zink: move update_descriptors & related funcs to zink_descriptors.c

keep zink_draw.c for draw stuff

Reviewed-by: Dave Airlie <airlied@redhat.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/9883>
This commit is contained in:
Mike Blumenkrantz 2020-11-30 11:18:52 -05:00 committed by Marge Bot
parent 812f7ecb13
commit c7f9dc5891
3 changed files with 559 additions and 558 deletions

View File

@ -675,3 +675,557 @@ zink_descriptor_pool_init(struct zink_context *ctx)
return true;
static void
desc_set_res_add(struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_resource *res, unsigned int i, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
assert(!cache_hit || zds->res_objs[i] == (res ? res->obj : NULL));
if (!cache_hit)
zink_resource_desc_set_add(res, zds, i);
static void
desc_set_sampler_add(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_sampler_view *sv,
struct zink_sampler_state *state, unsigned int i, bool is_buffer, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint32_t cur_hash = zink_get_sampler_view_hash(ctx, zds->sampler_views[i], is_buffer);
uint32_t new_hash = zink_get_sampler_view_hash(ctx, sv, is_buffer);
assert(!cache_hit || cur_hash == new_hash);
assert(!cache_hit || zds->sampler_states[i] == state);
if (!cache_hit) {
zink_sampler_view_desc_set_add(sv, zds, i);
zink_sampler_state_desc_set_add(state, zds, i);
static void
desc_set_image_add(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_image_view *image_view,
unsigned int i, bool is_buffer, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint32_t cur_hash = zink_get_image_view_hash(ctx, zds->image_views[i], is_buffer);
uint32_t new_hash = zink_get_image_view_hash(ctx, image_view, is_buffer);
assert(!cache_hit || cur_hash == new_hash);
if (!cache_hit)
zink_image_view_desc_set_add(image_view, zds, i);
static bool
barrier_equals(const void *a, const void *b)
const struct zink_descriptor_barrier *t1 = a, *t2 = b;
if (t1->res != t2->res)
return false;
if ((t1->access & t2->access) != t2->access)
return false;
if (t1->layout != t2->layout)
return false;
return true;
static uint32_t
barrier_hash(const void *key)
return _mesa_hash_data(key, offsetof(struct zink_descriptor_barrier, stage));
static inline void
add_barrier(struct zink_resource *res, VkImageLayout layout, VkAccessFlags flags, enum pipe_shader_type stage, struct util_dynarray *barriers, struct set *ht)
VkPipelineStageFlags pipeline = zink_pipeline_flags_from_stage(zink_shader_stage(stage));
struct zink_descriptor_barrier key = {res, layout, flags, 0}, *t;
uint32_t hash = barrier_hash(&key);
struct set_entry *entry = _mesa_set_search_pre_hashed(ht, hash, &key);
if (entry)
t = (struct zink_descriptor_barrier*)entry->key;
else {
util_dynarray_append(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier, key);
t = util_dynarray_element(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier,
util_dynarray_num_elements(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier) - 1);
t->stage = 0;
t->layout = layout;
t->res = res;
t->access = flags;
_mesa_set_add_pre_hashed(ht, hash, t);
t->stage |= pipeline;
static int
cmp_dynamic_offset_binding(const void *a, const void *b)
const uint32_t *binding_a = a, *binding_b = b;
return *binding_a - *binding_b;
static void
write_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, unsigned num_wds, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wds,
bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
if (!cache_hit && num_wds)
vkUpdateDescriptorSets(screen->dev, num_wds, wds, 0, NULL);
for (int i = 0; zds->pool->key.num_descriptors && i < util_dynarray_num_elements(&zds->barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier); ++i) {
struct zink_descriptor_barrier *barrier = util_dynarray_element(&zds->barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier, i);
if (need_resource_refs)
zink_batch_reference_resource_rw(batch, barrier->res, zink_resource_access_is_write(barrier->access));
zink_resource_barrier(ctx, NULL, barrier->res,
barrier->layout, barrier->access, barrier->stage);
static unsigned
init_write_descriptor(struct zink_shader *shader, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, int idx, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wd, unsigned num_wds)
wd->pNext = NULL;
wd->dstBinding = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].binding;
wd->dstArrayElement = 0;
wd->descriptorCount = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].size;
wd->descriptorType = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].type;
wd->dstSet = zds->desc_set;
return num_wds + 1;
static void
update_ubo_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs,
uint32_t *dynamic_offsets, unsigned *dynamic_offset_idx)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_infos[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct {
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t offset;
} dynamic_buffers[PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS];
unsigned dynamic_offset_count = 0;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC);
assert(ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size <= screen->info.props.limits.maxUniformBufferRange);
struct zink_resource *res = zink_resource(ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer);
assert(!res || ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size > 0);
assert(!res || ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer);
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
desc_set_res_add(zds, res, num_resources++, cache_hit);
assert(num_buffer_info < num_bindings);
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = res ? res->obj->buffer :
(screen->info.rb2_feats.nullDescriptor ?
if (shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC) {
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = 0;
/* we're storing this to qsort later */
dynamic_buffers[dynamic_offset_count].binding = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].binding;
dynamic_buffers[dynamic_offset_count++].offset = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_offset : 0;
} else
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_offset : 0;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size : VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
if (res && !cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, 0, VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
wds[num_wds].pBufferInfo = buffer_infos + num_buffer_info;
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
/* Values are taken from pDynamicOffsets in an order such that all entries for set N come before set N+1;
* within a set, entries are ordered by the binding numbers in the descriptor set layouts
* - vkCmdBindDescriptorSets spec
* because of this, we have to sort all the dynamic offsets by their associated binding to ensure they
* match what the driver expects
if (dynamic_offset_count > 1)
qsort(dynamic_buffers, dynamic_offset_count, sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, cmp_dynamic_offset_binding);
for (int i = 0; i < dynamic_offset_count; i++)
dynamic_offsets[i] = dynamic_buffers[i].offset;
*dynamic_offset_idx = dynamic_offset_count;
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
update_ssbo_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
ASSERTED struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_infos[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER);
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
struct zink_resource *res = zink_resource(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer);
desc_set_res_add(zds, res, num_resources++, cache_hit);
if (res) {
assert(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size > 0);
assert(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size <= screen->info.props.limits.maxStorageBufferRange);
assert(num_buffer_info < num_bindings);
unsigned flag = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT;
if (ctx->writable_ssbos[stage] & (1 << index))
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, 0, flag, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = res->obj->buffer;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_offset;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size;
} else {
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = 0;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
wds[num_wds].pBufferInfo = buffer_infos + num_buffer_info;
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
handle_image_descriptor(struct zink_screen *screen, struct zink_resource *res, enum zink_descriptor_type type, VkDescriptorType vktype, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wd,
VkImageLayout layout, unsigned *num_image_info, VkDescriptorImageInfo *image_info,
unsigned *num_buffer_info, VkBufferView *buffer_info,
struct zink_sampler_state *sampler,
VkImageView imageview, VkBufferView bufferview, bool do_set)
if (!res) {
/* if we're hitting this assert often, we can probably just throw a junk buffer in since
* the results of this codepath are undefined in ARB_texture_buffer_object spec
switch (vktype) {
*buffer_info = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pTexelBufferView = buffer_info;
image_info->imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
image_info->imageView = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
image_info->sampler = sampler ? sampler->sampler : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pImageInfo = image_info;
unreachable("unknown descriptor type");
} else if (res->base.target != PIPE_BUFFER) {
assert(layout != VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED);
image_info->imageLayout = layout;
image_info->imageView = imageview;
image_info->sampler = sampler ? sampler->sampler : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pImageInfo = image_info;
} else {
if (do_set)
wd->pTexelBufferView = buffer_info;
*buffer_info = bufferview;
static void
update_sampler_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorImageInfo image_infos[num_bindings];
VkBufferView buffer_views[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_image_info = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].size; k++) {
VkImageView imageview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBufferView bufferview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct zink_resource *res = NULL;
struct zink_sampler_state *sampler = NULL;
struct pipe_sampler_view *psampler_view = ctx->sampler_views[stage][index + k];
struct zink_sampler_view *sampler_view = zink_sampler_view(psampler_view);
res = psampler_view ? zink_resource(psampler_view->texture) : NULL;
if (res && res->base.target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
bufferview = sampler_view->buffer_view->buffer_view;
} else if (res) {
imageview = sampler_view->image_view->image_view;
sampler = ctx->sampler_states[stage][index + k];
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
if (res) {
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, layout, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
assert(num_image_info < num_bindings);
handle_image_descriptor(screen, res, zds->pool->type, shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type,
&wds[num_wds], layout, &num_image_info, &image_infos[num_image_info],
&num_buffer_info, &buffer_views[num_buffer_info],
sampler, imageview, bufferview, !k);
desc_set_sampler_add(ctx, zds, sampler_view, sampler, num_resources++,
zink_shader_descriptor_is_buffer(shader, ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER_VIEW, j),
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
if (sampler_view)
zink_batch_reference_sampler_view(batch, sampler_view);
if (sampler)
/* this only tracks the most recent usage for now */
zink_batch_usage_set(&sampler->batch_uses, batch->state->fence.batch_id);
assert(num_wds < num_descriptors);
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
update_image_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorImageInfo image_infos[num_bindings];
VkBufferView buffer_views[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_image_info = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].size; k++) {
VkImageView imageview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBufferView bufferview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct zink_resource *res = NULL;
struct zink_image_view *image_view = &ctx->image_views[stage][index + k];
res = zink_resource(image_view->base.resource);
if (res && image_view->base.resource->target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
bufferview = image_view->buffer_view->buffer_view;
} else if (res) {
imageview = image_view->surface->image_view;
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
desc_set_image_add(ctx, zds, image_view, num_resources++,
zink_shader_descriptor_is_buffer(shader, ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE, j),
if (res) {
VkAccessFlags flags = 0;
if (image_view->base.access & PIPE_IMAGE_ACCESS_READ)
if (image_view->base.access & PIPE_IMAGE_ACCESS_WRITE)
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, layout, flags, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
assert(num_image_info < num_bindings);
handle_image_descriptor(screen, res, zds->pool->type, shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type,
&wds[num_wds], layout, &num_image_info, &image_infos[num_image_info],
&num_buffer_info, &buffer_views[num_buffer_info],
NULL, imageview, bufferview, !k);
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
if (res)
zink_batch_reference_image_view(batch, image_view);
assert(num_wds < num_descriptors);
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
zink_descriptors_update(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_screen *screen, bool is_compute)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
zink_context_update_descriptor_states(ctx, is_compute);
bool cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
bool need_resource_refs[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
struct zink_descriptor_set *zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
for (int h = 0; h < ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES; h++) {
if (pg->pool[h])
zds[h] = zink_descriptor_set_get(ctx, h, is_compute, &cache_hit[h], &need_resource_refs[h]);
zds[h] = NULL;
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
zink_batch_reference_program(batch, pg);
uint32_t dynamic_offsets[PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS];
unsigned dynamic_offset_idx = 0;
update_ubo_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO],
need_resource_refs[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO], dynamic_offsets, &dynamic_offset_idx);
update_sampler_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER_VIEW],
update_ssbo_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SSBO],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SSBO],
update_image_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE],
for (unsigned h = 0; h < ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES; h++) {
if (zds[h]) {
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(batch->state->cmdbuf, is_compute ? VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE : VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
pg->layout, zds[h]->pool->type, 1, &zds[h]->desc_set,
zds[h]->pool->type == ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO ? dynamic_offset_idx : 0, dynamic_offsets);

View File

@ -170,4 +170,7 @@ zink_descriptor_pool_reference(struct zink_screen *screen,
zink_descriptor_pool_free(screen, old_dst);
if (dst) *dst = src;
zink_descriptors_update(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_screen *screen, bool is_compute);

View File

@ -17,58 +17,6 @@
#include "util/u_prim_restart.h"
static void
desc_set_res_add(struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_resource *res, unsigned int i, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
assert(!cache_hit || zds->res_objs[i] == (res ? res->obj : NULL));
if (!cache_hit)
zink_resource_desc_set_add(res, zds, i);
static void
desc_set_sampler_add(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_sampler_view *sv,
struct zink_sampler_state *state, unsigned int i, bool is_buffer, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint32_t cur_hash = zink_get_sampler_view_hash(ctx, zds->sampler_views[i], is_buffer);
uint32_t new_hash = zink_get_sampler_view_hash(ctx, sv, is_buffer);
assert(!cache_hit || cur_hash == new_hash);
assert(!cache_hit || zds->sampler_states[i] == state);
if (!cache_hit) {
zink_sampler_view_desc_set_add(sv, zds, i);
zink_sampler_state_desc_set_add(state, zds, i);
static void
desc_set_image_add(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, struct zink_image_view *image_view,
unsigned int i, bool is_buffer, bool cache_hit)
/* if we got a cache hit, we have to verify that the cached set is still valid;
* we store the vk resource to the set here to avoid a more complex and costly mechanism of maintaining a
* hash table on every resource with the associated descriptor sets that then needs to be iterated through
* whenever a resource is destroyed
#ifndef NDEBUG
uint32_t cur_hash = zink_get_image_view_hash(ctx, zds->image_views[i], is_buffer);
uint32_t new_hash = zink_get_image_view_hash(ctx, image_view, is_buffer);
assert(!cache_hit || cur_hash == new_hash);
if (!cache_hit)
zink_image_view_desc_set_add(image_view, zds, i);
static void
zink_emit_xfb_counter_barrier(struct zink_context *ctx)
@ -287,510 +235,6 @@ get_gfx_program(struct zink_context *ctx)
return ctx->curr_program;
static bool
barrier_equals(const void *a, const void *b)
const struct zink_descriptor_barrier *t1 = a, *t2 = b;
if (t1->res != t2->res)
return false;
if ((t1->access & t2->access) != t2->access)
return false;
if (t1->layout != t2->layout)
return false;
return true;
static uint32_t
barrier_hash(const void *key)
return _mesa_hash_data(key, offsetof(struct zink_descriptor_barrier, stage));
static inline void
add_barrier(struct zink_resource *res, VkImageLayout layout, VkAccessFlags flags, enum pipe_shader_type stage, struct util_dynarray *barriers, struct set *ht)
VkPipelineStageFlags pipeline = zink_pipeline_flags_from_stage(zink_shader_stage(stage));
struct zink_descriptor_barrier key = {res, layout, flags, 0}, *t;
uint32_t hash = barrier_hash(&key);
struct set_entry *entry = _mesa_set_search_pre_hashed(ht, hash, &key);
if (entry)
t = (struct zink_descriptor_barrier*)entry->key;
else {
util_dynarray_append(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier, key);
t = util_dynarray_element(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier,
util_dynarray_num_elements(barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier) - 1);
t->stage = 0;
t->layout = layout;
t->res = res;
t->access = flags;
_mesa_set_add_pre_hashed(ht, hash, t);
t->stage |= pipeline;
static int
cmp_dynamic_offset_binding(const void *a, const void *b)
const uint32_t *binding_a = a, *binding_b = b;
return *binding_a - *binding_b;
static void
write_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, unsigned num_wds, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wds,
bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
if (!cache_hit && num_wds)
vkUpdateDescriptorSets(screen->dev, num_wds, wds, 0, NULL);
for (int i = 0; zds->pool->key.num_descriptors && i < util_dynarray_num_elements(&zds->barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier); ++i) {
struct zink_descriptor_barrier *barrier = util_dynarray_element(&zds->barriers, struct zink_descriptor_barrier, i);
if (need_resource_refs)
zink_batch_reference_resource_rw(batch, barrier->res, zink_resource_access_is_write(barrier->access));
zink_resource_barrier(ctx, NULL, barrier->res,
barrier->layout, barrier->access, barrier->stage);
static unsigned
init_write_descriptor(struct zink_shader *shader, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds, int idx, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wd, unsigned num_wds)
wd->pNext = NULL;
wd->dstBinding = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].binding;
wd->dstArrayElement = 0;
wd->descriptorCount = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].size;
wd->descriptorType = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][idx].type;
wd->dstSet = zds->desc_set;
return num_wds + 1;
static void
update_ubo_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs,
uint32_t *dynamic_offsets, unsigned *dynamic_offset_idx)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_infos[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct {
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t offset;
} dynamic_buffers[PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS];
unsigned dynamic_offset_count = 0;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC);
assert(ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size <= screen->info.props.limits.maxUniformBufferRange);
struct zink_resource *res = zink_resource(ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer);
assert(!res || ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size > 0);
assert(!res || ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer);
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
desc_set_res_add(zds, res, num_resources++, cache_hit);
assert(num_buffer_info < num_bindings);
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = res ? res->obj->buffer :
(screen->info.rb2_feats.nullDescriptor ?
if (shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC) {
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = 0;
/* we're storing this to qsort later */
dynamic_buffers[dynamic_offset_count].binding = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].binding;
dynamic_buffers[dynamic_offset_count++].offset = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_offset : 0;
} else
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_offset : 0;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = res ? ctx->ubos[stage][index].buffer_size : VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
if (res && !cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, 0, VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
wds[num_wds].pBufferInfo = buffer_infos + num_buffer_info;
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
/* Values are taken from pDynamicOffsets in an order such that all entries for set N come before set N+1;
* within a set, entries are ordered by the binding numbers in the descriptor set layouts
* - vkCmdBindDescriptorSets spec
* because of this, we have to sort all the dynamic offsets by their associated binding to ensure they
* match what the driver expects
if (dynamic_offset_count > 1)
qsort(dynamic_buffers, dynamic_offset_count, sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, cmp_dynamic_offset_binding);
for (int i = 0; i < dynamic_offset_count; i++)
dynamic_offsets[i] = dynamic_buffers[i].offset;
*dynamic_offset_idx = dynamic_offset_count;
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
update_ssbo_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
ASSERTED struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_infos[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER);
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
struct zink_resource *res = zink_resource(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer);
desc_set_res_add(zds, res, num_resources++, cache_hit);
if (res) {
assert(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size > 0);
assert(ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size <= screen->info.props.limits.maxStorageBufferRange);
assert(num_buffer_info < num_bindings);
unsigned flag = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT;
if (ctx->writable_ssbos[stage] & (1 << index))
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, 0, flag, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = res->obj->buffer;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_offset;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = ctx->ssbos[stage][index].buffer_size;
} else {
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].offset = 0;
buffer_infos[num_buffer_info].range = VK_WHOLE_SIZE;
wds[num_wds].pBufferInfo = buffer_infos + num_buffer_info;
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
handle_image_descriptor(struct zink_screen *screen, struct zink_resource *res, enum zink_descriptor_type type, VkDescriptorType vktype, VkWriteDescriptorSet *wd,
VkImageLayout layout, unsigned *num_image_info, VkDescriptorImageInfo *image_info,
unsigned *num_buffer_info, VkBufferView *buffer_info,
struct zink_sampler_state *sampler,
VkImageView imageview, VkBufferView bufferview, bool do_set)
if (!res) {
/* if we're hitting this assert often, we can probably just throw a junk buffer in since
* the results of this codepath are undefined in ARB_texture_buffer_object spec
switch (vktype) {
*buffer_info = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pTexelBufferView = buffer_info;
image_info->imageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
image_info->imageView = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
image_info->sampler = sampler ? sampler->sampler : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pImageInfo = image_info;
unreachable("unknown descriptor type");
} else if (res->base.target != PIPE_BUFFER) {
assert(layout != VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED);
image_info->imageLayout = layout;
image_info->imageView = imageview;
image_info->sampler = sampler ? sampler->sampler : VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (do_set)
wd->pImageInfo = image_info;
} else {
if (do_set)
wd->pTexelBufferView = buffer_info;
*buffer_info = bufferview;
static void
update_sampler_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorImageInfo image_infos[num_bindings];
VkBufferView buffer_views[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_image_info = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].size; k++) {
VkImageView imageview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBufferView bufferview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct zink_resource *res = NULL;
struct zink_sampler_state *sampler = NULL;
struct pipe_sampler_view *psampler_view = ctx->sampler_views[stage][index + k];
struct zink_sampler_view *sampler_view = zink_sampler_view(psampler_view);
res = psampler_view ? zink_resource(psampler_view->texture) : NULL;
if (res && res->base.target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
bufferview = sampler_view->buffer_view->buffer_view;
} else if (res) {
imageview = sampler_view->image_view->image_view;
sampler = ctx->sampler_states[stage][index + k];
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
if (res) {
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, layout, VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
assert(num_image_info < num_bindings);
handle_image_descriptor(screen, res, zds->pool->type, shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type,
&wds[num_wds], layout, &num_image_info, &image_infos[num_image_info],
&num_buffer_info, &buffer_views[num_buffer_info],
sampler, imageview, bufferview, !k);
desc_set_sampler_add(ctx, zds, sampler_view, sampler, num_resources++,
zink_shader_descriptor_is_buffer(shader, ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER_VIEW, j),
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
if (sampler_view)
zink_batch_reference_sampler_view(batch, sampler_view);
if (sampler)
/* this only tracks the most recent usage for now */
zink_batch_usage_set(&sampler->batch_uses, batch->state->fence.batch_id);
assert(num_wds < num_descriptors);
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
update_image_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_descriptor_set *zds,
bool is_compute, bool cache_hit, bool need_resource_refs)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
struct zink_screen *screen = zink_screen(ctx->base.screen);
unsigned num_descriptors = pg->pool[zds->pool->type]->key.num_descriptors;
unsigned num_bindings = zds->pool->num_resources;
VkWriteDescriptorSet wds[num_descriptors];
VkDescriptorImageInfo image_infos[num_bindings];
VkBufferView buffer_views[num_bindings];
unsigned num_wds = 0;
unsigned num_image_info = 0;
unsigned num_buffer_info = 0;
unsigned num_resources = 0;
struct zink_shader **stages;
struct set *ht = NULL;
if (!cache_hit) {
ht = _mesa_set_create(NULL, barrier_hash, barrier_equals);
_mesa_set_resize(ht, num_bindings);
unsigned num_stages = is_compute ? 1 : ZINK_SHADER_COUNT;
if (is_compute)
stages = &ctx->curr_compute->shader;
stages = &ctx->gfx_stages[0];
for (int i = 0; (!cache_hit || need_resource_refs) && i < num_stages; i++) {
struct zink_shader *shader = stages[i];
if (!shader)
enum pipe_shader_type stage = pipe_shader_type_from_mesa(shader->nir->info.stage);
for (int j = 0; j < shader->num_bindings[zds->pool->type]; j++) {
int index = shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].index;
assert(shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER ||
shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type == VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].size; k++) {
VkImageView imageview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkBufferView bufferview = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct zink_resource *res = NULL;
struct zink_image_view *image_view = &ctx->image_views[stage][index + k];
res = zink_resource(image_view->base.resource);
if (res && image_view->base.resource->target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
bufferview = image_view->buffer_view->buffer_view;
} else if (res) {
imageview = image_view->surface->image_view;
assert(num_resources < num_bindings);
desc_set_image_add(ctx, zds, image_view, num_resources++,
zink_shader_descriptor_is_buffer(shader, ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE, j),
if (res) {
VkAccessFlags flags = 0;
if (image_view->base.access & PIPE_IMAGE_ACCESS_READ)
if (image_view->base.access & PIPE_IMAGE_ACCESS_WRITE)
if (!cache_hit)
add_barrier(res, layout, flags, stage, &zds->barriers, ht);
assert(num_image_info < num_bindings);
handle_image_descriptor(screen, res, zds->pool->type, shader->bindings[zds->pool->type][j].type,
&wds[num_wds], layout, &num_image_info, &image_infos[num_image_info],
&num_buffer_info, &buffer_views[num_buffer_info],
NULL, imageview, bufferview, !k);
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
if (res)
zink_batch_reference_image_view(batch, image_view);
assert(num_wds < num_descriptors);
num_wds = init_write_descriptor(shader, zds, j, &wds[num_wds], num_wds);
_mesa_set_destroy(ht, NULL);
write_descriptors(ctx, zds, num_wds, wds, cache_hit, need_resource_refs);
static void
update_descriptors(struct zink_context *ctx, struct zink_screen *screen, bool is_compute)
struct zink_program *pg = is_compute ? (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_compute : (struct zink_program *)ctx->curr_program;
zink_context_update_descriptor_states(ctx, is_compute);
bool cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
bool need_resource_refs[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
struct zink_descriptor_set *zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES];
for (int h = 0; h < ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES; h++) {
if (pg->pool[h])
zds[h] = zink_descriptor_set_get(ctx, h, is_compute, &cache_hit[h], &need_resource_refs[h]);
zds[h] = NULL;
struct zink_batch *batch = &ctx->batch;
zink_batch_reference_program(batch, pg);
uint32_t dynamic_offsets[PIPE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFERS];
unsigned dynamic_offset_idx = 0;
update_ubo_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO],
need_resource_refs[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO], dynamic_offsets, &dynamic_offset_idx);
update_sampler_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER_VIEW],
update_ssbo_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SSBO],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SSBO],
update_image_descriptors(ctx, zds[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE],
is_compute, cache_hit[ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_IMAGE],
for (unsigned h = 0; h < ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES; h++) {
if (zds[h]) {
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(batch->state->cmdbuf, is_compute ? VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE : VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
pg->layout, zds[h]->pool->type, 1, &zds[h]->desc_set,
zds[h]->pool->type == ZINK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UBO ? dynamic_offset_idx : 0, dynamic_offsets);
static bool
line_width_needed(enum pipe_prim_type reduced_prim,
VkPolygonMode polygon_mode)
@ -965,7 +409,7 @@ zink_draw_vbo(struct pipe_context *pctx,
if (zink_program_has_descriptors(&gfx_program->base))
update_descriptors(ctx, screen, false);
zink_descriptors_update(ctx, screen, false);
struct zink_batch *batch = zink_batch_rp(ctx);
VkViewport viewports[PIPE_MAX_VIEWPORTS] = {};
@ -1183,7 +627,7 @@ zink_launch_grid(struct pipe_context *pctx, const struct pipe_grid_info *info)
if (zink_program_has_descriptors(&comp_program->base))
update_descriptors(ctx, screen, true);
zink_descriptors_update(ctx, screen, true);
vkCmdBindPipeline(batch->state->cmdbuf, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_COMPUTE, pipeline);