Get-Date Write-Host "Downloading Freeglut" $freeglut_zip = '' $freeglut_url = "$freeglut_zip" For ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $freeglut_url -OutFile $freeglut_zip $freeglut_downloaded = $? if ($freeglut_downloaded) { Break } } if (!$freeglut_downloaded) { Write-Host "Failed to download Freeglut" Exit 1 } Get-Date Write-Host "Installing Freeglut" Expand-Archive $freeglut_zip -DestinationPath C:\ if (!$?) { Write-Host "Failed to install Freeglut" Exit 1 } $MyPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -Parent . "$MyPath\mesa_vs_init.ps1" Get-Date Write-Host "Downloading glext.h" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\glext" -Name "GL" $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile '.\glext\GL\glext.h' | Out-Null Get-Date Write-Host "Cloning Piglit" git clone --no-progress --single-branch --no-checkout 'C:\src\piglit' if (!$?) { Write-Host "Failed to clone Piglit repository" Exit 1 } Push-Location -Path C:\src\piglit git checkout f7f2a6c2275cae023a27b6cc81be3dda8c99492d Pop-Location Get-Date $piglit_build = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\src\piglit" -Name "build" Push-Location -Path $piglit_build.FullName Write-Host "Compiling Piglit" cmake .. ` -GNinja ` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\Piglit" ` -DGLUT_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\freeglut\include ` -DGLUT_glut_LIBRARY_RELEASE=C:\freeglut\lib\x64\freeglut.lib ` -DGLEXT_INCLUDE_DIR=.\glext && ` ninja -j32 $buildstatus = $? ninja -j32 install | Out-Null $installstatus = $? Pop-Location Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $piglit_build if (!$buildstatus -Or !$installstatus) { Write-Host "Failed to compile or install Piglit" Exit 1 } Copy-Item -Path C:\freeglut\bin\x64\freeglut.dll -Destination C:\Piglit\lib\piglit\bin\freeglut.dll Get-Date Write-Host "Cloning spirv-samples" git clone --no-progress --single-branch --no-checkout C:\spirv-samples\ Push-Location -Path C:\spirv-samples\ git checkout 36372636df06a24c4e2de1551beee055db01b91d Pop-Location Get-Date Write-Host "Cloning Vulkan and GL Conformance Tests" $deqp_source = "C:\src\VK-GL-CTS\" git clone --no-progress --single-branch -b windows-flush $deqp_source if (!$?) { Write-Host "Failed to clone deqp repository" Exit 1 } Push-Location -Path $deqp_source # --insecure is due to SSL cert failures hitting sourceforge for zlib and # libpng (sigh). The archives get their checksums checked anyway, and git # always goes through ssh or https. py .\external\ --insecure Pop-Location Get-Date $deqp_build = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\deqp" Push-Location -Path $deqp_build.FullName Write-Host "Compiling deqp" cmake -S $($deqp_source) ` -B . ` -GNinja ` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ` -DDEQP_TARGET=default && ` ninja -j32 $buildstatus = $? Pop-Location if (!$buildstatus -Or !$installstatus) { Write-Host "Failed to compile or install deqp" Exit 1 } # Copy test result templates Copy-Item -Path "$($deqp_source)\doc\testlog-stylesheet\testlog.css" -Destination $deqp_build Copy-Item -Path "$($deqp_source)\doc\testlog-stylesheet\testlog.xsl" -Destination $deqp_build # Copy Vulkan must-pass list $deqp_mustpass = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $deqp_build -Name "mustpass" $root_mustpass = Join-Path -Path $deqp_source -ChildPath "external\vulkancts\mustpass\master" $files = Get-Content "$($root_mustpass)\vk-default.txt" foreach($file in $files) { Get-Content "$($root_mustpass)\$($file)" | Add-Content -Path "$($deqp_mustpass)\vk-master.txt" } Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $deqp_source Get-Date $url = ''; Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $url); Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile 'rustup-init.exe'; Write-Host "Installing rust toolchain" C:\rustup-init.exe -y; Remove-Item C:\rustup-init.exe; Get-Date Write-Host "Installing deqp-runner" $env:Path += ";$($env:USERPROFILE)\.cargo\bin" cargo install --git Get-Date Write-Host "Complete"