#!/usr/bin/env python3 ########################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2022 Stefan Riesenberger # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ########################################################################### import glob import ntpath import subprocess import sys import os # Dependencies: grep, git, inkscape, python 3.9 # deletes raster graphics with given name def delete_graphics(name): for f in name: for d in glob.glob("./png/**/"+str(f)+".png", recursive=True): print('deleting: ' +str(d)) os.remove(d) # rasters SVGs via Inkscape def raster_graphics(files): sizes = [72, 512, 1024] frogs = len(files)-1 for f in files: name = ntpath.basename(f).replace(".svg", "") print('\n------------------------------\n'+ str(frogs) + ' remaining...\nRastering ' + str(name)+'\n') frogs = frogs - 1 for s in sizes: # make sure the subdirectories exist raster_path = "./png/"+str(s)+"/"+str(os.path.dirname(f.removeprefix('svg/').removesuffix('.svg'))) if not(os.path.exists(raster_path) ): os.makedirs(raster_path ,exist_ok=True) # invoke Inkscape to raster the given vector graphics subprocess.run(["inkscape", f, "-C", "-h", str(s), "--export-filename="+str(raster_path)+"/"+name+".png"],timeout=30) # git add given files def git_add_raster(files): for f in files: f = f.removeprefix('svg/').removesuffix('.svg') stream = os.popen('git add ./png/**/'+str(f)+'.png') print(stream.read()) # git commit given files def git_commit_raster(): stream = os.popen('git commit -m "[png] generate PNGs"') print(stream.read()) # create a new tag def create_tag(): # get tags stream = os.popen('git tag -l "auto-v*"') output = stream.read() tags = output.split('\n') tags.remove('') # create new tag stream = os.popen('git tag auto-v'+str(len(tags))) print(stream.read()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # main section # files = list() if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("Help text missing!") exit(1) elif sys.argv[1] == 'git': # get modified, added, renamed, deleted SVGs since last tag stream = os.popen('git diff --name-status $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match "auto-v*") HEAD | grep svg/') output = stream.read() files = output.split('\n') files.remove('') if len(files) == 0: print('nothing to do!') exit() additions = [s.removeprefix('A\t') for s in files if 'A\t' in s] modifications = [s.removeprefix('M\t') for s in files if 'M\t' in s] deleted = [s.removeprefix('D\tsvg/').removesuffix('.svg') for s in files if 'D\t' in s] renamed = [s.removeprefix('R100\t').split('\t') for s in files if 'R100\t' in s] # also delete the renamed files and regenerate with the new name for r in renamed: deleted.append(r[0].removeprefix('svg/').removesuffix('.svg')) modifications.append(r[1]) #print('A:' + str(additions)) #print('M:' + str(modifications)) #print('D:' + str(deleted)) #print('R100:' + str(renamed)) delete_graphics(deleted) git_add_raster(deleted) print('\nAdditions:') raster_graphics(additions) git_add_raster(additions) print('\nModifications:') raster_graphics(modifications) git_add_raster(modifications) # commit and tag git_commit_raster() create_tag() else: if sys.argv[1] == 'all': files = [f for f in glob.glob("svg**/*.svg", recursive=True)] else: for f in sys.argv: f = f.removeprefix('svg/').removesuffix('.svg') if os.path.exists("svg/"+f+".svg"): files.append("svg/"+f+".svg") raster_graphics(files)