name: Test Square SVGs # Triggers the workflow on push / pull request events but only for the svg folder on: push: paths: svg/ pull_request: paths: svg/ # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab workflow_dispatch: jobs: Test-SVGs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Inkscape run: sudo apt install inkscape - name: Check SVG validity run: | # Enables globstar to recursively go through folders shopt -s globstar errArr=() for f in ./**/*.svg do echo "Checking '$f'" # Checking if file contains space in path if [[ $f == *\ * ]] ; then errArr+=("$f contains a space!") fi # Gets everything in between the viewBox quotes vbStr=$(cat $f) vbStr=${vbStr##*viewBox=\"} vbStr=${vbStr%%\"*} # sets x, y, width, height params vbArr=($vbStr) x=${vbArr[0]} y=${vbArr[1]} w=${vbArr[2]} h=${vbArr[3]} # Check that x and y are 0 if [[ $x != 0 || $y != 0 ]] ; then errArr+=("$f has x: $x and y: $y") fi # Check that width and height are equal if [[ $w != $h ]] ; then errArr+=("$f has width: $w and height: $h") fi # Check that svg is not 1 line if [[ $(wc -l < $f) == 0 ]] ; then errArr+=("$f is only one line!") fi done # Results # If the error Array is not empty, print everything from it and error out # Otherwise exit normally if [[ ${#errArr[@]} != 0 ]] ; then echo "--------------------" for errMess in "${errArr[@]}" do echo $errMess done exit 1 fi echo "No Errors!"