pps: Intel pps driver

Add the Intel pps driver using functionalities provided by

v2: Fix build with perfetto not enabled.
v3: Open perf stream with no filtering.
v4: Drop usage of inc/dec_n_users.
v5: Isolate intel_perf in its own class.

Signed-off-by: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
Reviewed-by: Lionel Landwerlin <lionel.g.landwerlin@intel.com>
Part-of: <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/10216>
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Caggiano 2021-03-24 17:51:13 +01:00 committed by Marge Bot
parent 5d95aa3964
commit 92180a4376
8 changed files with 806 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
* Copyright © 2020-2021 Collabora, Ltd.
* Author: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
* Author: Corentin Noël <corentin.noel@collabora.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "intel_pps_driver.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <i915_drm.h>
#include <intel/perf/intel_perf_query.h>
#include <pps/pps.h>
#include <pps/pps_algorithm.h>
#include "intel_pps_perf.h"
namespace pps
uint64_t IntelDriver::get_min_sampling_period_ns()
return 500000;
void IntelDriver::enable_counter(uint32_t counter_id)
auto &counter = counters[counter_id];
auto &group = groups[counter.group];
if (perf->query) {
if (perf->query->symbol_name != group.name) {
"Unable to enable metrics from different sets: %u "
"belongs to %s but %s is currently in use.",
if (!perf->query) {
perf->query = perf->find_query_by_name(group.name);
void IntelDriver::enable_all_counters()
// We can only enable one metric set at a time so at least enable one.
for (auto &group : groups) {
if (group.name == "RenderBasic") {
for (uint32_t counter_id : group.counters) {
auto &counter = counters[counter_id];
perf->query = perf->find_query_by_name(group.name);
static uint64_t timespec_diff(timespec *begin, timespec *end)
return 1000000000ull * (end->tv_sec - begin->tv_sec) + end->tv_nsec - begin->tv_nsec;
/// @brief This function tries to correlate CPU time with GPU time
std::optional<TimestampCorrelation> IntelDriver::query_correlation_timestamps() const
TimestampCorrelation corr = {};
clock_t correlation_clock_id = CLOCK_BOOTTIME;
drm_i915_reg_read reg_read = {};
const uint64_t render_ring_timestamp = 0x2358;
reg_read.offset = render_ring_timestamp | I915_REG_READ_8B_WA;
constexpr size_t attempt_count = 3;
struct {
timespec cpu_ts_begin;
timespec cpu_ts_end;
uint64_t gpu_ts;
} attempts[attempt_count] = {};
uint32_t best = 0;
// Gather 3 correlations
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attempt_count; i++) {
clock_gettime(correlation_clock_id, &attempts[i].cpu_ts_begin);
if (perf_ioctl(drm_device.fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_REG_READ, &reg_read) < 0) {
return std::nullopt;
clock_gettime(correlation_clock_id, &attempts[i].cpu_ts_end);
attempts[i].gpu_ts = reg_read.val;
// Now select the best
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < attempt_count; i++) {
if (timespec_diff(&attempts[i].cpu_ts_begin, &attempts[i].cpu_ts_end) <
timespec_diff(&attempts[best].cpu_ts_begin, &attempts[best].cpu_ts_end)) {
best = i;
corr.cpu_timestamp =
(attempts[best].cpu_ts_begin.tv_sec * 1000000000ull + attempts[best].cpu_ts_begin.tv_nsec) +
timespec_diff(&attempts[best].cpu_ts_begin, &attempts[best].cpu_ts_end) / 2;
corr.gpu_timestamp = attempts[best].gpu_ts;
return corr;
void IntelDriver::get_new_correlation()
// Rotate left correlations by one position so to make space at the end
std::rotate(correlations.begin(), correlations.begin() + 1, correlations.end());
// Then we overwrite the last correlation with a new one
if (auto corr = query_correlation_timestamps()) {
correlations.back() = *corr;
} else {
PPS_LOG_FATAL("Failed to get correlation timestamps");
bool IntelDriver::init_perfcnt()
assert(!perf && "Intel perf should not be initialized at this point");
perf = std::make_unique<IntelPerf>(drm_device.fd);
for (auto &query : perf->get_queries()) {
// Create group
CounterGroup group = {};
group.id = groups.size();
group.name = query->symbol_name;
for (int i = 0; i < query->n_counters; ++i) {
intel_perf_query_counter &counter = query->counters[i];
// Create counter
Counter counter_desc = {};
counter_desc.id = counters.size();
counter_desc.name = counter.symbol_name;
counter_desc.group = group.id;
counter_desc.getter = [counter, query, this](
const Counter &c, const Driver &dri) -> Counter::Value {
switch (counter.data_type) {
return (int64_t)counter.oa_counter_read_uint64(perf->cfg, query, &result);
return counter.oa_counter_read_float(perf->cfg, query, &result);
return {};
// Add counter id to the group
// Store counter
// Store group
assert(groups.size() && "Failed to query groups");
assert(counters.size() && "Failed to query counters");
// Clear accumulations
return true;
void IntelDriver::enable_perfcnt(uint64_t sampling_period_ns)
this->sampling_period_ns = sampling_period_ns;
// Fill correlations with an initial one
if (auto corr = query_correlation_timestamps()) {
} else {
PPS_LOG_FATAL("Failed to get correlation timestamps");
if (!perf->open(sampling_period_ns)) {
PPS_LOG_FATAL("Failed to open intel perf");
/// @brief Transforms the GPU timestop into a CPU timestamp equivalent
uint64_t IntelDriver::correlate_gpu_timestamp(const uint32_t gpu_ts)
auto &corr_a = correlations[0];
auto &corr_b = correlations[correlations.size() - 1];
// A correlation timestamp has 36 bits, so get the first 32 to make it work with gpu_ts
uint64_t mask = 0xffffffff;
uint32_t corr_a_gpu_ts = corr_a.gpu_timestamp & mask;
uint32_t corr_b_gpu_ts = corr_b.gpu_timestamp & mask;
// Make sure it is within the interval [a,b)
assert(gpu_ts >= corr_a_gpu_ts && "GPU TS < Corr a");
assert(gpu_ts < corr_b_gpu_ts && "GPU TS >= Corr b");
uint32_t gpu_delta = gpu_ts - corr_a_gpu_ts;
// Factor to convert gpu time to cpu time
double gpu_to_cpu = (corr_b.cpu_timestamp - corr_a.cpu_timestamp) /
double(corr_b.gpu_timestamp - corr_a.gpu_timestamp);
uint64_t cpu_delta = gpu_delta * gpu_to_cpu;
return corr_a.cpu_timestamp + cpu_delta;
void IntelDriver::disable_perfcnt()
perf = nullptr;
struct Report {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t timestamp;
uint32_t id;
/// @brief Some perf record durations can be really short
/// @return True if the duration is at least close to the sampling period
static bool close_enough(uint64_t duration, uint64_t sampling_period)
return duration > sampling_period - 100000;
/// @brief Transforms the raw data received in from the driver into records
std::vector<PerfRecord> IntelDriver::parse_perf_records(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
const size_t byte_count)
std::vector<PerfRecord> records;
PerfRecord record;
const uint8_t *iter = data.data();
const uint8_t *end = iter + byte_count;
uint64_t prev_cpu_timestamp = last_cpu_timestamp;
while (iter < end) {
// Iterate a record at a time
auto header = reinterpret_cast<const drm_i915_perf_record_header *>(iter);
if (header->type == DRM_I915_PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
// Report is next to the header
auto report = reinterpret_cast<const Report *>(header + 1);
auto cpu_timestamp = correlate_gpu_timestamp(report->timestamp);
auto duration = cpu_timestamp - prev_cpu_timestamp;
// Skip perf-records that are too short by checking
// the distance between last report and this one
if (close_enough(duration, sampling_period_ns)) {
prev_cpu_timestamp = cpu_timestamp;
// Add the new record to the list
record.resize(header->size); // Possibly 264?
memcpy(record.data(), iter, header->size);
// Go to the next record
iter += header->size;
return records;
/// @brief Read all the available data from the metric set currently in use
void IntelDriver::read_data_from_metric_set()
assert(metric_buffer.size() >= 1024 && "Metric buffer should have space for reading");
ssize_t bytes_read = 0;
while ((bytes_read = perf->read_oa_stream(metric_buffer.data() + total_bytes_read,
metric_buffer.size() - total_bytes_read)) > 0 ||
errno == EINTR) {
total_bytes_read += std::max(ssize_t(0), bytes_read);
// Increase size of the buffer for the next read
if (metric_buffer.size() / 2 < total_bytes_read) {
metric_buffer.resize(metric_buffer.size() * 2);
assert(total_bytes_read < metric_buffer.size() && "Buffer not big enough");
bool IntelDriver::dump_perfcnt()
if (!perf->oa_stream_ready()) {
return false;
auto new_records = parse_perf_records(metric_buffer, total_bytes_read);
if (new_records.empty()) {
PPS_LOG("No new records");
// No new records from the GPU yet
return false;
} else {
PPS_LOG("Records parsed bytes: %lu", total_bytes_read);
// Records are parsed correctly, so we can reset the
// number of bytes read so far from the metric set
total_bytes_read = 0;
APPEND(records, new_records);
if (records.size() < 2) {
// Not enough records to accumulate
return false;
return true;
uint32_t IntelDriver::gpu_next()
if (records.size() < 2) {
// Not enough records to accumulate
return 0;
// Get first and second
auto record_a = reinterpret_cast<const drm_i915_perf_record_header *>(records[0].data());
auto record_b = reinterpret_cast<const drm_i915_perf_record_header *>(records[1].data());
record_a + 1,
record_b + 1,
false /* no_oa_accumulate */);
// Get last timestamp
auto report_b = reinterpret_cast<const Report *>(record_b + 1);
auto gpu_timestamp = report_b->timestamp;
// Consume first record
records.erase(std::begin(records), std::begin(records) + 1);
return gpu_timestamp;
uint64_t IntelDriver::cpu_next()
if (auto gpu_timestamp = gpu_next()) {
auto cpu_timestamp = correlate_gpu_timestamp(gpu_timestamp);
last_cpu_timestamp = cpu_timestamp;
return cpu_timestamp;
return 0;
uint64_t IntelDriver::next()
// Reset accumulation
return cpu_next();
} // namespace pps

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* Copyright © 2020-2021 Collabora, Ltd.
* Author: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <pps/pps_driver.h>
#include "intel_pps_perf.h"
namespace pps
/// Timestamp correlation between CPU/GPU.
struct TimestampCorrelation {
uint64_t cpu_timestamp;
/// Engine timestamp associated with the OA unit
uint64_t gpu_timestamp;
/// @brief Variable length sequence of bytes generated by Intel Obstervation Architecture (OA)
using PerfRecord = std::vector<uint8_t>;
/// @brief PPS Driver implementation for Intel graphics devices.
/// When sampling it may collect multiple perf-records at once. Each perf-record holds multiple
/// counter values. Those values are continuously incremented by the GPU. In order to get a delta,
/// the driver computes an _accumulation_ (`last_perf_record - previous_perf_record`).
/// For optimization purposes, it might ignore some perf-records, considering only those
/// perf-records close to the boundary of the sampling period range.
class IntelDriver : public Driver
std::optional<TimestampCorrelation> query_correlation_timestamps() const;
void get_new_correlation();
/// @brief OA reports only have the lower 32 bits of the timestamp
/// register, while correlation data has the whole 36 bits.
/// @param gpu_ts a 32 bit OA report GPU timestamp
/// @return The CPU timestamp relative to the argument
uint64_t correlate_gpu_timestamp(uint32_t gpu_ts);
uint64_t get_min_sampling_period_ns() override;
bool init_perfcnt() override;
void enable_counter(uint32_t counter_id) override;
void enable_all_counters() override;
void enable_perfcnt(uint64_t sampling_period_ns) override;
void disable_perfcnt() override;
bool dump_perfcnt() override;
uint64_t next() override;
/// @brief Requests the next perf sample
/// @return The sample GPU timestamp
uint32_t gpu_next();
/// @brief Requests the next perf sample accumulating those which
/// which duration is shorter than the requested sampling period
/// @return The sample CPU timestamp
uint64_t cpu_next();
/// @param data Buffer of bytes to parse
/// @param byte_count Number of bytes to parse
/// @return A list of perf records parsed from raw data passed as input
std::vector<PerfRecord> parse_perf_records(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data, size_t byte_count);
/// @brief Reads data from the GPU metric set
void read_data_from_metric_set();
/// Sampling period in nanoseconds requested by the datasource
uint64_t sampling_period_ns = 0;
/// Keep track of the timestamp of the last sample generated
uint64_t last_cpu_timestamp = 0;
/// This is used to correlate CPU and GPU timestamps
std::array<TimestampCorrelation, 64> correlations;
/// Data buffer used to store data read from the metric set
std::vector<uint8_t> metric_buffer = std::vector<uint8_t>(1024, 0);
/// Number of bytes read so far still un-parsed.
/// Reset once bytes from the metric buffer are parsed to perf records
size_t total_bytes_read = 0;
/// List of OA perf records read so far
std::vector<PerfRecord> records;
std::unique_ptr<IntelPerf> perf;
// Accumulations are stored here
struct intel_perf_query_result result = {};
} // namespace pps

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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
* Copyright © 2021 Collabora, Ltd.
* Author: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "intel_pps_perf.h"
#include <i915_drm.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <util/ralloc.h>
#include <utility>
#include <pps/pps.h>
#include <pps/pps_device.h>
namespace pps
int perf_ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, void *arg)
int ret;
do {
ret = ioctl(fd, request, arg);
} while (ret == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
return ret;
IntelPerf::IntelPerf(const int drm_fd)
: drm_fd {drm_fd}
, ralloc_ctx {ralloc_context(nullptr)}
, ralloc_cfg {ralloc_context(nullptr)}
, cfg {intel_perf_new(ralloc_cfg)}
assert(drm_fd >= 0 && "DRM fd is not valid");
if (!intel_get_device_info_from_fd(drm_fd, &devinfo)) {
PPS_LOG_FATAL("Failed to get devinfo");
false, // no pipeline statistics
false // no register snapshots
// Enable RenderBasic counters
auto query_name = "RenderBasic";
query = find_query_by_name(query_name);
if (!query) {
PPS_LOG_FATAL("Failed to find %s query", query_name);
IntelPerf::IntelPerf(IntelPerf &&o)
: drm_fd {o.drm_fd}
, ralloc_ctx {o.ralloc_ctx}
, ralloc_cfg {o.ralloc_cfg}
, ctx {o.ctx}
, cfg {o.cfg}
, devinfo {std::move(o.devinfo)}
, query {std::move(o.query)}
o.drm_fd = -1;
o.ralloc_ctx = nullptr;
o.ralloc_cfg = nullptr;
o.ctx = nullptr;
o.cfg = nullptr;
IntelPerf &IntelPerf::operator=(IntelPerf &&o) noexcept
std::swap(drm_fd, o.drm_fd);
std::swap(ralloc_ctx, o.ralloc_ctx);
std::swap(ralloc_cfg, o.ralloc_cfg);
std::swap(ctx, o.ctx);
std::swap(cfg, o.cfg);
std::swap(devinfo, o.devinfo);
std::swap(query, o.query);
return *this;
if (ralloc_ctx) {
if (ralloc_cfg) {
/// @return A query info, which is something like a group of counters
std::optional<struct intel_perf_query_info> IntelPerf::find_query_by_name(
const std::string &name) const
for (int i = 0; i < cfg->n_queries; ++i) {
struct intel_perf_query_info query = cfg->queries[i];
if (name == query.symbol_name) {
return query;
return std::nullopt;
std::vector<struct intel_perf_query_info *> IntelPerf::get_queries() const
assert(cfg && "Intel perf config should be valid");
assert(cfg->n_queries && "Intel perf queries not initialized");
std::vector<struct intel_perf_query_info *> queries = {};
for (int i = 0; i < cfg->n_queries; ++i) {
struct intel_perf_query_info *query = &cfg->queries[i];
// Skip invalid queries
if (query && query->symbol_name) {
return queries;
static uint64_t query_timestamp_frequency(const int drm_fd)
int timestamp_frequency;
drm_i915_getparam_t gp = {};
gp.value = &timestamp_frequency;
if (perf_ioctl(drm_fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GETPARAM, &gp) == 0) {
return timestamp_frequency;
PPS_LOG_ERROR("Unable to query timestamp frequency from i915, guessing values...");
return 12000000;
// The period_exponent gives a sampling period as follows:
// sample_period = timestamp_period * 2^(period_exponent + 1)
// where timestamp_period is 80ns for Haswell+
static uint32_t get_oa_exponent(const int drm_fd, const uint64_t sampling_period_ns)
uint64_t timestamp_frequency = query_timestamp_frequency(drm_fd);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(log2(sampling_period_ns * timestamp_frequency / 1000000000ull)) - 1;
bool IntelPerf::open(const uint64_t sampling_period_ns)
assert(!ctx && "Perf context should not be initialized at this point");
ctx = intel_perf_new_context(ralloc_ctx);
intel_perf_init_context(ctx, cfg, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &devinfo, 0, drm_fd);
auto oa_exponent = get_oa_exponent(drm_fd, sampling_period_ns);
return intel_perf_open(ctx,
true /* enable stream immediately */);
void IntelPerf::close()
if (ctx) {
intel_perf_close(ctx, nullptr);
ctx = nullptr;
bool IntelPerf::oa_stream_ready() const
assert(ctx && "Perf context was not open");
return intel_perf_oa_stream_ready(ctx);
ssize_t IntelPerf::read_oa_stream(void *buf, size_t bytes) const
assert(ctx && "Perf context was not open");
return intel_perf_read_oa_stream(ctx, buf, bytes);
} // namespace pps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Copyright © 2021 Collabora, Ltd.
* Author: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <intel/dev/intel_device_info.h>
#include <intel/perf/intel_perf.h>
#include <intel/perf/intel_perf_query.h>
namespace pps
int perf_ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, void *arg);
class IntelPerf
IntelPerf(int drm_fd);
IntelPerf(const IntelPerf &) = delete;
IntelPerf &operator=(const IntelPerf &) = delete;
IntelPerf(IntelPerf &&);
IntelPerf &operator=(IntelPerf &&) noexcept;
std::optional<struct intel_perf_query_info> find_query_by_name(const std::string &name) const;
std::vector<struct intel_perf_query_info*> get_queries() const;
bool open(uint64_t sampling_period_ns);
void close();
bool oa_stream_ready() const;
ssize_t read_oa_stream(void *buf, size_t bytes) const;
int drm_fd = -1;
void *ralloc_ctx = nullptr;
void *ralloc_cfg = nullptr;
struct intel_perf_context *ctx = nullptr;
struct intel_perf_config *cfg = nullptr;
struct intel_device_info devinfo = {};
std::optional<struct intel_perf_query_info> query = std::nullopt;
} // namespace pps

src/intel/ds/meson.build Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Copyright © 2020-2021 Collabora, Ltd.
# Author: Antonio Caggiano <antonio.caggiano@collabora.com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pps_intel_sources = [
pps_intel_lib = static_library(
sources: pps_intel_sources,
include_directories: [inc_tool, inc_src, inc_include],
link_with: [libintel_perf, libintel_dev],
dependencies: [dep_perfetto, dep_libdrm, idep_mesautil],
cpp_args: '-std=c++17'
compile_args_pps_intel = ['-DPPS_INTEL']
pps_intel_dep = declare_dependency(
link_with: pps_intel_lib,
include_directories: [inc_tool, inc_include],
compile_args: compile_args_pps_intel,
pps_datasources += pps_intel_dep
with_datasources += 'intel'

View File

@ -37,3 +37,6 @@ endif
if with_intel_vk
if with_perfetto and (with_datasources.contains('intel') or with_datasources.contains('auto'))

View File

@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
#include "freedreno/ds/fd_pps_driver.h"
#ifdef PPS_INTEL
#include "intel/ds/intel_pps_driver.h"
#endif // PPS_INTEL
#include "pps.h"
#include "pps_algorithm.h"
@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Driver>> create_supported_driver
map.emplace("msm", std::make_unique<FreedrenoDriver>());
#ifdef PPS_INTEL
map.emplace("i915", std::make_unique<IntelDriver>());
#endif // PPS_INTEL
return map;