ci/windows: normalize line endings

Reviewed-by: Erik Faye-Lund <>
Part-of: <>
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Ślusarz 2022-01-19 11:53:39 +01:00 committed by Marge Bot
parent f547122772
commit 745af88783
2 changed files with 70 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
# Ensure that dxil.dll in on the %PATH%
$dxil_dll = cmd.exe /C "C:\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat -host_arch=amd64 -arch=amd64 -no_logo && where dxil.dll" 2>&1
if ($dxil_dll -notmatch "dxil.dll$") {
Write-Output "Couldn't get path to dxil.dll"
exit 1
$env:Path = "$(Split-Path $dxil_dll);$env:Path"
$exec_mode_to_stage = @{ Fragment = "fragment"; Vertex = "vertex"; GLCompute = "compute" }
$spvasm_files = (Get-ChildItem C:\spirv-samples\spvasm\*.spvasm) | Sort-Object Name
foreach ($spvasm in $spvasm_files) {
$test_name = "Test:$($spvasm.Name):"
$spvfile = ($spvasm -replace '\.spvasm$', '.spv')
$content = Get-Content $spvasm
$spv_version = "1.0"
if ($content | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Version:\s(\d+\.\d+)' }) {
$spv_version = $Matches[1]
$as_output = C:\spirv-tools\bin\spirv-as.exe --target-env spv$spv_version --preserve-numeric-ids -o $spvfile $spvasm 2>&1 | % { if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } | Out-String
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Output "$test_name Skip: Unable to assemble shader"
Write-Output "$as_output`n"
$entry_points = $content | Select-String -Pattern '^OpEntryPoint\s(\w+)[^"]+"(\w+)"' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1
if ($entry_points.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$test_name Skip"
Write-Output "No OpEntryPoint not found`n"
foreach ($match in $entry_points) {
$exec_mode, $entry_point = $match.Groups[1].Value, $match.Groups[2].Value
$subtest = "$test_name$entry_point|${exec_mode}:"
$stage = $exec_mode_to_stage[$exec_mode]
if ($stage -eq '') {
Write-Output "$subtest Fail: Unknown shader type ($exec_mode)"
$s2d_output = .\_install\bin\spirv2dxil.exe -v -e "$entry_point" -s "$stage" -o NUL $spvfile 2>&1 | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } | Out-String
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$subtest Pass"
else {
Write-Output "$subtest Fail"
$sanitized_output = $s2d_output -replace ', file .+, line \d+' -replace ' In file .+:\d+'
Write-Output "$sanitized_output`n"
# Ensure that dxil.dll in on the %PATH%
$dxil_dll = cmd.exe /C "C:\BuildTools\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat -host_arch=amd64 -arch=amd64 -no_logo && where dxil.dll" 2>&1
if ($dxil_dll -notmatch "dxil.dll$") {
Write-Output "Couldn't get path to dxil.dll"
exit 1
$env:Path = "$(Split-Path $dxil_dll);$env:Path"
$exec_mode_to_stage = @{ Fragment = "fragment"; Vertex = "vertex"; GLCompute = "compute" }
$spvasm_files = (Get-ChildItem C:\spirv-samples\spvasm\*.spvasm) | Sort-Object Name
foreach ($spvasm in $spvasm_files) {
$test_name = "Test:$($spvasm.Name):"
$spvfile = ($spvasm -replace '\.spvasm$', '.spv')
$content = Get-Content $spvasm
$spv_version = "1.0"
if ($content | Where-Object { $_ -match 'Version:\s(\d+\.\d+)' }) {
$spv_version = $Matches[1]
$as_output = C:\spirv-tools\bin\spirv-as.exe --target-env spv$spv_version --preserve-numeric-ids -o $spvfile $spvasm 2>&1 | % { if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } | Out-String
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Output "$test_name Skip: Unable to assemble shader"
Write-Output "$as_output`n"
$entry_points = $content | Select-String -Pattern '^OpEntryPoint\s(\w+)[^"]+"(\w+)"' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches -First 1
if ($entry_points.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$test_name Skip"
Write-Output "No OpEntryPoint not found`n"
foreach ($match in $entry_points) {
$exec_mode, $entry_point = $match.Groups[1].Value, $match.Groups[2].Value
$subtest = "$test_name$entry_point|${exec_mode}:"
$stage = $exec_mode_to_stage[$exec_mode]
if ($stage -eq '') {
Write-Output "$subtest Fail: Unknown shader type ($exec_mode)"
$s2d_output = .\_install\bin\spirv2dxil.exe -v -e "$entry_point" -s "$stage" -o NUL $spvfile 2>&1 | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { $_.Exception.Message } else { $_ } } | Out-String
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Output "$subtest Pass"
else {
Write-Output "$subtest Fail"
$sanitized_output = $s2d_output -replace ', file .+, line \d+' -replace ' In file .+:\d+'
Write-Output "$sanitized_output`n"

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
. .\_install\spirv2dxil_check.ps1 2>&1 | Set-Content -Path .\spirv2dxil_results.txt
$reference = Get-Content .\_install\spirv2dxil_reference.txt
$result = Get-Content .\spirv2dxil_results.txt
if (-Not ($reference -And $result)) {
Exit 1
$diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $result
if (-Not $diff) {
Exit 0
Write-Host "Unexpected change in results:"
Write-Output $diff | Format-Table -Property SideIndicator, InputObject -Wrap
Exit 1
. .\_install\spirv2dxil_check.ps1 2>&1 | Set-Content -Path .\spirv2dxil_results.txt
$reference = Get-Content .\_install\spirv2dxil_reference.txt
$result = Get-Content .\spirv2dxil_results.txt
if (-Not ($reference -And $result)) {
Exit 1
$diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $result
if (-Not $diff) {
Exit 0
Write-Host "Unexpected change in results:"
Write-Output $diff | Format-Table -Property SideIndicator, InputObject -Wrap
Exit 1