add script to simplify update of Khronos headers & xml files

The idea is to have the canonical source of each of those files
available without having to remember anything, and to be able to update
all the Vulkan files by simply running `bin/ vulkan`.

The script also handles the fact all the EGL/GL/GLES* headers depend on
the KHR header, and the former should not be updated without updating
the latter.

Signed-off-by: Eric Engestrom <>
Part-of: <>
This commit is contained in:
Eric Engestrom 2020-05-23 00:28:23 +02:00 committed by Marge Bot
parent e8ad52f7b0
commit 9706b7238c
1 changed files with 202 additions and 0 deletions

bin/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import base64
import pathlib
import requests
import subprocess
import typing
def error(msg: str) -> None:
print('\033[31m' + msg + '\033[0m')
class Source:
def __init__(self, filename: str, url: typing.Optional[str]):
self.file = pathlib.Path(filename)
self.url = url
def sync(self) -> None:
if self.url is None:
print('Syncing {}...'.format(self.file), end=' ', flush=True)
req = requests.get(self.url)
if not req.ok:
error('Failed to retrieve file: {} {}'.format(req.status_code, req.reason))
# Gitiles returns base64-encoded strings.
# Google has been resisting for years to the idea of allowing plain text:
if 'format=TEXT' in self.url:
content = base64.b64decode(req.content)
content = req.content
with open(self.file, 'wb') as f:
# a URL of `None` means there is no upstream, because *we* are the upstream
'api': 'khr',
'inc_folder': 'KHR',
'sources': [
Source('include/KHR/khrplatform.h', ''),
'api': 'egl',
'inc_folder': 'EGL',
'sources': [
Source('src/egl/generate/egl.xml', ''),
Source('include/EGL/egl.h', ''),
Source('include/EGL/eglplatform.h', ''),
Source('include/EGL/eglext.h', ''),
Source('include/EGL/eglextchromium.h', ''),
Source('include/EGL/eglext_angle.h', ''),
Source('include/EGL/eglmesaext.h', None),
'api': 'gl',
'inc_folder': 'GL',
'sources': [
Source('src/mapi/glapi/registry/gl.xml', ''),
Source('include/GL/glcorearb.h', ''),
Source('include/GL/glext.h', ''),
Source('include/GL/glxext.h', ''),
Source('include/GL/wglext.h', ''),
Source('include/GL/gl.h', None), # FIXME: I don't know what the canonical source is
Source('include/GL/glx.h', None), # FIXME: I don't know what the canonical source is
Source('include/GL/internal/', None),
Source('include/GL/mesa_glinterop.h', None),
Source('include/GL/osmesa.h', None),
'api': 'gles1',
'inc_folder': 'GLES',
'sources': [
Source('include/GLES/gl.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES/glplatform.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES/glext.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES/egl.h', ''),
'api': 'gles2',
'inc_folder': 'GLES2',
'sources': [
Source('include/GLES2/gl2.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES2/gl2platform.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES2/gl2ext.h', ''),
'api': 'gles3',
'inc_folder': 'GLES3',
'sources': [
Source('include/GLES3/gl3.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES3/gl31.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES3/gl32.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES3/gl3platform.h', ''),
Source('include/GLES3/gl3ext.h', None), # FIXME: I don't know what the canonical source is
'api': 'opencl',
'inc_folder': 'CL',
'sources': [
Source('include/CL/opencl.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_platform.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_gl.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_gl_ext.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_ext.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_version.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_icd.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_egl.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_d3d10.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_d3d11.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_dx9_media_sharing.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_dx9_media_sharing_intel.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_ext_intel.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl_va_api_media_sharing_intel.h', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl.hpp', ''),
Source('include/CL/cl2.hpp', ''),
'api': 'vulkan',
'inc_folder': 'vulkan',
'sources': [
Source('src/vulkan/registry/vk.xml', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_core.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_beta.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vk_icd.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vk_layer.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vk_platform.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_android.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_fuchsia.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_ggp.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_ios.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_macos.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_metal.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_vi.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_wayland.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_win32.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_xcb.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_xlib.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_xlib_xrandr.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vk_android_native_buffer.h', ''),
Source('include/vulkan/vulkan_intel.h', None),
Source('include/vulkan/.editorconfig', None),
if __name__ == '__main__':
git_toplevel = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
if not pathlib.Path(git_toplevel).resolve() == pathlib.Path('.').resolve():
error('Please run this script from the root folder ({})'.format(git_toplevel))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('apis', nargs='*',
choices=[group['api'] for group in SOURCES],
help='Only update the APIs specified.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# These APIs all depend on the KHR header
depend_on_khr = set(['egl', 'gl', 'gles', 'gles2', 'gles3'])
if args.apis and 'khr' not in args.apis and depend_on_khr.intersection(set(args.apis)):
args.apis = ['khr'] + args.apis
for group in SOURCES:
if args.apis and group['api'] not in args.apis:
for source in group['sources']:
# Make sure all the API files are handled by this script
for file in pathlib.Path('include/' + group['inc_folder']).iterdir():
if file not in [source.file for source in group['sources']]:
error('{} is unknown, please add it to SOURCES'.format(file))