, -1]) # src[] = { hit_t, hit_kind } intrinsic("report_ray_intersection", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("ignore_ray_intersection") intrinsic("accept_ray_intersection") # Not in SPIR-V; useful for lowering intrinsic("terminate_ray") # src[] = { sbt_index, payload } intrinsic("execute_callable", src_comp=[1, -1]) # Initialize a ray query # # 0. Ray Query # 1. Acceleration Structure # 2. Ray Flags # 3. Cull Mask # 4. Ray Origin # 5. Ray Tmin # 6. Ray Direction # 7. Ray Tmax intrinsic("rq_initialize", src_comp=[-1, -1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1]) # src[] = { query } intrinsic("rq_terminate", src_comp=[-1]) # src[] = { query } intrinsic("rq_proceed", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1) # src[] = { query, hit } intrinsic("rq_generate_intersection", src_comp=[-1, 1]) # src[] = { query } intrinsic("rq_confirm_intersection", src_comp=[-1]) # src[] = { query, committed } BASE=nir_ray_query_value intrinsic("rq_load", src_comp=[-1, 1], dest_comp=0, indices=[BASE,COLUMN]) # Driver independent raytracing helpers # rt_resume is a helper that that be the first instruction accesing the # stack/scratch in a resume shader for a raytracing pipeline. It includes the # resume index (for nir_lower_shader_calls_internal reasons) and the stack size # of the variables spilled during the call. The stack size can be use to e.g. # adjust a stack pointer. intrinsic("rt_resume", indices=[CALL_IDX, STACK_SIZE]) # Lowered version of execute_callabe that includes the index of the resume # shader, and the amount of scratch space needed for this call (.ie. how much # to increase a stack pointer by). # src[] = { sbt_index, payload } intrinsic("rt_execute_callable", src_comp=[1, -1], indices=[CALL_IDX,STACK_SIZE]) # Lowered version of trace_ray in a similar vein to rt_execute_callable. # src same as trace_ray intrinsic("rt_trace_ray", src_comp=[-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, -1], indices=[CALL_IDX, STACK_SIZE]) # Atomic counters # # The *_deref variants take an atomic_uint nir_variable, while the other, # lowered, variants take a buffer index and register offset. The buffer index # is always constant, as there's no way to declare an array of atomic counter # buffers. # # The register offset may be non-constant but must by dynamically uniform # ("Atomic counters aggregated into arrays within a shader can only be indexed # with dynamically uniform integral expressions, otherwise results are # undefined.") def atomic(name, flags=[]): intrinsic(name + "_deref", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=1, flags=flags) intrinsic(name, src_comp=[1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE], flags=flags) def atomic2(name): intrinsic(name + "_deref", src_comp=[-1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic(name, src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) def atomic3(name): intrinsic(name + "_deref", src_comp=[-1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic(name, src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) atomic("atomic_counter_inc") atomic("atomic_counter_pre_dec") atomic("atomic_counter_post_dec") atomic("atomic_counter_read", flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) atomic2("atomic_counter_add") atomic2("atomic_counter_min") atomic2("atomic_counter_max") atomic2("atomic_counter_and") atomic2("atomic_counter_or") atomic2("atomic_counter_xor") atomic2("atomic_counter_exchange") atomic3("atomic_counter_comp_swap") # Image load, store and atomic intrinsics. # # All image intrinsics come in three versions. One which take an image target # passed as a deref chain as the first source, one which takes an index as the # first source, and one which takes a bindless handle as the first source. # In the first version, the image variable contains the memory and layout # qualifiers that influence the semantics of the intrinsic. In the second and # third, the image format and access qualifiers are provided as constant # indices. Up through GLSL ES 3.10, the image index source may only be a # constant array access. GLSL ES 3.20 and GLSL 4.00 allow dynamically uniform # indexing. # # All image intrinsics take a four-coordinate vector and a sample index as # 2nd and 3rd sources, determining the location within the image that will be # accessed by the intrinsic. Components not applicable to the image target # in use are undefined. Image store takes an additional four-component # argument with the value to be written, and image atomic operations take # either one or two additional scalar arguments with the same meaning as in # the ARB_shader_image_load_store specification. def image(name, src_comp=[], extra_indices=[], **kwargs): intrinsic("image_deref_" + name, src_comp=[-1] + src_comp, indices=[IMAGE_DIM, IMAGE_ARRAY, FORMAT, ACCESS] + extra_indices, **kwargs) intrinsic("image_" + name, src_comp=[1] + src_comp, indices=[IMAGE_DIM, IMAGE_ARRAY, FORMAT, ACCESS] + extra_indices, **kwargs) intrinsic("bindless_image_" + name, src_comp=[-1] + src_comp, indices=[IMAGE_DIM, IMAGE_ARRAY, FORMAT, ACCESS] + extra_indices, **kwargs) image("load", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], extra_indices=[DEST_TYPE], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) image("sparse_load", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], extra_indices=[DEST_TYPE], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) image("store", src_comp=[4, 1, 0, 1], extra_indices=[SRC_TYPE]) image("atomic_add", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_imin", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_umin", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_imax", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_umax", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_and", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_or", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_xor", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_exchange", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_comp_swap", src_comp=[4, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_fadd", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_fmin", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_fmax", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("size", dest_comp=0, src_comp=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) image("samples", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) image("atomic_inc_wrap", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) image("atomic_dec_wrap", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) # CL-specific format queries image("format", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) image("order", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Vulkan descriptor set intrinsics # # The Vulkan API uses a different binding model from GL. In the Vulkan # API, all external resources are represented by a tuple: # # (descriptor set, binding, array index) # # where the array index is the only thing allowed to be indirect. The # vulkan_surface_index intrinsic takes the descriptor set and binding as # its first two indices and the array index as its source. The third # index is a nir_variable_mode in case that's useful to the backend. # # The intended usage is that the shader will call vulkan_surface_index to # get an index and then pass that as the buffer index ubo/ssbo calls. # # The vulkan_resource_reindex intrinsic takes a resource index in src0 # (the result of a vulkan_resource_index or vulkan_resource_reindex) which # corresponds to the tuple (set, binding, index) and computes an index # corresponding to tuple (set, binding, idx + src1). intrinsic("vulkan_resource_index", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=0, indices=[DESC_SET, BINDING, DESC_TYPE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("vulkan_resource_reindex", src_comp=[0, 1], dest_comp=0, indices=[DESC_TYPE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("load_vulkan_descriptor", src_comp=[-1], dest_comp=0, indices=[DESC_TYPE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # atomic intrinsics # # All of these atomic memory operations read a value from memory, compute a new # value using one of the operations below, write the new value to memory, and # return the original value read. # # All variable operations take 2 sources except CompSwap that takes 3. These # sources represent: # # 0: A deref to the memory on which to perform the atomic # 1: The data parameter to the atomic function (i.e. the value to add # in shared_atomic_add, etc). # 2: For CompSwap only: the second data parameter. # # All SSBO operations take 3 sources except CompSwap that takes 4. These # sources represent: # # 0: The SSBO buffer index (dynamically uniform in GLSL, possibly non-uniform # with VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing). # 1: The offset into the SSBO buffer of the variable that the atomic # operation will operate on. # 2: The data parameter to the atomic function (i.e. the value to add # in ssbo_atomic_add, etc). # 3: For CompSwap only: the second data parameter. # # All shared variable operations take 2 sources except CompSwap that takes 3. # These sources represent: # # 0: The offset into the shared variable storage region that the atomic # operation will operate on. # 1: The data parameter to the atomic function (i.e. the value to add # in shared_atomic_add, etc). # 2: For CompSwap only: the second data parameter. # # All global operations take 2 sources except CompSwap that takes 3. These # sources represent: # # 0: The memory address that the atomic operation will operate on. # 1: The data parameter to the atomic function (i.e. the value to add # in shared_atomic_add, etc). # 2: For CompSwap only: the second data parameter. # # IR3 global operations take 32b vec2 as memory address. IR3 doesn't support # float atomics. def memory_atomic_data1(name): intrinsic("deref_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[-1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[-1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("shared_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) intrinsic("global_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) if not name.startswith('f'): intrinsic("global_atomic_" + name + "_ir3", src_comp=[2, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) def memory_atomic_data2(name): intrinsic("deref_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[-1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[-1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("shared_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) intrinsic("global_atomic_" + name, src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) if not name.startswith('f'): intrinsic("global_atomic_" + name + "_ir3", src_comp=[2, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) memory_atomic_data1("add") memory_atomic_data1("imin") memory_atomic_data1("umin") memory_atomic_data1("imax") memory_atomic_data1("umax") memory_atomic_data1("and") memory_atomic_data1("or") memory_atomic_data1("xor") memory_atomic_data1("exchange") memory_atomic_data1("fadd") memory_atomic_data1("fmin") memory_atomic_data1("fmax") memory_atomic_data2("comp_swap") memory_atomic_data2("fcomp_swap") def system_value(name, dest_comp, indices=[], bit_sizes=[32]): intrinsic("load_" + name, [], dest_comp, indices, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER], sysval=True, bit_sizes=bit_sizes) system_value("frag_coord", 4) system_value("point_coord", 2) system_value("line_coord", 1) system_value("front_face", 1, bit_sizes=[1, 32]) system_value("vertex_id", 1) system_value("vertex_id_zero_base", 1) system_value("first_vertex", 1) system_value("is_indexed_draw", 1) system_value("base_vertex", 1) system_value("instance_id", 1) system_value("base_instance", 1) system_value("draw_id", 1) system_value("sample_id", 1) # sample_id_no_per_sample is like sample_id but does not imply per- # sample shading. See the lower_helper_invocation option. system_value("sample_id_no_per_sample", 1) system_value("sample_pos", 2) # sample_pos_or_center is like sample_pos but does not imply per-sample # shading. When per-sample dispatch is not enabled, it returns (0.5, 0.5). system_value("sample_pos_or_center", 2) system_value("sample_mask_in", 1) system_value("primitive_id", 1) system_value("invocation_id", 1) system_value("tess_coord", 3) system_value("tess_level_outer", 4) system_value("tess_level_inner", 2) system_value("tess_level_outer_default", 4) system_value("tess_level_inner_default", 2) system_value("patch_vertices_in", 1) system_value("local_invocation_id", 3) system_value("local_invocation_index", 1) # zero_base indicates it starts from 0 for the current dispatch # non-zero_base indicates the base is included system_value("workgroup_id", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("workgroup_id_zero_base", 3) # The workgroup_index is intended for situations when a 3 dimensional # workgroup_id is not available on the HW, but a 1 dimensional index is. system_value("workgroup_index", 1) system_value("base_workgroup_id", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("user_clip_plane", 4, indices=[UCP_ID]) system_value("num_workgroups", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("helper_invocation", 1, bit_sizes=[1, 32]) system_value("layer_id", 1) system_value("view_index", 1) system_value("subgroup_size", 1) system_value("subgroup_invocation", 1) system_value("subgroup_eq_mask", 0, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("subgroup_ge_mask", 0, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("subgroup_gt_mask", 0, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("subgroup_le_mask", 0, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("subgroup_lt_mask", 0, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("num_subgroups", 1) system_value("subgroup_id", 1) system_value("workgroup_size", 3) # note: the definition of global_invocation_id_zero_base is based on # (workgroup_id * workgroup_size) + local_invocation_id. # it is *not* based on workgroup_id_zero_base, meaning the work group # base is already accounted for, and the global base is additive on top of that system_value("global_invocation_id", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("global_invocation_id_zero_base", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("base_global_invocation_id", 3, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("global_invocation_index", 1, bit_sizes=[32, 64]) system_value("work_dim", 1) system_value("line_width", 1) system_value("aa_line_width", 1) # BASE=0 for global/shader, BASE=1 for local/function system_value("scratch_base_ptr", 0, bit_sizes=[32,64], indices=[BASE]) system_value("constant_base_ptr", 0, bit_sizes=[32,64]) system_value("shared_base_ptr", 0, bit_sizes=[32,64]) system_value("global_base_ptr", 0, bit_sizes=[32,64]) # System values for ray tracing. system_value("ray_launch_id", 3) system_value("ray_launch_size", 3) system_value("ray_world_origin", 3) system_value("ray_world_direction", 3) system_value("ray_object_origin", 3) system_value("ray_object_direction", 3) system_value("ray_t_min", 1) system_value("ray_t_max", 1) system_value("ray_object_to_world", 3, indices=[COLUMN]) system_value("ray_world_to_object", 3, indices=[COLUMN]) system_value("ray_hit_kind", 1) system_value("ray_flags", 1) system_value("ray_geometry_index", 1) system_value("ray_instance_custom_index", 1) system_value("shader_record_ptr", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) # Driver-specific viewport scale/offset parameters. # # VC4 and V3D need to emit a scaled version of the position in the vertex # shaders for binning, and having system values lets us move the math for that # into NIR. # # Panfrost needs to implement all coordinate transformation in the # vertex shader; system values allow us to share this routine in NIR. # # RADV uses these for NGG primitive culling. system_value("viewport_x_scale", 1) system_value("viewport_y_scale", 1) system_value("viewport_z_scale", 1) system_value("viewport_x_offset", 1) system_value("viewport_y_offset", 1) system_value("viewport_z_offset", 1) system_value("viewport_scale", 3) system_value("viewport_offset", 3) # Blend constant color values. Float values are clamped. Vectored versions are # provided as well for driver convenience system_value("blend_const_color_r_float", 1) system_value("blend_const_color_g_float", 1) system_value("blend_const_color_b_float", 1) system_value("blend_const_color_a_float", 1) system_value("blend_const_color_rgba", 4) system_value("blend_const_color_rgba8888_unorm", 1) system_value("blend_const_color_aaaa8888_unorm", 1) # System values for gl_Color, for radeonsi which interpolates these in the # shader prolog to handle two-sided color without recompiles and therefore # doesn't handle these in the main shader part like normal varyings. system_value("color0", 4) system_value("color1", 4) # System value for internal compute shaders in radeonsi. system_value("user_data_amd", 4) # Barycentric coordinate intrinsics. # # These set up the barycentric coordinates for a particular interpolation. # The first four are for the simple cases: pixel, centroid, per-sample # (at gl_SampleID), or pull model (1/W, 1/I, 1/J) at the pixel center. The next # two handle interpolating at a specified sample location, or interpolating # with a vec2 offset, # # The interp_mode index should be either the INTERP_MODE_SMOOTH or # INTERP_MODE_NOPERSPECTIVE enum values. # # The vec2 value produced by these intrinsics is intended for use as the # barycoord source of a load_interpolated_input intrinsic. def barycentric(name, dst_comp, src_comp=[]): intrinsic("load_barycentric_" + name, src_comp=src_comp, dest_comp=dst_comp, indices=[INTERP_MODE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # no sources. barycentric("pixel", 2) barycentric("centroid", 2) barycentric("sample", 2) barycentric("model", 3) # src[] = { sample_id }. barycentric("at_sample", 2, [1]) # src[] = { offset.xy }. barycentric("at_offset", 2, [2]) # Load sample position: # # Takes a sample # and returns a sample position. Used for lowering # interpolateAtSample() to interpolateAtOffset() intrinsic("load_sample_pos_from_id", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=2, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Loads what I believe is the primitive size, for scaling ij to pixel size: intrinsic("load_size_ir3", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Load texture scaling values: # # Takes a sampler # and returns 1/size values for multiplying to normalize # texture coordinates. Used for lowering rect textures. intrinsic("load_texture_rect_scaling", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=2, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Fragment shader input interpolation delta intrinsic. # # For hw where fragment shader input interpolation is handled in shader, the # load_fs_input_interp deltas intrinsics can be used to load the input deltas # used for interpolation as follows: # # vec3 iid = load_fs_input_interp_deltas(varying_slot) # vec2 bary = load_barycentric_*(...) # float result = iid.x + iid.y * bary.y + iid.z * bary.x intrinsic("load_fs_input_interp_deltas", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=3, indices=[BASE, COMPONENT, IO_SEMANTICS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Load operations pull data from some piece of GPU memory. All load # operations operate in terms of offsets into some piece of theoretical # memory. Loads from externally visible memory (UBO and SSBO) simply take a # byte offset as a source. Loads from opaque memory (uniforms, inputs, etc.) # take a base+offset pair where the nir_intrinsic_base() gives the location # of the start of the variable being loaded and and the offset source is a # offset into that variable. # # Uniform load operations have a nir_intrinsic_range() index that specifies the # range (starting at base) of the data from which we are loading. If # range == 0, then the range is unknown. # # UBO load operations have a nir_intrinsic_range_base() and # nir_intrinsic_range() that specify the byte range [range_base, # range_base+range] of the UBO that the src offset access must lie within. # # Some load operations such as UBO/SSBO load and per_vertex loads take an # additional source to specify which UBO/SSBO/vertex to load from. # # The exact address type depends on the lowering pass that generates the # load/store intrinsics. Typically, this is vec4 units for things such as # varying slots and float units for fragment shader inputs. UBO and SSBO # offsets are always in bytes. def load(name, src_comp, indices=[], flags=[]): intrinsic("load_" + name, src_comp, dest_comp=0, indices=indices, flags=flags) # src[] = { offset }. load("uniform", [1], [BASE, RANGE, DEST_TYPE], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { buffer_index, offset }. load("ubo", [-1, 1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET, RANGE_BASE, RANGE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { buffer_index, offset in vec4 units }. base is also in vec4 units. load("ubo_vec4", [-1, 1], [ACCESS, BASE, COMPONENT], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { offset }. load("input", [1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { vertex_id, offset }. load("input_vertex", [1, 1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { vertex, offset }. load("per_vertex_input", [1, 1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { barycoord, offset }. load("interpolated_input", [2, 1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { buffer_index, offset }. load("ssbo", [-1, 1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { buffer_index } load("ssbo_address", [1], [], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { offset }. load("output", [1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { vertex, offset }. load("per_vertex_output", [1, 1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { primitive, offset }. load("per_primitive_output", [1, 1], [BASE, COMPONENT, DEST_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { offset }. load("shared", [1], [BASE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { offset }. load("task_payload", [1], [BASE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { offset }. load("push_constant", [1], [BASE, RANGE], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { offset }. load("constant", [1], [BASE, RANGE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { address }. load("global", [1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { address }. load("global_constant", [1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { base_address, offset }. load("global_constant_offset", [1, 1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { base_address, offset, bound }. load("global_constant_bounded", [1, 1, 1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { address }. load("kernel_input", [1], [BASE, RANGE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { offset }. load("scratch", [1], [ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Stores work the same way as loads, except now the first source is the value # to store and the second (and possibly third) source specify where to store # the value. SSBO and shared memory stores also have a # nir_intrinsic_write_mask() def store(name, srcs, indices=[], flags=[]): intrinsic("store_" + name, [0] + srcs, indices=indices, flags=flags) # src[] = { value, offset }. store("output", [1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, COMPONENT, SRC_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS, IO_XFB, IO_XFB2]) # src[] = { value, vertex, offset }. store("per_vertex_output", [1, 1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, COMPONENT, SRC_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS]) # src[] = { value, primitive, offset }. store("per_primitive_output", [1, 1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, COMPONENT, SRC_TYPE, IO_SEMANTICS]) # src[] = { value, block_index, offset } store("ssbo", [-1, 1], [WRITE_MASK, ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, offset }. store("shared", [1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, offset }. store("task_payload", [1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, address }. store("global", [1], [WRITE_MASK, ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, offset }. store("scratch", [1], [ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET, WRITE_MASK]) # A bit field to implement SPIRV FragmentShadingRateKHR # bit | name | description # 0 | Vertical2Pixels | Fragment invocation covers 2 pixels vertically # 1 | Vertical4Pixels | Fragment invocation covers 4 pixels vertically # 2 | Horizontal2Pixels | Fragment invocation covers 2 pixels horizontally # 3 | Horizontal4Pixels | Fragment invocation covers 4 pixels horizontally intrinsic("load_frag_shading_rate", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # OpenCL printf instruction # First source is a deref to the format string # Second source is a deref to a struct containing the args # Dest is success or failure intrinsic("printf", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32]) # Since most drivers will want to lower to just dumping args # in a buffer, nir_lower_printf will do that, but requires # the driver to at least provide a base location system_value("printf_buffer_address", 1, bit_sizes=[32,64]) # Mesh shading MultiView intrinsics system_value("mesh_view_count", 1) load("mesh_view_indices", [1], [BASE, RANGE], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Used to pass values from the preamble to the main shader. # This should use something similar to Vulkan push constants and load_preamble # should be relatively cheap. # For now we only support accesses with a constant offset. load("preamble", [], indices=[BASE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) store("preamble", [], indices=[BASE]) # IR3-specific version of most SSBO intrinsics. The only different # compare to the originals is that they add an extra source to hold # the dword-offset, which is needed by the backend code apart from # the byte-offset already provided by NIR in one of the sources. # # NIR lowering pass 'ir3_nir_lower_io_offset' will replace the # original SSBO intrinsics by these, placing the computed # dword-offset always in the last source. # # The float versions are not handled because those are not supported # by the backend. store("ssbo_ir3", [1, 1, 1], indices=[WRITE_MASK, ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) load("ssbo_ir3", [1, 1, 1], indices=[ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_add_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_imin_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_umin_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_imax_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_umax_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_and_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_or_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_xor_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_exchange_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) intrinsic("ssbo_atomic_comp_swap_ir3", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[ACCESS]) # System values for freedreno geometry shaders. system_value("vs_primitive_stride_ir3", 1) system_value("vs_vertex_stride_ir3", 1) system_value("gs_header_ir3", 1) system_value("primitive_location_ir3", 1, indices=[DRIVER_LOCATION]) # System values for freedreno tessellation shaders. system_value("hs_patch_stride_ir3", 1) system_value("tess_factor_base_ir3", 2) system_value("tess_param_base_ir3", 2) system_value("tcs_header_ir3", 1) system_value("rel_patch_id_ir3", 1) # System values for freedreno compute shaders. system_value("subgroup_id_shift_ir3", 1) # IR3-specific intrinsics for tessellation control shaders. cond_end_ir3 end # the shader when src0 is false and is used to narrow down the TCS shader to # just thread 0 before writing out tessellation levels. intrinsic("cond_end_ir3", src_comp=[1]) # end_patch_ir3 is used just before thread 0 exist the TCS and presumably # signals the TE that the patch is complete and can be tessellated. intrinsic("end_patch_ir3") # IR3-specific load/store intrinsics. These access a buffer used to pass data # between geometry stages - perhaps it's explicit access to the vertex cache. # src[] = { value, offset }. store("shared_ir3", [1], [BASE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { offset }. load("shared_ir3", [1], [BASE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # IR3-specific load/store global intrinsics. They take a 64-bit base address # and a 32-bit offset. The hardware will add the base and the offset, which # saves us from doing 64-bit math on the base address. # src[] = { value, address(vec2 of hi+lo uint32_t), offset }. # const_index[] = { write_mask, align_mul, align_offset } store("global_ir3", [2, 1], indices=[ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { address(vec2 of hi+lo uint32_t), offset }. # const_index[] = { access, align_mul, align_offset } load("global_ir3", [2, 1], indices=[ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # IR3-specific bindless handle specifier. Similar to vulkan_resource_index, but # without the binding because the hardware expects a single flattened index # rather than a (binding, index) pair. We may also want to use this with GL. # Note that this doesn't actually turn into a HW instruction. intrinsic("bindless_resource_ir3", [1], dest_comp=1, indices=[DESC_SET], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # IR3-specific intrinsics for shader preamble. These are meant to be used like # this: # # if (preamble_start()) { # if (subgroupElect()) { # // preamble # ... # preamble_end(); # } # } # // main shader # ... intrinsic("preamble_start_ir3", [], dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) barrier("preamble_end_ir3") # IR3-specific intrinsic for stc. Should be used in the shader preamble. store("uniform_ir3", [], indices=[BASE]) # IR3-specific intrinsic for ldc.k. Copies UBO to constant file. # base is the const file base in components, range is the amount to copy in # vec4's. intrinsic("copy_ubo_to_uniform_ir3", [1, 1], indices=[BASE, RANGE]) # DXIL specific intrinsics # src[] = { value, mask, index, offset }. intrinsic("store_ssbo_masked_dxil", [1, 1, 1, 1]) # src[] = { value, index }. intrinsic("store_shared_dxil", [1, 1]) # src[] = { value, mask, index }. intrinsic("store_shared_masked_dxil", [1, 1, 1]) # src[] = { value, index }. intrinsic("store_scratch_dxil", [1, 1]) # src[] = { index }. load("shared_dxil", [1], [], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { index }. load("scratch_dxil", [1], [], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { deref_var, offset } load("ptr_dxil", [1, 1], [], []) # src[] = { index, 16-byte-based-offset } load("ubo_dxil", [1, 1], [], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # DXIL Shared atomic intrinsics # # All of the shared variable atomic memory operations read a value from # memory, compute a new value using one of the operations below, write the # new value to memory, and return the original value read. # # All operations take 2 sources: # # 0: The index in the i32 array for by the shared memory region # 1: The data parameter to the atomic function (i.e. the value to add # in shared_atomic_add, etc). intrinsic("shared_atomic_add_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_imin_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_umin_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_imax_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_umax_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_and_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_or_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_xor_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_exchange_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=1) intrinsic("shared_atomic_comp_swap_dxil", src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1) # Intrinsics used by the Midgard/Bifrost blend pipeline. These are defined # within a blend shader to read/write the raw value from the tile buffer, # without applying any format conversion in the process. If the shader needs # usable pixel values, it must apply format conversions itself. # # These definitions are generic, but they are explicitly vendored to prevent # other drivers from using them, as their semantics is defined in terms of the # Midgard/Bifrost hardware tile buffer and may not line up with anything sane. # One notable divergence is sRGB, which is asymmetric: raw_input_pan requires # an sRGB->linear conversion, but linear values should be written to # raw_output_pan and the hardware handles linear->sRGB. # src[] = { value } store("raw_output_pan", [], []) store("combined_output_pan", [1, 1, 1, 4], [COMPONENT, SRC_TYPE, DEST_TYPE]) load("raw_output_pan", [1], [BASE], [CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Loads the sampler paramaters # src[] = { sampler_index } load("sampler_lod_parameters_pan", [1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Loads the sample position array on Bifrost, in a packed Arm-specific format system_value("sample_positions_pan", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) # R600 specific instrincs # # location where the tesselation data is stored in LDS system_value("tcs_in_param_base_r600", 4) system_value("tcs_out_param_base_r600", 4) system_value("tcs_rel_patch_id_r600", 1) system_value("tcs_tess_factor_base_r600", 1) # the tess coords come as xy only, z has to be calculated system_value("tess_coord_r600", 2) # load as many components as needed giving per-component addresses intrinsic("load_local_shared_r600", src_comp=[0], dest_comp=0, indices = [], flags = [CAN_ELIMINATE]) store("local_shared_r600", [1], [WRITE_MASK]) store("tf_r600", []) # AMD GCN/RDNA specific intrinsics # src[] = { descriptor, base address, scalar offset } intrinsic("load_buffer_amd", src_comp=[4, 1, 1], dest_comp=0, indices=[BASE, IS_SWIZZLED, SLC_AMD, MEMORY_MODES], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { store value, descriptor, base address, scalar offset } intrinsic("store_buffer_amd", src_comp=[0, 4, 1, 1], indices=[BASE, WRITE_MASK, IS_SWIZZLED, SLC_AMD, MEMORY_MODES]) # Same as shared_atomic_add, but with GDS. src[] = {store_val, gds_addr, m0} intrinsic("gds_atomic_add_amd", src_comp=[1, 1, 1], dest_comp=1, indices=[BASE]) # Descriptor where TCS outputs are stored for TES system_value("ring_tess_offchip_amd", 4) system_value("ring_tess_offchip_offset_amd", 1) # Descriptor where TCS outputs are stored for the HW tessellator system_value("ring_tess_factors_amd", 4) system_value("ring_tess_factors_offset_amd", 1) # Descriptor where ES outputs are stored for GS to read on GFX6-8 system_value("ring_esgs_amd", 4) system_value("ring_es2gs_offset_amd", 1) # Number of patches processed by each TCS workgroup system_value("tcs_num_patches_amd", 1) # Relative tessellation patch ID within the current workgroup system_value("tess_rel_patch_id_amd", 1) # Vertex offsets used for GS per-vertex inputs system_value("gs_vertex_offset_amd", 1, [BASE]) # AMD merged shader intrinsics # Whether the current invocation has an input vertex / primitive to process (also known as "ES thread" or "GS thread"). # Not safe to reorder because it changes after overwrite_subgroup_num_vertices_and_primitives_amd. # Also, the generated code is more optimal if they are not CSE'd. intrinsic("has_input_vertex_amd", src_comp=[], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], indices=[]) intrinsic("has_input_primitive_amd", src_comp=[], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], indices=[]) # AMD NGG intrinsics # Number of initial input vertices in the current workgroup. system_value("workgroup_num_input_vertices_amd", 1) # Number of initial input primitives in the current workgroup. system_value("workgroup_num_input_primitives_amd", 1) # For NGG passthrough mode only. Pre-packed argument for export_primitive_amd. system_value("packed_passthrough_primitive_amd", 1) # Whether NGG GS should execute shader query. system_value("shader_query_enabled_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1]) # Whether the shader should cull front facing triangles. intrinsic("load_cull_front_face_enabled_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Whether the shader should cull back facing triangles. intrinsic("load_cull_back_face_enabled_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # True if face culling should use CCW (false if CW). intrinsic("load_cull_ccw_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Whether the shader should cull small primitives that are not visible in a pixel. intrinsic("load_cull_small_primitives_enabled_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Whether any culling setting is enabled in the shader. intrinsic("load_cull_any_enabled_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) # Small primitive culling precision intrinsic("load_cull_small_prim_precision_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Initial edge flags in a Vertex Shader, packed into the format the HW needs for primitive export. intrinsic("load_initial_edgeflags_amd", src_comp=[], dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[]) # Exports the current invocation's vertex. This is a placeholder where all vertex attribute export instructions should be emitted. intrinsic("export_vertex_amd", src_comp=[], indices=[]) # Exports the current invocation's primitive. src[] = {packed_primitive_data}. intrinsic("export_primitive_amd", src_comp=[1], indices=[]) # Allocates export space for vertices and primitives. src[] = {num_vertices, num_primitives}. intrinsic("alloc_vertices_and_primitives_amd", src_comp=[1, 1], indices=[]) # Overwrites VS input registers, for use with vertex compaction after culling. src = {vertex_id, instance_id}. intrinsic("overwrite_vs_arguments_amd", src_comp=[1, 1], indices=[]) # Overwrites TES input registers, for use with vertex compaction after culling. src = {tes_u, tes_v, rel_patch_id, patch_id}. intrinsic("overwrite_tes_arguments_amd", src_comp=[1, 1, 1, 1], indices=[]) # loads a descriptor for an sbt. # src = [index] BINDING = which table intrinsic("load_sbt_amd", dest_comp=4, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[BINDING], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # 1. HW descriptor # 2. BVH node(64-bit pointer as 2x32 ...) # 3. ray extent # 4. ray origin # 5. ray direction # 6. inverse ray direction (componentwise 1.0/ray direction) intrinsic("bvh64_intersect_ray_amd", [4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3], 4, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Return of a callable in raytracing pipelines intrinsic("rt_return_amd") # offset into scratch for the input callable data in a raytracing pipeline. system_value("rt_arg_scratch_offset_amd", 1) # Whether to call the anyhit shader for an intersection in an intersection shader. system_value("intersection_opaque_amd", 1, bit_sizes=[1]) # Load forced VRS rates. intrinsic("load_force_vrs_rates_amd", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("load_scalar_arg_amd", dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[BASE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) intrinsic("load_vector_arg_amd", dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[BASE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # src[] = { 64-bit base address, 32-bit offset }. intrinsic("load_smem_amd", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # V3D-specific instrinc for tile buffer color reads. # # The hardware requires that we read the samples and components of a pixel # in order, so we cannot eliminate or remove any loads in a sequence. # # src[] = { render_target } # BASE = sample index load("tlb_color_v3d", [1], [BASE, COMPONENT], []) # V3D-specific instrinc for per-sample tile buffer color writes. # # The driver backend needs to identify per-sample color writes and emit # specific code for them. # # src[] = { value, render_target } # BASE = sample index store("tlb_sample_color_v3d", [1], [BASE, COMPONENT, SRC_TYPE], []) # V3D-specific intrinsic to load the number of layers attached to # the target framebuffer intrinsic("load_fb_layers_v3d", dest_comp=1, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Logical complement of load_front_face, mapping to an AGX system value system_value("back_face_agx", 1, bit_sizes=[1, 32]) # Intel-specific query for loading from the brw_image_param struct passed # into the shader as a uniform. The variable is a deref to the image # variable. The const index specifies which of the six parameters to load. intrinsic("image_deref_load_param_intel", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=0, indices=[BASE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) image("load_raw_intel", src_comp=[1], dest_comp=0, flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) image("store_raw_intel", src_comp=[1, 0]) # Intrinsic to load a block of at least 32B of constant data from a 64-bit # global memory address. The memory address must be uniform and 32B-aligned. # The second source is a predicate which indicates whether or not to actually # do the load. # src[] = { address, predicate }. intrinsic("load_global_const_block_intel", src_comp=[1, 1], dest_comp=0, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[BASE], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # Number of data items being operated on for a SIMD program. system_value("simd_width_intel", 1) # Load a relocatable 32-bit value intrinsic("load_reloc_const_intel", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[32], indices=[PARAM_IDX], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # 64-bit global address for a Vulkan descriptor set # src[0] = { set } intrinsic("load_desc_set_address_intel", dest_comp=1, bit_sizes=[64], src_comp=[1], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE, CAN_REORDER]) # OpSubgroupBlockReadINTEL and OpSubgroupBlockWriteINTEL from SPV_INTEL_subgroups. intrinsic("load_deref_block_intel", dest_comp=0, src_comp=[-1], indices=[ACCESS], flags=[CAN_ELIMINATE]) intrinsic("store_deref_block_intel", src_comp=[-1, 0], indices=[WRITE_MASK, ACCESS]) # src[] = { address }. load("global_block_intel", [1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { buffer_index, offset }. load("ssbo_block_intel", [-1, 1], [ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { offset }. load("shared_block_intel", [1], [BASE, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET], [CAN_ELIMINATE]) # src[] = { value, address }. store("global_block_intel", [1], [WRITE_MASK, ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, block_index, offset } store("ssbo_block_intel", [-1, 1], [WRITE_MASK, ACCESS, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # src[] = { value, offset }. store("shared_block_intel", [1], [BASE, WRITE_MASK, ALIGN_MUL, ALIGN_OFFSET]) # Intrinsics for Intel mesh shading system_value("mesh_inline_data_intel", 1, [ALIGN_OFFSET], bit_sizes=[32, 64]) # Intrinsics for Intel bindless thread dispatch # BASE=brw_topoloy_id system_value("topology_id_intel", 1, indices=[BASE]) system_value("btd_stack_id_intel", 1) system_value("btd_global_arg_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("btd_local_arg_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("btd_resume_sbt_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) # src[] = { global_arg_addr, btd_record } intrinsic("btd_spawn_intel", src_comp=[1, 1]) # RANGE=stack_size intrinsic("btd_stack_push_intel", indices=[STACK_SIZE]) # src[] = { } intrinsic("btd_retire_intel") # Intel-specific ray-tracing intrinsic # src[] = { globals, level, operation } SYNCHRONOUS=synchronous intrinsic("trace_ray_intel", src_comp=[1, 1, 1], indices=[SYNCHRONOUS]) # System values used for ray-tracing on Intel system_value("ray_base_mem_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("ray_hw_stack_size_intel", 1) system_value("ray_sw_stack_size_intel", 1) system_value("ray_num_dss_rt_stacks_intel", 1) system_value("ray_hit_sbt_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("ray_hit_sbt_stride_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[16]) system_value("ray_miss_sbt_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("ray_miss_sbt_stride_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[16]) system_value("callable_sbt_addr_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64]) system_value("callable_sbt_stride_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[16]) system_value("leaf_opaque_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[1]) system_value("leaf_procedural_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[1]) # Values : # 0: AnyHit # 1: ClosestHit # 2: Miss # 3: Intersection system_value("btd_shader_type_intel", 1) system_value("ray_query_global_intel", 1, bit_sizes=[64])