a few words about how the cell driver works.

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Brian 2008-02-27 18:13:21 -07:00
parent 3ffd11f71d
commit cef71f58c9
1 changed files with 23 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -58,14 +58,33 @@ and looking for:
<H2>Driver Implementation Summary</H2>
Rasterization is parallelized across the SPUs in a tiled-based manner.
Batches of transformed triangles are sent to the SPUs (actually, pulled by from
main memory by the SPUs).
Each SPU loops over a set of 32x32-pixel screen tiles, rendering the triangles
into each tile.
Because of the limited SPU memory, framebuffer tiles are paged in/out of
SPU local store as needed.
Similarly, textures are tiled and brought into local store as needed.
More recently, vertex transformation has been parallelized across the SPUs
as well.
As of January 2008 the driver supports smooth/flat shaded triangle rendering
with Z testing.
As of February 2008 the driver supports smooth/flat shaded triangle rendering
with Z testing and simple texture mapping.
Simple demos like gears run successfully.
Basic texture mapping should be working within a month.
There's still unfinished work in the PPU-to-SPU communication facilities.
To test texture mapping, try progs/demos/texcyl (press right mouse button for
rendering options).