/* * Copyright © 2020 Valve Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "radv_cs.h" #include "radv_private.h" #include "sid.h" #define SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT 12 bool radv_is_instruction_timing_enabled(void) { return getenv("RADV_THREAD_TRACE_PIPELINE"); } static bool radv_se_is_disabled(struct radv_device *device, unsigned se) { /* No active CU on the SE means it is disabled. */ return device->physical_device->rad_info.cu_mask[se][0] == 0; } static uint32_t gfx10_get_thread_trace_ctrl(struct radv_device *device, bool enable) { uint32_t thread_trace_ctrl = S_008D1C_MODE(enable) | S_008D1C_HIWATER(5) | S_008D1C_UTIL_TIMER(1) | S_008D1C_RT_FREQ(2) | /* 4096 clk */ S_008D1C_DRAW_EVENT_EN(1) | S_008D1C_REG_STALL_EN(1) | S_008D1C_SPI_STALL_EN(1) | S_008D1C_SQ_STALL_EN(1) | S_008D1C_REG_DROP_ON_STALL(0); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX10_3) thread_trace_ctrl |= S_008D1C_LOWATER_OFFSET(4); return thread_trace_ctrl; } static void radv_emit_thread_trace_start(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, uint32_t queue_family_index) { uint32_t shifted_size = device->thread_trace.buffer_size >> SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT; struct radeon_info *rad_info = &device->physical_device->rad_info; unsigned max_se = rad_info->max_se; for (unsigned se = 0; se < max_se; se++) { uint64_t va = radv_buffer_get_va(device->thread_trace.bo); uint64_t data_va = ac_thread_trace_get_data_va(rad_info, &device->thread_trace, va, se); uint64_t shifted_va = data_va >> SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT; int first_active_cu = ffs(device->physical_device->rad_info.cu_mask[se][0]); if (radv_se_is_disabled(device, se)) continue; /* Target SEx and SH0. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg( cs, R_030800_GRBM_GFX_INDEX, S_030800_SE_INDEX(se) | S_030800_SH_INDEX(0) | S_030800_INSTANCE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1)); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) { /* Order seems important for the following 2 registers. */ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg( cs, R_008D04_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BUF0_SIZE, S_008D04_SIZE(shifted_size) | S_008D04_BASE_HI(shifted_va >> 32)); radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D00_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BUF0_BASE, shifted_va); radeon_set_privileged_config_reg( cs, R_008D14_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MASK, S_008D14_WTYPE_INCLUDE(0x7f) | /* all shader stages */ S_008D14_SA_SEL(0) | S_008D14_WGP_SEL(first_active_cu / 2) | S_008D14_SIMD_SEL(0)); uint32_t thread_trace_token_mask = S_008D18_REG_INCLUDE( V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_SQDEC | V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_SHDEC | V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_GFXUDEC | V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_COMP | V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_CONTEXT | V_008D18_REG_INCLUDE_CONFIG); /* Performance counters with SQTT are considered deprecated. */ uint32_t token_exclude = V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_PERF; if (!radv_is_instruction_timing_enabled()) { /* Reduce SQTT traffic when instruction timing isn't enabled. */ token_exclude |= V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_VMEMEXEC | V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_ALUEXEC | V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_VALUINST | V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_IMMEDIATE | V_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE_INST; } thread_trace_token_mask |= S_008D18_TOKEN_EXCLUDE(token_exclude); radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D18_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK, thread_trace_token_mask); /* Should be emitted last (it enables thread traces). */ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D1C_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL, gfx10_get_thread_trace_ctrl(device, true)); } else { /* Order seems important for the following 4 registers. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CDC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE2, S_030CDC_ADDR_HI(shifted_va >> 32)); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_BASE, shifted_va); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_SIZE, S_030CC4_SIZE(shifted_size)); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL, S_030CD4_RESET_BUFFER(1)); uint32_t thread_trace_mask = S_030CC8_CU_SEL(first_active_cu) | S_030CC8_SH_SEL(0) | S_030CC8_SIMD_EN(0xf) | S_030CC8_VM_ID_MASK(0) | S_030CC8_REG_STALL_EN(1) | S_030CC8_SPI_STALL_EN(1) | S_030CC8_SQ_STALL_EN(1); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class < GFX9) { thread_trace_mask |= S_030CC8_RANDOM_SEED(0xffff); } radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CC8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MASK, thread_trace_mask); /* Trace all tokens and registers. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg( cs, R_030CCC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK, S_030CCC_TOKEN_MASK(0xbfff) | S_030CCC_REG_MASK(0xff) | S_030CCC_REG_DROP_ON_STALL(0)); /* Enable SQTT perf counters for all CUs. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_PERF_MASK, S_030CD0_SH0_MASK(0xffff) | S_030CD0_SH1_MASK(0xffff)); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_TOKEN_MASK2, 0xffffffff); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CEC_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_HIWATER, S_030CEC_HIWATER(4)); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9) { /* Reset thread trace status errors. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS, S_030CE8_UTC_ERROR(0)); } /* Enable the thread trace mode. */ uint32_t thread_trace_mode = S_030CD8_MASK_PS(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_VS(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_GS(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_ES(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_HS(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_LS(1) | S_030CD8_MASK_CS(1) | S_030CD8_AUTOFLUSH_EN(1) | /* periodically flush SQTT data to memory */ S_030CD8_MODE(1); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9) { /* Count SQTT traffic in TCC perf counters. */ thread_trace_mode |= S_030CD8_TC_PERF_EN(1); } radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE, thread_trace_mode); } } /* Restore global broadcasting. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030800_GRBM_GFX_INDEX, S_030800_SE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1) | S_030800_SH_BROADCAST_WRITES(1) | S_030800_INSTANCE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1)); /* Start the thread trace with a different event based on the queue. */ if (queue_family_index == RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE && device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX7) { radeon_set_sh_reg(cs, R_00B878_COMPUTE_THREAD_TRACE_ENABLE, S_00B878_THREAD_TRACE_ENABLE(1)); } else { radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_EVENT_WRITE, 0, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, EVENT_TYPE(V_028A90_THREAD_TRACE_START) | EVENT_INDEX(0)); } } static const uint32_t gfx8_thread_trace_info_regs[] = { R_030CE4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_WPTR, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS, R_008E40_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CNTR, }; static const uint32_t gfx9_thread_trace_info_regs[] = { R_030CE4_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_WPTR, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS, R_030CF0_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CNTR, }; static const uint32_t gfx10_thread_trace_info_regs[] = { R_008D10_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_WPTR, R_008D20_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS, R_008D24_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_DROPPED_CNTR, }; static void radv_copy_thread_trace_info_regs(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, unsigned se_index) { const uint32_t *thread_trace_info_regs = NULL; if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) { thread_trace_info_regs = gfx10_thread_trace_info_regs; } else if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX9) { thread_trace_info_regs = gfx9_thread_trace_info_regs; } else { assert(device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class == GFX8); thread_trace_info_regs = gfx8_thread_trace_info_regs; } /* Get the VA where the info struct is stored for this SE. */ uint64_t va = radv_buffer_get_va(device->thread_trace.bo); uint64_t info_va = ac_thread_trace_get_info_va(va, se_index); /* Copy back the info struct one DWORD at a time. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) { radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_COPY_DATA, 4, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, COPY_DATA_SRC_SEL(COPY_DATA_PERF) | COPY_DATA_DST_SEL(COPY_DATA_TC_L2) | COPY_DATA_WR_CONFIRM); radeon_emit(cs, thread_trace_info_regs[i] >> 2); radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* unused */ radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4)); radeon_emit(cs, (info_va + i * 4) >> 32); } } static void radv_emit_thread_trace_stop(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, uint32_t queue_family_index) { unsigned max_se = device->physical_device->rad_info.max_se; /* Stop the thread trace with a different event based on the queue. */ if (queue_family_index == RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE && device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX7) { radeon_set_sh_reg(cs, R_00B878_COMPUTE_THREAD_TRACE_ENABLE, S_00B878_THREAD_TRACE_ENABLE(0)); } else { radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_EVENT_WRITE, 0, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, EVENT_TYPE(V_028A90_THREAD_TRACE_STOP) | EVENT_INDEX(0)); } radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_EVENT_WRITE, 0, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, EVENT_TYPE(V_028A90_THREAD_TRACE_FINISH) | EVENT_INDEX(0)); for (unsigned se = 0; se < max_se; se++) { if (radv_se_is_disabled(device, se)) continue; /* Target SEi and SH0. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg( cs, R_030800_GRBM_GFX_INDEX, S_030800_SE_INDEX(se) | S_030800_SH_INDEX(0) | S_030800_INSTANCE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1)); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) { /* Make sure to wait for the trace buffer. */ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0)); radeon_emit( cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_NOT_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, R_008D20_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */ radeon_emit(cs, 0); radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, S_008D20_FINISH_DONE(1)); /* mask */ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */ /* Disable the thread trace mode. */ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg(cs, R_008D1C_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_CTRL, gfx10_get_thread_trace_ctrl(device, false)); /* Wait for thread trace completion. */ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0)); radeon_emit( cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, R_008D20_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */ radeon_emit(cs, 0); radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, S_008D20_BUSY(1)); /* mask */ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */ } else { /* Disable the thread trace mode. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030CD8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_MODE, S_030CD8_MODE(0)); /* Wait for thread trace completion. */ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_WAIT_REG_MEM, 5, 0)); radeon_emit( cs, WAIT_REG_MEM_EQUAL); /* wait until the register is equal to the reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, R_030CE8_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_STATUS >> 2); /* register */ radeon_emit(cs, 0); radeon_emit(cs, 0); /* reference value */ radeon_emit(cs, S_030CE8_BUSY(1)); /* mask */ radeon_emit(cs, 4); /* poll interval */ } radv_copy_thread_trace_info_regs(device, cs, se); } /* Restore global broadcasting. */ radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_030800_GRBM_GFX_INDEX, S_030800_SE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1) | S_030800_SH_BROADCAST_WRITES(1) | S_030800_INSTANCE_BROADCAST_WRITES(1)); } void radv_emit_thread_trace_userdata(const struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, const void *data, uint32_t num_dwords) { const uint32_t *dwords = (uint32_t *)data; while (num_dwords > 0) { uint32_t count = MIN2(num_dwords, 2); radeon_check_space(device->ws, cs, 2 + count); /* Without the perfctr bit the CP might not always pass the * write on correctly. */ if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) radeon_set_uconfig_reg_seq_perfctr(cs, R_030D08_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_USERDATA_2, count); else radeon_set_uconfig_reg_seq(cs, R_030D08_SQ_THREAD_TRACE_USERDATA_2, count); radeon_emit_array(cs, dwords, count); dwords += count; num_dwords -= count; } } static void radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, bool enable) { if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX9) { uint32_t spi_config_cntl = S_031100_GPR_WRITE_PRIORITY(0x2c688) | S_031100_EXP_PRIORITY_ORDER(3) | S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_TOP_EVENTS(enable) | S_031100_ENABLE_SQG_BOP_EVENTS(enable); if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) spi_config_cntl |= S_031100_PS_PKR_PRIORITY_CNTL(3); radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_031100_SPI_CONFIG_CNTL, spi_config_cntl); } else { /* SPI_CONFIG_CNTL is a protected register on GFX6-GFX8. */ radeon_set_privileged_config_reg( cs, R_009100_SPI_CONFIG_CNTL, S_009100_ENABLE_SQG_TOP_EVENTS(enable) | S_009100_ENABLE_SQG_BOP_EVENTS(enable)); } } static void radv_emit_inhibit_clockgating(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, bool inhibit) { if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10) { radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_037390_RLC_PERFMON_CLK_CNTL, S_037390_PERFMON_CLOCK_STATE(inhibit)); } else if (device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX8) { radeon_set_uconfig_reg(cs, R_0372FC_RLC_PERFMON_CLK_CNTL, S_0372FC_PERFMON_CLOCK_STATE(inhibit)); } } static void radv_emit_wait_for_idle(struct radv_device *device, struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs, int family) { enum rgp_flush_bits sqtt_flush_bits = 0; si_cs_emit_cache_flush( cs, device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class, NULL, 0, family == RING_COMPUTE && device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX7, (family == RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE ? RADV_CMD_FLAG_CS_PARTIAL_FLUSH : (RADV_CMD_FLAG_CS_PARTIAL_FLUSH | RADV_CMD_FLAG_PS_PARTIAL_FLUSH)) | RADV_CMD_FLAG_INV_ICACHE | RADV_CMD_FLAG_INV_SCACHE | RADV_CMD_FLAG_INV_VCACHE | RADV_CMD_FLAG_INV_L2, &sqtt_flush_bits, 0); } static bool radv_thread_trace_init_bo(struct radv_device *device) { unsigned max_se = device->physical_device->rad_info.max_se; struct radeon_winsys *ws = device->ws; VkResult result; uint64_t size; /* The buffer size and address need to be aligned in HW regs. Align the * size as early as possible so that we do all the allocation & addressing * correctly. */ device->thread_trace.buffer_size = align64(device->thread_trace.buffer_size, 1u << SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT); /* Compute total size of the thread trace BO for all SEs. */ size = align64(sizeof(struct ac_thread_trace_info) * max_se, 1 << SQTT_BUFFER_ALIGN_SHIFT); size += device->thread_trace.buffer_size * (uint64_t)max_se; struct radeon_winsys_bo *bo = NULL; result = ws->buffer_create( ws, size, 4096, RADEON_DOMAIN_VRAM, RADEON_FLAG_CPU_ACCESS | RADEON_FLAG_NO_INTERPROCESS_SHARING | RADEON_FLAG_ZERO_VRAM, RADV_BO_PRIORITY_SCRATCH, 0, &bo); device->thread_trace.bo = bo; if (result != VK_SUCCESS) return false; result = ws->buffer_make_resident(ws, device->thread_trace.bo, true); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) return false; device->thread_trace.ptr = ws->buffer_map(device->thread_trace.bo); if (!device->thread_trace.ptr) return false; return true; } static void radv_thread_trace_finish_bo(struct radv_device *device) { struct radeon_winsys *ws = device->ws; if (unlikely(device->thread_trace.bo)) { ws->buffer_make_resident(ws, device->thread_trace.bo, false); ws->buffer_destroy(ws, device->thread_trace.bo); } } bool radv_thread_trace_init(struct radv_device *device) { struct ac_thread_trace_data *thread_trace_data = &device->thread_trace; /* Default buffer size set to 32MB per SE. */ device->thread_trace.buffer_size = radv_get_int_debug_option("RADV_THREAD_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE", 32 * 1024 * 1024); device->thread_trace.start_frame = radv_get_int_debug_option("RADV_THREAD_TRACE", -1); const char *trigger_file = getenv("RADV_THREAD_TRACE_TRIGGER"); if (trigger_file) device->thread_trace.trigger_file = strdup(trigger_file); if (!radv_thread_trace_init_bo(device)) return false; list_inithead(&thread_trace_data->rgp_pso_correlation.record); simple_mtx_init(&thread_trace_data->rgp_pso_correlation.lock, mtx_plain); list_inithead(&thread_trace_data->rgp_loader_events.record); simple_mtx_init(&thread_trace_data->rgp_loader_events.lock, mtx_plain); list_inithead(&thread_trace_data->rgp_code_object.record); simple_mtx_init(&thread_trace_data->rgp_code_object.lock, mtx_plain); return true; } void radv_thread_trace_finish(struct radv_device *device) { struct ac_thread_trace_data *thread_trace_data = &device->thread_trace; struct radeon_winsys *ws = device->ws; radv_thread_trace_finish_bo(device); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (device->thread_trace.start_cs[i]) ws->cs_destroy(device->thread_trace.start_cs[i]); if (device->thread_trace.stop_cs[i]) ws->cs_destroy(device->thread_trace.stop_cs[i]); } assert(thread_trace_data->rgp_pso_correlation.record_count == 0); simple_mtx_destroy(&thread_trace_data->rgp_pso_correlation.lock); assert(thread_trace_data->rgp_loader_events.record_count == 0); simple_mtx_destroy(&thread_trace_data->rgp_loader_events.lock); assert(thread_trace_data->rgp_code_object.record_count == 0); simple_mtx_destroy(&thread_trace_data->rgp_code_object.lock); } static bool radv_thread_trace_resize_bo(struct radv_device *device) { /* Destroy the previous thread trace BO. */ radv_thread_trace_finish_bo(device); /* Double the size of the thread trace buffer per SE. */ device->thread_trace.buffer_size *= 2; fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get the thread trace because the buffer " "was too small, resizing to %d KB\n", device->thread_trace.buffer_size / 1024); /* Re-create the thread trace BO. */ return radv_thread_trace_init_bo(device); } bool radv_begin_thread_trace(struct radv_queue *queue) { struct radv_device *device = queue->device; int family = queue->queue_family_index; struct radeon_winsys *ws = device->ws; struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs; VkResult result; /* Destroy the previous start CS and create a new one. */ if (device->thread_trace.start_cs[family]) { ws->cs_destroy(device->thread_trace.start_cs[family]); device->thread_trace.start_cs[family] = NULL; } cs = ws->cs_create(ws, family); if (!cs) return false; switch (family) { case RADV_QUEUE_GENERAL: radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_CONTEXT_CONTROL, 1, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, CC0_UPDATE_LOAD_ENABLES(1)); radeon_emit(cs, CC1_UPDATE_SHADOW_ENABLES(1)); break; case RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE: radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_NOP, 0, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, 0); break; } radv_cs_add_buffer(ws, cs, device->thread_trace.bo); /* Make sure to wait-for-idle before starting SQTT. */ radv_emit_wait_for_idle(device, cs, family); /* Disable clock gating before starting SQTT. */ radv_emit_inhibit_clockgating(device, cs, true); /* Enable SQG events that collects thread trace data. */ radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device, cs, true); /* Start SQTT. */ radv_emit_thread_trace_start(device, cs, family); result = ws->cs_finalize(cs); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { ws->cs_destroy(cs); return false; } device->thread_trace.start_cs[family] = cs; return radv_queue_internal_submit(queue, cs); } bool radv_end_thread_trace(struct radv_queue *queue) { struct radv_device *device = queue->device; int family = queue->queue_family_index; struct radeon_winsys *ws = device->ws; struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs; VkResult result; /* Destroy the previous stop CS and create a new one. */ if (queue->device->thread_trace.stop_cs[family]) { ws->cs_destroy(device->thread_trace.stop_cs[family]); device->thread_trace.stop_cs[family] = NULL; } cs = ws->cs_create(ws, family); if (!cs) return false; switch (family) { case RADV_QUEUE_GENERAL: radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_CONTEXT_CONTROL, 1, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, CC0_UPDATE_LOAD_ENABLES(1)); radeon_emit(cs, CC1_UPDATE_SHADOW_ENABLES(1)); break; case RADV_QUEUE_COMPUTE: radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_NOP, 0, 0)); radeon_emit(cs, 0); break; } radv_cs_add_buffer(ws, cs, device->thread_trace.bo); /* Make sure to wait-for-idle before stopping SQTT. */ radv_emit_wait_for_idle(device, cs, family); /* Stop SQTT. */ radv_emit_thread_trace_stop(device, cs, family); /* Restore previous state by disabling SQG events. */ radv_emit_spi_config_cntl(device, cs, false); /* Restore previous state by re-enabling clock gating. */ radv_emit_inhibit_clockgating(device, cs, false); result = ws->cs_finalize(cs); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { ws->cs_destroy(cs); return false; } device->thread_trace.stop_cs[family] = cs; return radv_queue_internal_submit(queue, cs); } bool radv_get_thread_trace(struct radv_queue *queue, struct ac_thread_trace *thread_trace) { struct radv_device *device = queue->device; struct radeon_info *rad_info = &device->physical_device->rad_info; unsigned max_se = rad_info->max_se; void *thread_trace_ptr = device->thread_trace.ptr; memset(thread_trace, 0, sizeof(*thread_trace)); for (unsigned se = 0; se < max_se; se++) { uint64_t info_offset = ac_thread_trace_get_info_offset(se); uint64_t data_offset = ac_thread_trace_get_data_offset(rad_info, &device->thread_trace, se); void *info_ptr = (uint8_t *)thread_trace_ptr + info_offset; void *data_ptr = (uint8_t *)thread_trace_ptr + data_offset; struct ac_thread_trace_info *info = (struct ac_thread_trace_info *)info_ptr; struct ac_thread_trace_se thread_trace_se = {0}; int first_active_cu = ffs(device->physical_device->rad_info.cu_mask[se][0]); if (radv_se_is_disabled(device, se)) continue; if (!ac_is_thread_trace_complete(&device->physical_device->rad_info, &device->thread_trace, info)) { if (!radv_thread_trace_resize_bo(device)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to resize the thread " "trace buffer.\n"); abort(); } return false; } thread_trace_se.data_ptr = data_ptr; thread_trace_se.info = *info; thread_trace_se.shader_engine = se; /* RGP seems to expect units of WGP on GFX10+. */ thread_trace_se.compute_unit = device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class >= GFX10 ? (first_active_cu / 2) : first_active_cu; thread_trace->traces[thread_trace->num_traces] = thread_trace_se; thread_trace->num_traces++; } thread_trace->data = &device->thread_trace; return true; }